

fileThe file to uploadOSPath (required)
nameThe name of the file that should be stored on the serverOSPath
accessorThe accessor to usestring
mtimeModified time to recordAny
atimeAccess time to recordAny
ctimeChange time to recordAny
btimeBirth time to recordAny

Required Permissions: FILESYSTEM_READ


Upload a file to the upload service. For a Velociraptor client this will upload the file into the flow and store it in the server’s file store.

If Velociraptor is run locally the file will be copied to the --dump_dir path or added to the triage evidence container.



filesA list of files to uploadlist of string (required)
accessorThe accessor to usestring
mtimeModified time to recordAny


Upload files to the server.

This plugin uploads the specified file to the server. If Velociraptor is run locally the file will be copied to the --dump_dir path or added to the triage evidence container.

This functionality is also available using the upload() function which might be somewhat easier to use.