VQL can be used to make http requests using the http_client()
plugin. While GET
requests are usually pretty straight forward,
sometimes we need to upload using something called
POST. What is it and how can VQL do this?
POST?This is a standard way of serializing multiple “parts” into a single request. A “part” here is a value of a parameter or usually a file. Traditionally this came from a HTML “form” element, but often these are used for APIs now without a browser interface at all.
The idea is that we define a “boundary” - a special string which is so unique it might not appear accidentally in the data, then we separate the parts using this boundary:
The most confusing part of this is that when looking at examples, the
boundary is often something like
making it
virtually impossible to see the extra “–” at the start and end (you
have to carefully count to realize the boundary header adds two
extra dashes!).
Anyway once the whole this is demystified it is really easy to create this in VQL. Here is an example:
LET Boundary = "-----------------------------9051914041544843365972754266"
-- A Helper function to make a regular form variable.
LET Data(Name, Value) = format(
format='--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"\r\n\r\n\r\n%v\r\n',
args=[Boundary, Name, Value])
-- A Helper function to embed a file content.
LET File(Filename, ParameterName, ContentType, Data) = format(
format='--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\n\r\n%v\r\n',
args=[Boundary, ParameterName, Filename, ContentType, Data])
-- The End boundary signals the last part
LET END = format(format="%s--\r\n", args=Boundary)
-- Now make the HTTP request and post the form
-- Remember the Content-Type header which includes the boundary!
SELECT * FROM http_client(
headers=dict(`Content-Type`="multipart/form-data; boundary=" + Boundary),
data=Data(Name="name", Value="Bar") +
File(Filename="Hello.txt", ParameterName="file_upload", ContentType="text/plain", Data="this is a test") +
In this example I used some utility functions to make it easier to build the different parts and make sure the encoding structure is always correct.