

messageMessage to log.string (required)
dedupSuppress same message in this many seconds (default 60 sec). Use -1 to disable dedup.int64
argsAn array of elements to apply into the format string.Any
levelLevel to log at (DEFAULT, WARN, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG).string


Log a message to the query log stream. Always returns TRUE.

The message parameter represents a format string that will be expanded using the args parameter list if needed.

Since log() always returns TRUE it is easy to use in a WHERE clause as a form of debugging. It is basically equivalent to the print statement of other languages.

SELECT * FROM glob(...)
WHERE log(message="Value of OSPath is %v", args=OSPath)


Log messages will be deduped according to the dedup parameter - each distinct format string will not be emitted more frequently than the dedup parameter (by default 60 seconds).

This makes it safe to use log() frequently without flooding the logs stream.

SELECT * FROM range(end=_value)
WHERE log(message="Value is %v", args=_value)

Will only emit a single message due to the format string being deduped.

This property makes it useful to add progress logging to long running artifacts. The logs will be emitted every minute.

SELECT * FROM glob(...)
WHERE log(message="Processing file %v", args=OSPath)


In this more complex example the query will produce 10 rows, at a rate of 1 row every 5 seconds. However the log messages will be limited to 1 every 15 seconds.

SELECT count() AS Count, String AS EventTime FROM clock(period=5)
WHERE log(message="Logging #%v at %v", args=[Count, EventTime], level="INFO", dedup=15)

Thus the log message will be emitted for the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th rows. To observe the deduplication behaviour in real time you can run this query in a notebook cell and tweak the arguments to understand their impacts.

See also

  • format : a function that uses the same string formatting syntax.
  • alert : alerts are a special type of log message that are added to a server alerts queue, which can be monitored.