This is an artifact to detect exploitation of a Progress Software’s WS_FTP critical vulnerability observed in the wild.
CVE-2023–40044 is a severe .NET deserialization vulnerability in WS_FTP Server’s Ad Hoc Transfer module, allowing a pre-authenticated attacker to execute remote commands on the server’s operating system.
CVE-2023–42657 is a directory traversal vulnerability, enabling attackers to perform file operations outside their authorized WS_FTP folder path and operate on the underlying OS.
Both vulnerabilities are critical, with CVSS scores of 8.8 and 9.9 respectively, and affect versions prior to 8.7.4 and 8.8.2.
The artifact enables detection via:
Both methods target observed IPs and the string /AHT/AhtApiService.asmx which is part of the vulnerable module. Note: no direct evidence of exploitation observed in application logs, only exceptions that otherwise seem rare around the time of exploitation.
Last updated: 2023-10-01T13:15Z
name: Windows.Detection.WS_FTP
author: Matt Green - @mgreen27
description: |
This is an artifact to detect exploitation of a Progress Software's WS_FTP
critical vulnerability observed in the wild.
CVE-2023–40044 is a severe .NET deserialization vulnerability in WS_FTP
Server’s Ad Hoc Transfer module, allowing a pre-authenticated attacker to
execute remote commands on the server’s operating system.
CVE-2023–42657 is a directory traversal vulnerability, enabling attackers to
perform file operations outside their authorized WS_FTP folder path and
operate on the underlying OS.
Both vulnerabilities are critical, with CVSS scores of 8.8 and 9.9
respectively, and affect versions prior to 8.7.4 and 8.8.2.
The artifact enables detection via:
- Yara: IIS logs
- Evtx: Application Event Logs IIS exception
Both methods target observed IPs and the string /AHT/AhtApiService.asmx which
is part of the vulnerable module.
Note: no direct evidence of exploitation observed in application logs, only
exceptions that otherwise seem rare around the time of exploitation.
Last updated: 2023-10-01T13:15Z
type: CLIENT
timeout: 1800
- name: EvtxGlob
default: '%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Application.evtx'
- name: IocRegex
type: regex
description: "IOC Regex in evtxHunt"
default: '/AHT/|86\.48\.3\.172'
- name: DateAfter
type: timestamp
default: 1685232000
description: "Search for events or Modification time after this date. YYYY-MM-DDTmm:hh:ssZ"
- name: DateBefore
type: timestamp
description: "Search for events or Modification time after this date. YYYY-MM-DDTmm:hh:ssZ"
- name: AllDrives
type: bool
description: "By default we target yara at all drives"
default: Y
- name: DriveLetter
description: "Target yara drive. Default is a C: if not AllDrives"
default: "C:"
- name: LogYara
default: |
rule LOG_ws_ftp_exploit {
description = "Detects potential exploitation of Progress Software WS_FTP Server in IIS logs"
author = "Matt Green - @mgreen27"
reference = ""
date = "2023-10-01"
score = 80
$post = /\n.{1,50} POST \/AHT\/.{1,250}\n/
$ip = " " ascii
any of them
- name: NumberOfHits
description: This artifact will stop by default at one hit. This setting allows additional hits
default: 1
type: int64
- name: ContextBytes
description: Include this amount of bytes around hit as context.
default: 0
type: int
- name: UploadYaraHits
type: bool
- precondition:
SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'
name: Yara
query: |
-- check which Yara to use
LET yara_rules <= LogYara
-- first find all matching files mft
LET files = SELECT OSPath, IsDir
FROM Artifact.Windows.NTFS.MFT(MFTDrive=DriveLetter, AllDrives=AllDrives,
PathRegex='inetpub' )
AND NOT OSPath =~ '''.:\\<Err>\\'''
AND (FileName=~ '^u_.+\.log$' AND OSPath =~ 'inetpub' )
AND if(condition=DateAfter,
then= LastRecordChange0x10 > DateAfter,
else= True)
AND if(condition=DateBefore,
then= LastRecordChange0x10 < DateBefore,
else= True)
-- scan files and only report a single hit.
LET hits = SELECT * FROM foreach(row=files,
FileName, OSPath,
File.Size AS Size,
File.ModTime AS ModTime,
Rule, Tags, Meta,
String.Name as YaraString,
String.Offset as HitOffset,
upload( accessor='scope',
if(condition= String.Offset - ContextBytes < 0,
then= 0,
else= String.Offset - ContextBytes),
if(condition= String.Offset + ContextBytes > File.Size,
then= File.Size,
else= String.Offset + ContextBytes) ]
)) as HitContext
FROM yara(rules=yara_rules, files=OSPath, context=ContextBytes,number=NumberOfHits)
-- upload files that have hit
LET upload_hits=SELECT *,
upload(file=OSPath) AS Upload
FROM hits
-- return rows
SELECT * FROM if(condition=UploadYaraHits,
then={ SELECT * FROM upload_hits},
else={ SELECT * FROM hits})
- name: Evtx
query: |
SELECT EventTime,Computer,Channel,Provider,EventID,EventRecordID,
FROM Artifact.Windows.EventLogs.EvtxHunter(
DateBefore=DateBefore )
- name: HitContext
type: preview_upload
- name: ModTime
type: timestamp
- name: EventTime
type: timestamp