
Functions and plugins that do not fall into a specific category or that have not yet been categorized.

alertFunctionGenerate an alert message
allFunctionReturns TRUE if all items are true
anyFunctionReturns TRUE if any items are true
arrayFunctionCreate an array
atexitFunctionInstall a query to run when the query is unwound
batchPluginBatches query rows into multiple arrays
cacheFunctionCreates a cache object
cidr_containsFunctionCalculates if an IP address falls within a range of CIDR specified
collectPluginCollect artifacts into a local file
combinePluginCombine the output of several queries into the same result set
copyFunctionCopy a file
dedupPluginDedups the query based on a column
delayPluginExecutes ‘query’ and delays relaying the rows by the specified number of seconds
dirnameFunctionReturn the directory path
efivariablesPluginEnumerate efi variables
elastic_uploadPluginUpload rows to elastic
enumerateFunctionCollect all the items in each group by bin
environFunctionGet an environment variable
environPluginThe row returned will have all environment variables as
evalFunctionEvaluate a vql lambda function on the current scope
favorites_listPluginList all user’s favorites
filesystemsPluginEnumerates mounted filesystems
forPluginIterate over a list
gcs_pubsub_publishFunctionPublish a message to Google PubSub
generateFunctionCreate a named generator that receives rows from the query
geoipFunctionLookup an IP Address using the MaxMind GeoIP database
getpidFunctionReturns the current pid of the Velociraptor process
helpPluginDump information about all VQL functions and plugins
hostFunctionPerform a DNS resolution
ipFunctionFormat an IP address
lazy_dictFunctionConstruct a dict from arbitrary keyword args - does not materialize args so it is suitable for building args via ** expansion
logscale_uploadPluginUpload rows to LogScale ingestion server
lruFunctionCreates an LRU object
magicFunctionIdentify a file using magic rules
mailFunctionSend Email to a remote server
maxFunctionFinds the largest item in the aggregate
minFunctionFinds the smallest item in the aggregate
netcatPluginMake a tcp connection and read data from a socket
parse_pstPluginParse a PST file and extract email data
patchFunctionPatch a JSON object with a json patch or merge
path_joinFunctionBuild a path by joining all components
pe_dumpFunctionDump a PE file from process memory
pipeFunctionA pipe allows plugins that use files to read data from a vql
process_trackerFunctionInstall a global process tracker
process_tracker_allFunctionGet all processes stored in the tracker
process_tracker_callchainFunctionGet a call chain from the global process tracker
process_tracker_childrenFunctionGet all children of a process
process_tracker_treeFunctionGet the full process tree under the process id
process_tracker_updatesPluginGet the process tracker update events from the global process tracker
pskillFunctionKill the specified process
randFunctionSelects a random number
rateFunctionCalculates the rate (derivative) between two quantities
read_crypto_filePluginRead a previously stored encrypted local storage file
rekeyFunctionCauses the client to rekey and regenerate a new client ID
remapFunctionApply a remapping configuration to the root scope
rmFunctionRemove a file from the filesystem using the API
rsyslogFunctionSend an RFC5424 compliant remote syslog message
samplePluginExecutes ‘query’ and samples every n’th row
serializeFunctionEncode an object as a string
sigma_log_sourcesFunctionConstructs a Log sources object to be used in sigma rules
similarityFunctionCompare two Dicts for similarity
sleepFunctionSleep for the specified number of seconds
sliceFunctionSlice an array
splunk_uploadPluginUpload rows to splunk
sqlPluginRun queries against sqlite, mysql, and postgres databases
statPluginGet file information
stripFunctionStrip prefix and/or suffix from a string
sumFunctionSums the items
timestamp_formatFunctionFormat a timestamp into a string
typeofFunctionPrint the underlying Go type of the variable
upcaseFunctionReturns an uppercase version of the string
upload_azureFunctionUpload files to Azure Blob Storage Service
upload_gcsFunctionUpload files to GCS
upload_s3FunctionUpload files to S3
upload_sftpFunctionUpload files to SFTP
upload_smbFunctionUpload files using the SMB file share protocol
upload_webdavFunctionUpload files to a WebDAV server
urlFunctionConstruct a URL or parse one
uuidFunctionGenerate a UUID
versionFunctionGets the version of a VQL plugin or function
write_crypto_filePluginWrite a query into an encrypted local storage file
write_csvPluginWrite a query into a CSV file
write_jsonlPluginWrite a query into a JSONL file