
This artifact allows you to run Atomic Red Team tests on Windows endpoints using Invoke-AtomicRedTeam. Linux and MacOS endpoints will soon be supported.

NOTE: All tests may not work out OOB. You may notice interference or inoperability of some tests with Windows Defender/antivirus/EDR enabled. Best-effort checks are made using the built-in -GetPreReqs flag. This is an initial PoC, and as such, much testing is needed, and feedback is welcome.



Invoke-AtomicRedTeam is a PowerShell module to execute tests as defined in the atomics folder of Red Canary’s Atomic Red Team project. The “atomics folder” contains a folder for each Technique defined by the MITRE ATT&CK™ Framework. Inside of each of these “T#” folders you’ll find a yaml file that defines the attack procedures for each atomic test as well as an easier to read markdown (md) version of the same data.

  • Executing atomic tests may leave your system in an undesirable state. You are responsible for understanding what a test does before executing.

  • Ensure you have permission to test before you begin.

  • It is recommended to set up a test machine for atomic test execution that is similar to the build in your environment. Be sure you have your collection/EDR solution in place, and that the endpoint is checking in and active.

name: Windows.AttackSimulation.AtomicRedTeam
author: Wes Lambert -- @therealwlambert
description: |
    This artifact allows you to run Atomic Red Team tests on Windows
    endpoints using Invoke-AtomicRedTeam. Linux and MacOS endpoints
    will soon be supported.

    NOTE: All tests may not work out OOB. You may notice interference
    or inoperability of some tests with Windows Defender/antivirus/EDR
    enabled. Best-effort checks are made using the built-in
    **-GetPreReqs** flag. This is an initial PoC, and as such, much
    testing is needed, and feedback is welcome.



    Invoke-AtomicRedTeam is a PowerShell module to execute tests as
    defined in the atomics folder of Red Canary's Atomic Red Team
    project. The "atomics folder" contains a folder for each Technique
    defined by the MITRE ATT&CK™ Framework. Inside of each of these
    "T#" folders you'll find a yaml file that defines the attack
    procedures for each atomic test as well as an easier to read
    markdown (md) version of the same data.

    - Executing atomic tests may leave your system in an undesirable
      state. You are responsible for understanding what a test does
      before executing.

    - Ensure you have permission to test before you begin.

    - It is recommended to set up a test machine for atomic test
      execution that is similar to the build in your environment. Be
      sure you have your collection/EDR solution in place, and that
      the endpoint is checking in and active.

type: CLIENT

  - name: Technique
    type: safe_url

    - name: InstallART
      description: Install AtomicRedTeam Execution Framework (Choose this for the first run, then de-select thereafter)
      default: Y
      type: bool

    - name: ExecutionLogFile
      description: Path to log file (CSV) for executions by ART tests
      default: C:\Windows\Temp\ARTExec.csv

    - name: RemoveExecLog
      description: Remove execution log before running artifact (in the event we don't want to intertwine results from previous tests)
      default: Y
      type: bool

    - name: Cleanup
      description: Clean up execution artifacts
      default: Y
      type: bool

    - name: RunAll
      description: NOT RECOMMENDED...USE WITH CAUTION - Run all ART tests
      default: N
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.004 - 1
      description: AS-REP Roasting - Rubeus asreproast
      type: bool

    - name: T1056.004 - 1
      description: Credential API Hooking - Hook PowerShell TLS Encrypt/Decrypt Messages
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.001 - 3
      description: Credentials In Files - Extracting passwords with findstr
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.001 - 4
      description: Credentials In Files - Access unattend.xml
      type: bool

    - name: T1555 - 1
      description: Credentials from Password Stores - Extract Windows Credential Manager via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1555 - 2
      description: Credentials from Password Stores - Dump credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell [windows Credentials]
      type: bool

    - name: T1555 - 3
      description: Credentials from Password Stores - Dump credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell [web Credentials]
      type: bool

    - name: T1555 - 4
      description: Credentials from Password Stores - Enumerate credentials from Windows Credential Manager using vaultcmd.exe [Windows Credentials]
      type: bool

    - name: T1555 - 5
      description: Credentials from Password Stores - Enumerate credentials from Windows Credential Manager using vaultcmd.exe [Web Credentials]
      type: bool

    - name: T1555.003 - 1
      description: Credentials from Web Browsers - Run Chrome-password Collector
      type: bool

    - name: T1555.003 - 3
      description: Credentials from Web Browsers - LaZagne - Credentials from Browser
      type: bool

    - name: T1555.003 - 4
      description: Credentials from Web Browsers - Simulating access to Chrome Login Data
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.002 - 1
      description: Credentials in Registry - Enumeration for Credentials in Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.002 - 2
      description: Credentials in Registry - Enumeration for PuTTY Credentials in Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.006 - 1
      description: DCSync - DCSync (Active Directory)
      type: bool

