


Access the NTFS filesystem by parsing NTFS structures.

This accessor uses an NTFS parser to present the content of the NTFS filesystem as a simple filesystem. It emulates the regular file accessor and its interpretation of the paths:

  1. At the top level of the filesystem, this accessor enumerates all fixed drives and VSS devices to present a list of valid devices that may be parsed. For example a glob of /* gives:
  • \\.\C: - The C drive device
  • \\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1 - The first VSS device.
  1. The accessor will automatically convert from Windows paths to NTFS paths. For example the path C:/Windows will be converted to \\.\C:\Windows

This accessor is only available on Windows.

See the raw_ntfs accessor for more information and comparisons.