
This artifact enables disk analysis over an EFI System Partition (ESP).

The artifact queries the specified pysical disk, parses the partition table to targets the ESPs File Allocation Table (FAT).

The artifact returns file information, and PE enrichment as typical EFI files are in the PE format.

name: Windows.Detection.Yara.UEFI
author: Matt Green - @mgreen27
description: |
  This artifact enables disk analysis over an EFI System Partition (ESP).
  The artifact queries the specified pysical disk, parses the partition table 
  to targets the ESPs File Allocation Table (FAT).
  The artifact returns file information, and PE enrichment as typical EFI files 
  are in the PE format.

  - name: ImagePath
    default: \\.\PhysicalDrive0
    description: Raw Device for main disk containing partition table to parse.
  - name: SectorSize
    type: int
    default: 512
  - name: TargetGlob
    default: "**/*.efi"
  - name: SizeMax
    description: maximum size of target file.
    type: int64
  - name: SizeMin
    description: minimum size of target file.
    type: int64
  - name: UploadHits
    type: bool
  - name: DateAfter
    type: timestamp
    description: "search for events after this date. YYYY-MM-DDTmm:hh:ssZ"
  - name: DateBefore
    type: timestamp
    description: "search for events before this date. YYYY-MM-DDTmm:hh:ssZ"
  - name: YaraUrl
    description: If configured will attempt to download Yara rules form Url
    type: upload
  - name: YaraRule
    type: yara
    description: Final Yara option and the default if no other options provided.
    default: |
            rule win_blacklotus_auto {
                    author = "Felix Bilstein - yara-signator at cocacoding dot com"
                    date = "2023-07-11"
                    description = "Detects win.blacklotus."
                    $sequence_0 = { 498bcf e8???????? 448bc0 498bd7 4d03c0 488bce }
                    $sequence_1 = { 4c897020 55 488d68c8 4881ec30010000 4c8bd1 }
                    $sequence_2 = { 488b0d???????? 4c8d054e140100 488bd7 488bd8 e8???????? 488b05???????? 488bcb }
                    $sequence_3 = { 8b0c91 498bd2 4903c9 e8???????? }
                    $sequence_4 = { 4585d2 743f 8b05???????? 4103c1 }
                    $sequence_5 = { 4883ec20 488d7910 8bea 488b1f 33f6 }
                    $sequence_6 = { 488bd9 b10e e8???????? 8a4b02 40b70d }
                    $sequence_7 = { 410f47f7 8bc6 488b742460 4883c430 415f }
                    $sequence_8 = { 4923d3 4803d1 440fb74a0c 440fb7520e }
                    $sequence_9 = { 6642837cc11010 0f859d000000 428b54c114 41bbffffff7f 4923d3 }
                    7 of them and filesize < 181248
            rule MAL_Rootkit_CosmicStrand
                	author = "Natalie Zargarov @ Rapid7"
                    description = "CosmicStrand UEFI rootkit detection rule. Detects the compromised .efi driver "
                    targeting = "process,efi"
                    tags ="Rootkit"
                    $trait_0 = {89 C6 53 89 D8 BB 3F B8 11 03}
                    $trait_1 = {8B 3D 18 10 01 00 33 DB 8D 45 F8 50 53 53 6A 0B}
                    $trait_2= {83 EC 4C 53 57 68 A0 10 01 00 8D 45 F8}
                    $trait_3= {53 81 C7 FF 0F 00 00 68 54 44 55 00 81 E7 00 F0 FF FF 57 6A 01}
                    $trait_4= {50 68 08 08 08 08 68 D0 43 DE DE 68 1F 96 00 00 BF E4 10 01 00}
                    $string_0 = "winlogon.exe" 
                    1 of ($trait_*) and 
                    1 of ($string_*)
  - name: NumberOfHits
    description: This artifact will stop by default at one hit. This setting allows additional hits
    default: 1
    type: int
  - name: ContextBytes
    description: Include this amount of bytes around hit as context.
    default: 0
    type: int

- query: |
      -- check which Yara to use
      LET yara_rules <= YaraUrl || YaraRule

      -- time testing
      LET time_test(stamp) =
            if(condition= DateBefore AND DateAfter,
                then= stamp < DateBefore AND stamp > DateAfter,
                then= stamp < DateBefore,
            if(condition= DateAfter,
                then= stamp > DateAfter,
                else= True
      LET find_efi = SELECT StartOffset,EndOffset,
            Size AS PartitionSize,
            name AS PartitionName
       FROM Artifact.Windows.Forensics.PartitionTable(
          ImagePath=ImagePath, SectorSize=SectorSize)
      WHERE PartitionName =~ "EFI"
      LET find_files = SELECT * FROM foreach(row=find_efi, 
            SELECT *,
            FROM glob(globs=TargetGlob,
                        Path=format(format="%d", args=StartOffset))))
      LET target_files = SELECT 
            StartOffset as PartitionOffset, PartitionSize,
            Size, Mtime, Atime, Ctime, Btime,
            Data.first_cluster as FirstCluster,
            Data.attr AS Attr,
            Data.deleted as IsDeleted,
            Data.short_name AS ShortName
        FROM find_files
        WHERE NOT IsDir
            AND if(condition=SizeMin,
                        then= SizeMin < Size,
                        else= True)
            AND if(condition=SizeMax,
                        then= SizeMax > Size,
                        else= True)
            AND ( time_test(stamp=Mtime)
                    OR time_test(stamp=Atime)
                    OR time_test(stamp=Ctime)
                    OR time_test(stamp=Btime))
      -- scan files and prepare hit metadata
      LET hits = SELECT * FROM foreach(row=target_files,
                OSPath as _OSPath,
                OSPath.Path as OSPath,
                File.Size as Size,
                Mtime, Atime, Ctime, Btime,
                Rule, Tags, Meta,
                String.Name as YaraString,
                String.Offset as HitOffset,
                upload( accessor='scope',
                            if(condition= String.Offset - ContextBytes < 0,
                                then= 0,
                                else= String.Offset - ContextBytes),
                            if(condition= String.Offset + ContextBytes > Size,
                                then= Size,
                                else= String.Offset + ContextBytes) ]
                        )) as HitContext
            FROM yara( accessor='fat', rules=yara_rules,files=OSPath,
                    context=ContextBytes,number=NumberOfHits )
      -- upload files if selected
      LET upload_hits = SELECT *, 
            upload(accessor='fat',file=_OSPath,name=_OSPath.Path) as Upload 
        FROM hits

      -- return rows
      SELECT * FROM if(condition= UploadHits,
                        then= upload_hits,
                        else= hits )

  - name: HitContext
    type: preview_upload