    - name: T1187 - 1
      description: Forced Authentication - PetitPotam
      type: bool

    - name: T1056.002 - 2
      description: GUI Input Capture - PowerShell - Prompt User for Password
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.001 - 1
      description: Golden Ticket - Crafting Active Directory golden tickets with mimikatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.006 - 1
      description: Group Policy Preferences - GPP Passwords (findstr)
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.006 - 2
      description: Group Policy Preferences - GPP Passwords (Get-GPPPassword)
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.003 - 1
      description: Kerberoasting - Request for service tickets
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.003 - 2
      description: Kerberoasting - Rubeus kerberoast
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.003 - 3
      description: Kerberoasting - Extract all accounts in use as SPN using setspn
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.003 - 4
      description: Kerberoasting - Request A Single Ticket via PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1558.003 - 5
      description: Kerberoasting - Request All Tickets via PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1056.001 - 1
      description: Keylogging - Input Capture
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.004 - 1
      description: LSA Secrets - Dumping LSA Secrets
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 1
      description: LSASS Memory - Windows Credential Editor
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 2
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS.exe Memory using ProcDump
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 3
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS.exe Memory using comsvcs.dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 4
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS.exe Memory using direct system calls and API unhooking
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 5
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS.exe Memory using Windows Task Manager
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 6
      description: LSASS Memory - Offline Credential Theft With Mimikatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 7
      description: LSASS Memory - LSASS read with pypykatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 8
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS.exe Memory using Out-Minidump.ps1
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 9
      description: LSASS Memory - Create Mini Dump of LSASS.exe using ProcDump
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 10
      description: LSASS Memory - Powershell Mimikatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 11
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS with .Net 5 createdump.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.001 - 12
      description: LSASS Memory - Dump LSASS.exe using imported Microsoft DLLs
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 1
      description: NTDS - Create Volume Shadow Copy with vssadmin
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 2
      description: NTDS - Copy NTDS.dit from Volume Shadow Copy
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 3
      description: NTDS - Dump Active Directory Database with NTDSUtil
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 4
      description: NTDS - Create Volume Shadow Copy with WMI
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 5
      description: NTDS - Create Volume Shadow Copy remotely with WMI
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 6
      description: NTDS - Create Volume Shadow Copy with Powershell
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.003 - 7
      description: NTDS - Create Symlink to Volume Shadow Copy
      type: bool

    - name: T1040 - 3
      description: Network Sniffing - Packet Capture Windows Command Prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1040 - 4
      description: Network Sniffing - Windows Internal Packet Capture
      type: bool

    - name: T1003 - 1
      description: OS Credential Dumping - Gsecdump
      type: bool

    - name: T1003 - 2
      description: OS Credential Dumping - Credential Dumping with NPPSpy
      type: bool

    - name: T1003 - 3
      description: OS Credential Dumping - Dump svchost.exe to gather RDP credentials
      type: bool

    - name: T1110.002 - 1
      description: Password Cracking - Password Cracking with Hashcat
      type: bool

    - name: T1556.002 - 1
      description: Password Filter DLL - Install and Register Password Filter DLL
      type: bool

    - name: T1110.001 - 1
      description: Password Guessing - Brute Force Credentials of all Active Directory domain users via SMB
      type: bool

    - name: T1110.001 - 2
      description: Password Guessing - Brute Force Credentials of single Active Directory domain user via LDAP against domain controller (NTLM or Kerberos)
      type: bool

    - name: T1110.003 - 1
      description: Password Spraying - Password Spray all Domain Users
      type: bool

    - name: T1110.003 - 2
      description: Password Spraying - Password Spray (DomainPasswordSpray)
      type: bool

    - name: T1110.003 - 3
      description: Password Spraying - Password spray all Active Directory domain users with a single password via LDAP against domain controller (NTLM or Kerberos)
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.004 - 1
      description: Private Keys - Private Keys
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.004 - 6
      description: Private Keys - ADFS token signing and encryption certificates theft - Local
      type: bool

    - name: T1552.004 - 7
      description: Private Keys - ADFS token signing and encryption certificates theft - Remote
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.002 - 1
      description: Security Account Manager - Registry dump of SAM, creds, and secrets
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.002 - 2
      description: Security Account Manager - Registry parse with pypykatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.002 - 3
      description: Security Account Manager - esentutl.exe SAM copy
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.002 - 4
      description: Security Account Manager - PowerDump Registry dump of SAM for hashes and usernames
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.002 - 5
      description: Security Account Manager - dump volume shadow copy hives with certutil
      type: bool

    - name: T1003.002 - 6
      description: Security Account Manager - dump volume shadow copy hives with System.IO.File
      type: bool

