How can I automatically add & update client metadata?

Client metadata is used to store custom information associated with each client. Velociraptor always stores basic information about all clients but you may want to store additional information, for example asset information. Client metadata makes this possible by allowing you to store any kind of data and associate it with a client. Client metadata can also be used to search for and filter clients in the GUI and in VQL queries, as we will demonstrate below.

Metadata can be manually added and updated for any client in the client’s Overview page, but also via VQL using the client_set_metadata function.

We can automate the addition and updating of client metadata by running a Server Event Artifact which sets metadata based on results of queries run on the client.

Metadata is a set of fields associated with each client. Labels can also be regarded as information associated with a client, but in Velociraptor labels are a more transient kind of information and are designed to be added and removed relatively frequently. Labels provide a way to group clients whereas Metadata provides a way to store information about each client.

It’s important that you choose the appropriate one for your use case. This article is about automating Metadata but if you want to do similar automation of Labels then you may find this article more useful: How can I automatically apply labels to clients?

Adding/updating metadata during client interrogation

When a client connects for the first time in a Velociraptor deployment, the server instructs the client to enroll and also tells it to run the Generic.Client.Info artifact. This built-in artifact is designed to collect basic information about the endpoint. We refer to this process as “interrogation” .

As explained here , the default interrogation artifact can be overridden with a custom version. If such a custom artifact is present on the Velociraptor server then all clients will use it.

In this example we will use a custom interrogation artifact to collect custom information and then use a Server Event artifact to watch for any new collections of Custom.Generic.Client.Info and add or update metadata fields based on the results.

The interrogation flow can also be run manually by clicking the Interrogate button on the client Overview page, or by creating a hunt for the Generic.Client.Info artifact. Such a hunt can further be created on a scheduled basis as demonstrated by the Server.Monitoring.ScheduleHunt artifact.

Before we set up the event monitoring we first need to:

  • prepare our custom interrogation artifact (including subordinate artifacts), and
  • configure metadata indexing on the server.

Add custom interrogation artifacts

We are going to have our custom interrogation artifact (Custom.Generic.Client.Info) call 2 other artifacts which will each collect the particular results we are interested in having as metadata.

Add an artifact to collect some BIOS info

The first artifact will query the endpoint for some BIOS information which may be useful for asset management. On Windows it will use WMI and on Linux it will use the dmidecode program which is available by default on most modern Linux systems. These methods both return equivalent data.

name: Generic.Client.BiosInfo
description: |
  Extracts some key fields from the BIOS which may be useful for system
  inventory purposes. For demonstration purposes only. Currently does not cover macOS.

type: CLIENT

  - precondition: SELECT * From info() where OS = 'windows'
    query: |
      -- On Windows we use WMI
      SELECT Manufacturer AS BaseBoardManufacturer,
             Product AS BaseBoardProduct,
             Version AS BaseBoardVersion,
             SerialNumber AS BaseBoardSerialNumber
      FROM wmi(query="SELECT * FROM Win32_baseboard")

  - precondition: SELECT * From info() where OS = 'linux' AND IsAdmin
    query: |
      -- on Linux we use dmidecode
      LET info = SELECT * FROM chain(
      a={SELECT regex_replace(source=Stdout,re="([^[:graph:]])",replace="") AS BaseBoardManufacturer
         FROM execve(argv=["dmidecode", "-s", "baseboard-manufacturer"])},
      b={SELECT regex_replace(source=Stdout,re="([^[:graph:]])",replace="") AS BaseBoardProduct
         FROM execve(argv=["dmidecode", "-s", "baseboard-product-name"])},
      c={SELECT regex_replace(source=Stdout,re="([^[:graph:]])",replace="") AS BaseBoardVersion
         FROM execve(argv=["dmidecode", "-s", "baseboard-version"])},
      d={SELECT regex_replace(source=Stdout,re="([^[:graph:]])",replace="") AS BaseBoardSerialNumber
         FROM execve(argv=["dmidecode", "-s", "baseboard-serial-number"])}
      SELECT info[0].BaseBoardManufacturer AS BaseBoardManufacturer,
             info[1].BaseBoardProduct AS BaseBoardProduct,
             info[2].BaseBoardVersion AS BaseBoardVersion,
             info[3].BaseBoardSerialNumber AS BaseBoardSerialNumber
      FROM scope()

The key thing to note is that we are interested in having the following fields as metadata fields:

  • BaseBoardManufacturer
  • BaseBoardProduct
  • BaseBoardVersion
  • BaseBoardSerialNumber

After creating the artifact you can run it and verify that it produces the expected results:

Windows BIOS info
Windows BIOS info

Linux BIOS info
Linux BIOS info

Add an artifact to collect the last logged on user

Because the BIOS information is unlikely to ever change we also want to collect something which does change. For purposes of demonstration let’s query the last logged on user. We already have built-in artifacts that provide the relevant information for Windows and Linux so we will leverage those in our new artifact.

name: Generic.Client.LastUser

description: Query to find the last logged on user.

type: CLIENT

  - precondition: SELECT * From info() where OS = 'windows'
    query: |
      SELECT Name AS LastUser, Mtime AS LastLogin
      FROM Artifact.Windows.Sys.Users()
      ORDER BY LastLogin DESC
      LIMIT 1

  - precondition: SELECT * From info() where OS = 'linux'
    query: |
      SELECT login_User AS LastUser, login_time AS LastLogin
      FROM Artifact.Linux.Sys.LastUserLogin()
      ORDER BY LastLogin DESC
      LIMIT 1

As with any new artifact it’s always a good idea to run it and verify that it produces the expected result:

Windows last user logon
Windows last user logon

Linux last user logon
Linux last user logon

From this artifact we get the following two fields which we want to have as client metadata:

  • LastUser
  • LastLogin

Configure Metadata Indexing

When run, the above two artifacts will altogether return 6 fields which we want added as client metadata. As explained here , client metadata fields can be indexed or non-indexed. While all metadata is accessible - and therefore searchable - via VQL, indexed fields are also searchable via the search bar in the GUI. So you might be thinking “great, let’s make everything indexed and searchable!”. However there are performance consequences to indexing metadata fields, especially if you have a large number of clients. In our case we are also going to have fields who’s value may change with every interrogation and that will require changes to the index and consequent re-indexing. So ideally you should only index fields that are going to be useful for GUI searches. You can still search all fields in VQL.

  • BaseBoardManufacturer
  • BaseBoardProduct
  • BaseBoardVersion <- unlikely to be searched for, so it doesn’t need to be indexed
  • BaseBoardSerialNumber
  • LastUser
  • LastLogin <- a timestamp (string) which won’t be searched for, so it doesn’t need to be indexed

Given the above considerations, we need to add the following to the server configuration file (the “defaults” section should already exist in the config).

    - BaseBoardManufacturer
    - BaseBoardProduct
    - BaseBoardSerialNumber
    - LastUser

After adding this configuration the server will need to be restarted so that it reads the updated config file. The change will cause those metadata fields to be created for every client. Initially the indexed metadata fields will be empty - our server event artifact will populate their values later. You can navigate to any client’s Overview page and verify that the fields exist.

indexed fields can'tbe deleted

Note: You can always edit any metadata field’s value, but you cannot delete metadata fields that are indexed.

Add custom interrogation artifact

When interrogation happens on the client we want it to also run the 2 new artifacts which we added in the previous steps.

As explained here , the default interrogation artifact can be overridden with a custom version. If such a custom artifact is present on the Velociraptor server then all clients will use it.

We want to modify the default artifact carefully and as little as possible (see warning in the artifact’s description!), so we are only going to add two new sources to it which won’t affect any of the default functionality:

  1. The first new source will call the Generic.Client.BiosInfo artifact.
  2. The second new source will call the Generic.Client.LastUser artifact.

We create our custom interrogation artifact by editing the default Generic.Client.Info artifact. By default the name of the edited artifact will be Custom.Generic.Client.Info which is exactly what we want it to be.

In the custom version we add the new sources after the existing ones (around line 115 in the current default artifact):

  - name: BiosInfo
    query: SELECT * FROM Artifact.Generic.Client.BiosInfo(preconditions=TRUE)

  - name: LastUserLogin
    query: SELECT * FROM Artifact.Generic.Client.LastUser(preconditions=TRUE)

As you can see we are calling the other artifacts rather than including their VQL directly in the interrogation artifact. This makes our addition more concise and also allows the dependent artifacts to be run separately which is useful for troubleshooting. The parameter preconditions=TRUE is necessary because the dependent artifacts include preconditions that must be checked so that the correct VQL is run for each platform.

As a check that the artifact works you can manually initiate a client interrogation. The results should now include the two new sources.

