
List the WMI providers in the system.

It is possible to laterally move by installing a fake provider in the system, and then calling it remotely. This artifact enumerates all WMI providers and recovers the binary that runs when loaded.

Test using (Will run as SYSTEM)

Invoke-WMILM -Target localhost -Type Provider -Name notepad -Username test -Password test -Command notepad.exe

name: Windows.System.WMIProviders
description: |
   List the WMI providers in the system.
   It is possible to laterally move by installing a fake provider in the system, and then calling
   it remotely. This artifact enumerates all WMI providers and recovers the binary that runs when 
   Test using (Will run as SYSTEM)
   Invoke-WMILM -Target localhost -Type Provider -Name notepad -Username test -Password test -Command notepad.exe

type: CLIENT

   - name: BinaryIncludeRegex
     default: .
     type: regex 
   - name: BinaryExcludeRegex
     type: regex
   - name: ServerTypeRegex
     type: regex 
     description: Only show these WMI provider types (e.g. LocalServer)

  - precondition:
      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

    query: |
        LET Hits = SELECT CLSID, Name, {
            SELECT Data.value AS Binary, basename(path=dirname(path=FullPath)) AS ServerType
            FROM glob(globs="/*Server*/@", root='''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\''' + CLSID, accessor="reg")
            WHERE CLSID
            limit 1
        } AS Details
        FROM wmi(query="Select * from __Win32Provider ")
        SELECT CLSID, Name, Details.ServerType AS ServerType, Details.Binary AS BinaryPath
        FROM Hits
        WHERE ServerType =~ ServerTypeRegex
          AND BinaryPath =~ BinaryIncludeRegex
          AND if(condition=BinaryExcludeRegex,
            then=NOT BinaryPath =~ BinaryExcludeRegex,