    - name: T1560 - 1
      description: Archive Collected Data - Compress Data for Exfiltration With PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1560.001 - 1
      description: Archive via Utility - Compress Data for Exfiltration With Rar
      type: bool

    - name: T1560.001 - 2
      description: Archive via Utility - Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with winrar
      type: bool

    - name: T1560.001 - 3
      description: Archive via Utility - Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with winzip
      type: bool

    - name: T1560.001 - 4
      description: Archive via Utility - Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with 7zip
      type: bool

    - name: T1123 - 1
      description: Audio Capture - using device audio capture commandlet
      type: bool

    - name: T1119 - 1
      description: Automated Collection - Automated Collection Command Prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1119 - 2
      description: Automated Collection - Automated Collection PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1119 - 3
      description: Automated Collection - Recon information for export with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1119 - 4
      description: Automated Collection - Recon information for export with Command Prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1115 - 1
      description: Clipboard Data - Utilize Clipboard to store or execute commands from
      type: bool

    - name: T1115 - 2
      description: Clipboard Data - Execute Commands from Clipboard using PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1115 - 4
      description: Clipboard Data - Collect Clipboard Data via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1056.004 - 1
      description: Credential API Hooking - Hook PowerShell TLS Encrypt/Decrypt Messages
      type: bool

    - name: T1056.002 - 2
      description: GUI Input Capture - PowerShell - Prompt User for Password
      type: bool

    - name: T1056.001 - 1
      description: Keylogging - Input Capture
      type: bool

    - name: T1074.001 - 1
      description: Local Data Staging - Stage data from Discovery.bat
      type: bool

    - name: T1074.001 - 3
      description: Local Data Staging - Zip a Folder with PowerShell for Staging in Temp
      type: bool

    - name: T1114.001 - 1
      description: Local Email Collection - Email Collection with PowerShell Get-Inbox
      type: bool

    - name: T1113 - 5
      description: Screen Capture - Windows Screencapture
      type: bool

    - name: T1113 - 6
      description: Screen Capture - Windows Screen Capture (CopyFromScreen)
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.008 - 1
      description: Accessibility Features - Attaches Command Prompt as a Debugger to a List of Target Processes
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.008 - 2
      description: Accessibility Features - Replace binary of sticky keys
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.010 - 1
      description: AppInit DLLs - Install AppInit Shim
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.011 - 1
      description: Application Shimming - Application Shim Installation
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.011 - 2
      description: Application Shimming - New shim database files created in the default shim database directory
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.011 - 3
      description: Application Shimming - Registry key creation and/or modification events for SDB
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.004 - 1
      description: Asynchronous Procedure Call - Process Injection via C#
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.002 - 1
      description: At (Windows) - At.exe Scheduled task
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 1
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Event Viewer (cmd)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 2
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Event Viewer (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 3
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Fodhelper
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 4
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Fodhelper - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 5
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using ComputerDefaults (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 6
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC by Mocking Trusted Directories
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 7
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using sdclt DelegateExecute
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 8
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Disable UAC using reg.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 9
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using SilentCleanup task
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 10
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 23
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 11
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 31
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 12
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 33
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 13
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 34
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 14
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 39
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 15
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 56
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 16
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 59
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 17
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 61
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 1
      description: COR_PROFILER - User scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 2
      description: COR_PROFILER - System Scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 3
      description: COR_PROFILER - Registry-free process scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.001 - 1
      description: Change Default File Association - Change Default File Association
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.002 - 1
      description: Create Process with Token - Access Token Manipulation
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.001 - 1
      description: DLL Search Order Hijacking - DLL Search Order Hijacking - amsi.dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.002 - 1
      description: DLL Side-Loading - DLL Side-Loading using the Notepad++ GUP.exe binary
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 1
      description: Default Accounts - Enable Guest account with RDP capability and admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 2
      description: Default Accounts - Activate Guest Account
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.001 - 1
      description: Dynamic-link Library Injection - Process Injection via mavinject.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.012 - 1
      description: Image File Execution Options Injection - IFEO Add Debugger
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.012 - 2
      description: Image File Execution Options Injection - IFEO Global Flags
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.003 - 1
      description: Local Accounts - Create local account with admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1037.001 - 1
      description: Logon Script (Windows) - Logon Scripts
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.007 - 1
      description: Netsh Helper DLL - Netsh Helper DLL Registration
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 1
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing using PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 2
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from Current Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 3
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from Specified Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 4
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from svchost.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 5
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from New Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.009 - 1
      description: Path Interception by Unquoted Path - Execution of program.exe as service with unquoted service path
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.010 - 1
      description: Port Monitors - Add Port Monitor persistence in Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.013 - 1
      description: PowerShell Profile - Append malicious start-process cmdlet
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.012 - 1
      description: Process Hollowing - Process Hollowing using PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.012 - 2
      description: Process Hollowing - RunPE via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1055 - 1
      description: Process Injection - Shellcode execution via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1055 - 2
      description: Process Injection - Remote Process Injection in LSASS via mimikatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 1
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Reg Key Run
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 2
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Reg Key RunOnce
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 3
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - PowerShell Registry RunOnce
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 4
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Suspicious vbs file run from startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 5
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Suspicious jse file run from startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 6
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Suspicious bat file run from startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 7
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Add Executable Shortcut Link to User Startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 1
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled Task Startup Script
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 2
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled task Local
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 3
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled task Remote
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 4
      description: Scheduled Task - Powershell Cmdlet Scheduled Task
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 5
      description: Scheduled Task - Task Scheduler via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 6
      description: Scheduled Task - WMI Invoke-CimMethod Scheduled Task
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.002 - 1
      description: Screensaver - Set Arbitrary Binary as Screensaver
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.005 - 1
      description: Security Support Provider - Modify SSP configuration in registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.011 - 1
      description: Services Registry Permissions Weakness - Service Registry Permissions Weakness
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.011 - 2
      description: Services Registry Permissions Weakness - Service ImagePath Change with reg.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.009 - 1
      description: Shortcut Modification - Shortcut Modification
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.009 - 2
      description: Shortcut Modification - Create shortcut to cmd in startup folders
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.001 - 1
      description: Token Impersonation/Theft - Named pipe client impersonation
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.001 - 2
      description: Token Impersonation/Theft - `SeDebugPrivilege` token duplication
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.003 - 1
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription - Persistence via WMI Event Subscription
      type: bool

