Create an array.
This function is the array constructor. It can be used to build an array from a number of args (Note that since VQL always uses keyword args you need to give each arg a name but this name is actually ignored in this function):
array(a=1, b=2) -> [1, 2]
The function does not flatten the arguments so providing lists as parameters will form a nested list:
array(a=[1,2]) -> [ [1, 2] ]
You can use the _
argument to build the array from another
array(_=[1, 2]) -> [1, 2]
You can use a subquery to built the object from another
query. This is called materializing
the query because the query
will be expanded into memory (be careful about materializing a
very large query here!)
Note that materializing a query will give a list of dicts() since each row in a query is a dict.
array(_={ SELECT User FROM Artifact.Windows.System.Users() }) -> [{"User": "Bob"}, {"User": "Fred"}]
To collapse to a simple list of users, simply reference the User field:
array(_={ SELECT User FROM Artifact.Windows.System.Users() }).User -> ["Bob", "Fred"]
This works because the .
operator on a list, creates another
list with the .
operator applying on each member.