Functions and plugins that do not fall into a specific category or that have not yet been categorized.
Plugin/Function | Type | Description |
alert | Function | Generate an alert message |
all | Function | Returns TRUE if all items are true |
any | Function | Returns TRUE if any items are true |
array | Function | Create an array |
atexit | Function | Install a query to run when the query is unwound |
batch | Plugin | Batches query rows into multiple arrays |
cache | Function | Creates a cache object |
cidr_contains | Function | Calculates if an IP address falls within a range of CIDR specified |
collect | Plugin | Collect artifacts into a local file |
combine | Plugin | Combine the output of several queries into the same result set |
copy | Function | Copy a file |
dedup | Plugin | Dedups the query based on a column |
delay | Plugin | Executes ‘query’ and delays relaying the rows by the specified number of seconds |
dirname | Function | Return the directory path |
efivariables | Plugin | Enumerate efi variables |
elastic_upload | Plugin | Upload rows to elastic |
enumerate | Function | Collect all the items in each group by bin |
environ | Function | Get an environment variable |
environ | Plugin | The row returned will have all environment variables as |
eval | Function | Evaluate a vql lambda function on the current scope |
favorites_list | Plugin | List all user’s favorites |
filesystems | Plugin | Enumerates mounted filesystems |
for | Plugin | Iterate over a list |
gcs_pubsub_publish | Function | Publish a message to Google PubSub |
generate | Function | Create a named generator that receives rows from the query |
geoip | Function | Lookup an IP Address using the MaxMind GeoIP database |
getpid | Function | Returns the current pid of the Velociraptor process |
help | Plugin | Dump information about all VQL functions and plugins |
host | Function | Perform a DNS resolution |
ip | Function | Format an IP address |
lazy_dict | Function | Construct a dict from arbitrary keyword args - does not materialize args so it is suitable for building args via ** expansion |
logscale_upload | Plugin | Upload rows to LogScale ingestion server |
lru | Function | Creates an LRU object |
magic | Function | Identify a file using magic rules |
Function | Send Email to a remote server | |
max | Function | Finds the largest item in the aggregate |
min | Function | Finds the smallest item in the aggregate |
netcat | Plugin | Make a tcp connection and read data from a socket |
parse_pst | Plugin | Parse a PST file and extract email data |
patch | Function | Patch a JSON object with a json patch or merge |
path_join | Function | Build a path by joining all components |
pe_dump | Function | Dump a PE file from process memory |
pipe | Function | A pipe allows plugins that use files to read data from a vql |
process_tracker | Function | Install a global process tracker |
process_tracker_all | Function | Get all processes stored in the tracker |
process_tracker_callchain | Function | Get a call chain from the global process tracker |
process_tracker_children | Function | Get all children of a process |
process_tracker_tree | Function | Get the full process tree under the process id |
process_tracker_updates | Plugin | Get the process tracker update events from the global process tracker |
pskill | Function | Kill the specified process |
rand | Function | Selects a random number |
rate | Function | Calculates the rate (derivative) between two quantities |
read_crypto_file | Plugin | Read a previously stored encrypted local storage file |
rekey | Function | Causes the client to rekey and regenerate a new client ID |
remap | Function | Apply a remapping configuration to the root scope |
rm | Function | Remove a file from the filesystem using the API |
rsyslog | Function | Send an RFC5424 compliant remote syslog message |
sample | Plugin | Executes ‘query’ and samples every n’th row |
serialize | Function | Encode an object as a string |
sigma_log_sources | Function | Constructs a Log sources object to be used in sigma rules |
similarity | Function | Compare two Dicts for similarity |
sleep | Function | Sleep for the specified number of seconds |
slice | Function | Slice an array |
splunk_upload | Plugin | Upload rows to splunk |
sql | Plugin | Run queries against sqlite, mysql, and postgres databases |
stat | Plugin | Get file information |
strip | Function | Strip prefix and/or suffix from a string |
sum | Function | Sums the items |
timestamp_format | Function | Format a timestamp into a string |
typeof | Function | Print the underlying Go type of the variable |
upcase | Function | Returns an uppercase version of the string |
upload_azure | Function | Upload files to Azure Blob Storage Service |
upload_gcs | Function | Upload files to GCS |
upload_s3 | Function | Upload files to S3 |
upload_sftp | Function | Upload files to SFTP |
upload_smb | Function | Upload files using the SMB file share protocol |
upload_webdav | Function | Upload files to a WebDAV server |
url | Function | Construct a URL or parse one |
uuid | Function | Generate a UUID |
version | Function | Gets the version of a VQL plugin or function |
write_crypto_file | Plugin | Write a query into an encrypted local storage file |
write_csv | Plugin | Write a query into a CSV file |
write_jsonl | Plugin | Write a query into a JSONL file |