During investigation you may find logs or other data with percent-encoded strings. Since 0.6.5 we have included a lambda function in regex_replace() that enables decode and managing errors to enable analysis.
LET Line = '''http://target/login.asp?userid=bob%27%3b%20update%20logintable%20set%20passwd%3d%270wn3d%27%3b--%00'''
SELECT regex_replace(source=Line, replace_lambda="x=>unhex(string=x[1:]) || x", re="%..") as Decoded FROM scope()
Similarly, to URL encode we can run a similar function:
LET Line = '''http://target/login.asp?userid=bob'; update logintable set passwd='0wn3d';--'''
url(path=Line).String[1:] as URLFunction,
regex_replace(source=Line,replace_lambda="x=>format(format='%%%02x',args=x)", re="[^a-z0-9\\-_.~:/?]") as ManualMethod
FROM scope()