New sources have data
New sources have data

Configure Server Event Monitoring

At this point we have configured the collection of the required data. The next step is to create a server event artifact and add it to server monitoring. This will monitor for incoming results and then populate the metadata fields with data from these results.

Add a Server Event Monitoring artifact

Our server event artifact to be added has 2 sources - one to monitor each of the new client artifacts that we added to Custom.Generic.Client.Info.

name: AutomateClientMetadata
- name: WatchBiosInfo
  query: |
    LET interrogations = SELECT *
    FROM watch_monitoring(artifact="System.Flow.Completion")
    WHERE Flow.artifacts_with_results =~ "Custom.Generic.Client.Info/BiosInfo"

    LET results = SELECT *, ClientId
    FROM source(
       artifact="Custom.Generic.Client.Info/BiosInfo" ,
       client_id=ClientId, flow_id=FlowId)

    SELECT *,
    FROM foreach(row=interrogations, query=results)

- name: WatchLastUserLogin
  query: |
    LET interrogations = SELECT *
    FROM watch_monitoring(artifact="System.Flow.Completion")
    WHERE Flow.artifacts_with_results =~ "Custom.Generic.Client.Info/LastUserLogin"

    -- we sleep this query to slightly stagger the update
    LET results = SELECT *, ClientId, sleep(time=3) AS _sleep
    FROM source(
       artifact="Custom.Generic.Client.Info/LastUserLogin" ,
       client_id=ClientId, flow_id=FlowId)

    SELECT *,
    FROM foreach(row=interrogations, query=results)

We now add this server event artifact to our server monitoring:

Add artifact to server event monitoring
Add artifact to server event monitoring

Test it!

If you now enroll a new client or perform a manual interrogation against an existing client you will see the metadata fields populated.

any field can be edited andthe changes savedthese indexed fieldsare now searchable

The indexed fields will now be usable as search operators in the client search bar.

search by indexed fields
search by indexed fields

As mentioned, the interrogation flow can be run manually by clicking the Interrogate button on the client Overview page, or by creating a hunt for the Custom.Generic.Client.Info artifact. Such a hunt can further be created on a schedule as demonstrated by the Server.Monitoring.ScheduleHunt artifact.

Adding/updating metadata from normal collections

Although we previously linked the metadata to interrogations, it doesn’t have to be done that way. We could, for example, hunt for either of the 2 new client artifacts we created and have Server Monitoring add/update the metadata from the results. Here’s how to do that…

Add a new server monitoring artifact

This artifact is almost identical to the one we previously created. The only difference is that instead of watching for interrogation flow completions it watches for completions of the client artifacts themselves.

name: AutomateClientMetadataDirect
- name: WatchBiosInfo
  query: |
    LET interrogations = SELECT *
    FROM watch_monitoring(artifact="System.Flow.Completion")
    WHERE Flow.artifacts_with_results =~ "Generic.Client.BiosInfo"

    LET results = SELECT *, ClientId
    FROM source(
       artifact="Generic.Client.BiosInfo" ,
       client_id=ClientId, flow_id=FlowId)

    SELECT *,
    FROM foreach(row=interrogations, query=results)

- name: WatchLastUserLogin
  query: |
    LET interrogations = SELECT *
    FROM watch_monitoring(artifact="System.Flow.Completion")
    WHERE Flow.artifacts_with_results =~ "Generic.Client.LastUser"

    LET results = SELECT *, ClientId
    FROM source(
       artifact="Generic.Client.LastUser" ,
       client_id=ClientId, flow_id=FlowId)

    SELECT *,
    FROM foreach(row=interrogations, query=results)

We then add this new artifact to our Server Event Monitoring.

Add artifact to server event monitoring
Add artifact to server event monitoring

Now all we need to do is run the artifacts directly and the metadata will be updated. You can create a hunt for these artifacts if you want to update the data for all your clients.

The two approaches are not mutually exclusive: You can have both AutomateClientMetadata and AutomateClientMetadataDirect added to Server Monitoring at the same time and either one will update the same metadata.

Searching metadata in VQL

Searching metadata values in VQL is easy. Here’s an example that will list all systems where Mary was the last user to log on.

SELECT client_id,
       client_metadata(client_id=client_id).LastUser AS LastUser,
       client_metadata(client_id=client_id).LastLogin AS LastLogin
FROM clients()
WHERE LastUser = "Mary"

Running a search in a notebook
Running a search in a notebook