
Hayabusa is a Windows event log fast forensics timeline generator and threat hunting tool.

This artifact runs Hayabusa on the endpoint against the specified Windows event log directory, and generates and uploads a single CSV/JSONL file for further analysis with excel, timeline explorer, elastic stack, jq, etc.

name: Windows.EventLogs.Hayabusa
description: |
   [Hayabusa]( is a
   Windows event log fast forensics timeline generator and threat
   hunting tool.

   This artifact runs Hayabusa on the endpoint against the specified
   Windows event log directory, and generates and uploads a single CSV/JSONL
   file for further analysis with excel, timeline explorer, elastic
   stack, jq, etc.

author: Eric Capuano - @eric_capuano, Whitney Champion - @shortxstack, Zach Mathis - @yamatosecurity, Fukusuke Takahashi - @fukusuket

 - name: Hayabusa-3.1.1
   expected_hash: b12bf86fb7ec7e76e0a43b7000535c6ec9225e25d7855d63df7d82e85b1054cc
   version: 3.1.1

precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

 - name: EvtxDirectory
   description: "Directory of .evtx files"
   default: C:/Windows/System32/winevt/Logs
 - name: MinimalLevel
   description: "Minimum level for rules"
   default: medium
   type: choices
     - informational
     - low
     - medium
     - high
     - critical
 - name: OutputFormat
   description: "Choose the format of the result file"
   default: csv
   type: choices
     - csv
     - jsonl
 - name: OutputProfile
   description: "Decide how much data you want back"
   default: standard
   type: choices
     - minimal
     - standard
     - verbose
     - all-field-info
     - all-field-info-verbose
     - super-verbose
     - timesketch-minimal
     - timesketch-verbose
 - name: OutputTimeFormat
   description: "Choose the format of timestamp"
   default: ISO-8601
   type: choices
     - European-time
     - ISO-8601
     - RFC-2822
     - RFC-3339
     - US-military-time
     - US-time
     - UTC
 - name: Threads
   description: "Number of threads"
   type: int
   default: 4
 - name: UpdateRules
   description: "Update rules before scanning"
   type: bool
   default: Y
 - name: Sort
   description: "Sort events before saving the file"
   type: bool
   default: N
 - name: NoisyRules
   description: "Enable rules marked as noisy"
   type: bool
   default: N
 - name: EIDFilter
   description: "Scan only common Event IDs for quicker scans"
   type: bool
   default: N
 - name: TimeOffset
   description: "Scan recent events based on an offset (ex: 1y, 3M, 30d, 24h, 30m)"
 - name: TimelineStart
   description: "Start time of the event logs to load (ex: '2020-02-22 00:00:00 +09:00')"
 - name: TimelineEnd
   description: "End time of the event logs to load (ex: '2022-02-22 23:59:59 +09:00')"
 - name: ExcludeCategory
   description: "Do not load rules with specified logsource categories (ex: process_creation,pipe_created)"
 - name: ExcludeEID
   description: "Do not scan specific EIDs for faster speed (ex: 1) (ex: 1,4688)"
 - name: ExcludeStatus
   description: "Do not load rules according to status (ex: experimental) (ex: stable,test)"
 - name: ExcludeTag
   description: "Do not load rules with specific tags (ex: sysmon)"
 - name: IncludeCategory
   description: "Only load rules with specified logsource categories (ex: process_creation,pipe_created)"
 - name: IncludeEID
   description: "Scan only specified EIDs for faster speed (ex: 1) (ex: 1,4688)"
 - name: IncludeTag
   description: "Only load rules with specific tags (ex: attack.execution,attack.discovery)"

 - name: Upload
   query: |
        -- Fetch the binary
        LET Toolzip <= SELECT FullPath
        FROM Artifact.Generic.Utils.FetchBinary(ToolName="Hayabusa-3.1.1", IsExecutable=FALSE)

        LET TmpDir <= tempdir()

        -- Unzip the binary
        LET _ <= SELECT *
        FROM unzip(filename=Toolzip.FullPath, output_directory=TmpDir)

        LET HayabusaExe <= TmpDir + '\\hayabusa-3.1.1-win-x64.exe'

        -- Optionally update the rules
        LET _ <= if(condition=UpdateRules, then={
        SELECT * FROM execve(argv=[HayabusaExe, 'update-rules'], cwd=TmpDir) })

        LET HayabusaCmd <= if(condition=OutputFormat = "csv", then="csv-timeline", else="json-timeline")
        LET ResultFile <= TmpDir + '\\hayabusa_results.' + OutputFormat

        -- Build the command line considering all options
        -- If it does not match if(condition...), it returns Null, so remove Null with filter(....regex=".+")
        LET cmdline <= filter(list=(
          HayabusaExe, HayabusaCmd,
          "--quiet", "--no-summary",
          "--directory", EvtxDirectory, 
          "--output", ResultFile,
          "--min-level", MinimalLevel,
          "--profile", OutputProfile,
          "--" + OutputTimeFormat,
          "--threads", str(str=Threads),
          if(condition=OutputFormat = "jsonl", then="-L"),
          if(condition=Sort, then="--sort"),
          if(condition=NoisyRules, then="--enable-noisy-rules"),
          if(condition=EIDFilter, then="--eid-filter"),
          if(condition=TimeOffset, then="--time-offset"),           if(condition=TimeOffset, then=TimeOffset),
          if(condition=TimelineStart, then="--timeline-start"),     if(condition=TimelineStart, then=TimelineStart),
          if(condition=TimelineEnd, then="--timeline-end"),         if(condition=TimelineEnd, then=TimelineEnd),
          if(condition=ExcludeCategory, then="--exclude-category"), if(condition=ExcludeCategory, then=ExcludeCategory),
          if(condition=ExcludeEID, then="--exclude-eid"),           if(condition=ExcludeEID, then=ExcludeEID),
          if(condition=ExcludeStatus, then="--exclude-status"),     if(condition=ExcludeStatus, then=ExcludeStatus),
          if(condition=ExcludeTag, then="--exclude-tag"),           if(condition=ExcludeTag, then=ExcludeTag),
          if(condition=IncludeCategory, then="--include-category"), if(condition=IncludeCategory, then=IncludeCategory),
          if(condition=IncludeEID, then="--include-eid"),           if(condition=IncludeEID, then=IncludeEID),
          if(condition=IncludeTag, then="--include-tag"),           if(condition=IncludeTag, then=IncludeTag),
        ), regex=".+")

        -- Run the tool and divert messages to logs.
        LET ExecHB <= SELECT *
        FROM execve(argv=cmdline, cwd=TmpDir, sep="\n", length=9999999)
        WHERE log(message=Stdout)

        -- Upload the raw file.
        SELECT upload(file=ResultFile) AS Uploads FROM scope()

 - name: Results
   query: |
        LET CSV_RESULT  = SELECT * FROM parse_csv(filename=ResultFile)
        LET JSONL_RESULT = SELECT * FROM parse_jsonl(filename=ResultFile)
        LET s = scope()
        SELECT *, timestamp(string=s.Timestamp || s.datetime) AS EventTime
        FROM if(condition= OutputFormat = "csv", then=CSV_RESULT, else=JSONL_RESULT)