Arg | Description | Type |
name | A session name | string |
guid | A Provider GUID to watch | string (required) |
any | Any Keywords | uint64 |
all | All Keywords | uint64 |
level | Log level (0-5) | int64 |
stop | If provided we stop watching automatically when this lambda returns true | Lambda |
timeout | If provided we stop after this much time | uint64 |
capture_state | If true, capture the state of the provider when the event is triggered | bool |
enable_map_info | Resolving MapInfo with TdhGetEventMapInformation is very expensive and causes events to be dropped so we disabled it by default. Enable with this flag. | bool |
description | Description for this GUID provider | string |
kernel_tracer_type | A list of event types to fetch from the kernel tracer (can be registry, process, image_load, network, driver, file, thread, handle) | list of string |
kernel_tracer_stacks | A list of kernel tracer event types to append stack traces to (can be any of the types accepted by kernel_tracer_type) | list of string |
Watch for events from an ETW provider.
Event Tracing for Windows is a powerful built in monitoring and eventing system in Windows. This plugin provides an interface to this capability.
To learn more about ETW see or
This plugin also provides specialized support for more advanced loggers. For example the NT Kernel Logger is a special ETW provider that can report a lot of telemetry.
The NT Kernel Logger is a special ETW session which can monitor the following event types:
Additionally this provider can report a full stack trace for each event.
You can specify this provider by the GUID
or as a shorthand
. This will enabled a special ETW session with support for
this special provider.
When this provider is used, you can also specify what kind of
events you want to see using the kernel_tracer_type
parameter. This is a list of any of the following keywords
, process
, image_load
, network
, driver
, file
Additionally, you can specify which kinds of events will be
decorated with stack traces using the kernel_tracer_stacks
kernel_tracer_type=['image_load', 'registry', 'file', 'process', 'network'],
kernel_tracer_stacks=['registry', 'network', 'file', 'process'])
An example of a file created by Chrome - This example illustrates the backtrace reported by the Kernel and decorated by Velociraptor with the function names (when known).
"System": {
"ID": 0,
"ProcessID": 7672,
"TimeStamp": "2025-01-02T06:21:36.7026893Z",
"Provider": "{90CBDC39-4A3E-11D1-84F4-0000F80464E3}",
"OpCode": 64,
"KernelEventType": "CreateFile"
"EventData": {
"IrpPtr": "0xFFFF830E25838598",
"FileObject": "0xFFFF830E34395DD0",
"TTID": "1124",
"CreateOptions": "33554528",
"FileAttributes": "0",
"ShareAccess": "7",
"OpenPath": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Code Cache\\js\\5926f528a1f0ddd3_0"
"Backtrace": [
The following is an example of an outbound connection over port 22.
"System": {
"ID": 0,
"ProcessID": 4294967295,
"TimeStamp": "2025-01-02T06:27:38.6957971Z",
"Provider": "{9A280AC0-C8E0-11D1-84E2-00C04FB998A2}",
"OpCode": 12,
"KernelEventType": "ConnectTCPv4"
"EventData": {
"PID": "1748",
"size": "0",
"daddr": "",
"saddr": "",
"dport": "22",
"sport": "50068",
"mss": "1460",
"sackopt": "1",
"tsopt": "0",
"wsopt": "1",
"rcvwin": "2098020",
"rcvwinscale": "8",
"sndwinscale": "7",
"seqnum": "0",
"connid": null