    - name: T1543.003 - 1
      description: Windows Service - Modify Fax service to run PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1543.003 - 2
      description: Windows Service - Service Installation CMD
      type: bool

    - name: T1543.003 - 3
      description: Windows Service - Service Installation PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.004 - 1
      description: Winlogon Helper DLL - Winlogon Shell Key Persistence - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.004 - 2
      description: Winlogon Helper DLL - Winlogon Userinit Key Persistence - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.004 - 3
      description: Winlogon Helper DLL - Winlogon Notify Key Logon Persistence - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.004 - 1
      description: Asynchronous Procedure Call - Process Injection via C#
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 1
      description: BITS Jobs - Bitsadmin Download (cmd)
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 2
      description: BITS Jobs - Bitsadmin Download (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 3
      description: BITS Jobs - Persist, Download, & Execute
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 4
      description: BITS Jobs - Bits download using desktopimgdownldr.exe (cmd)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 1
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Event Viewer (cmd)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 2
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Event Viewer (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 3
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Fodhelper
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 4
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using Fodhelper - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 5
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using ComputerDefaults (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 6
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC by Mocking Trusted Directories
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 7
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using sdclt DelegateExecute
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 8
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Disable UAC using reg.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 9
      description: Bypass User Account Control - Bypass UAC using SilentCleanup task
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 10
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 23
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 11
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 31
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 12
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 33
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 13
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 34
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 14
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 39
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 15
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 56
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 16
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 59
      type: bool

    - name: T1548.002 - 17
      description: Bypass User Account Control - UACME Bypass Method 61
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.003 - 1
      description: CMSTP - CMSTP Executing Remote Scriptlet
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.003 - 2
      description: CMSTP - CMSTP Executing UAC Bypass
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 1
      description: COR_PROFILER - User scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 2
      description: COR_PROFILER - System Scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 3
      description: COR_PROFILER - Registry-free process scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.003 - 10
      description: Clear Command History - Prevent Powershell History Logging
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.003 - 11
      description: Clear Command History - Clear Powershell History by Deleting History File
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.001 - 1
      description: Clear Windows Event Logs - Clear Logs
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.001 - 2
      description: Clear Windows Event Logs - Delete System Logs Using Clear-EventLog
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.001 - 3
      description: Clear Windows Event Logs - Clear Event Logs via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1027.004 - 1
      description: Compile After Delivery - Compile After Delivery using csc.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1027.004 - 2
      description: Compile After Delivery - Dynamic C# Compile
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 1
      description: Compiled HTML File - Compiled HTML Help Local Payload
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 2
      description: Compiled HTML File - Compiled HTML Help Remote Payload
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 3
      description: Compiled HTML File - Invoke CHM with default Shortcut Command Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 4
      description: Compiled HTML File - Invoke CHM with InfoTech Storage Protocol Handler
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 5
      description: Compiled HTML File - Invoke CHM Simulate Double click
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 6
      description: Compiled HTML File - Invoke CHM with Script Engine and Help Topic
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.001 - 7
      description: Compiled HTML File - Invoke CHM Shortcut Command with ITS and Help Topic
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.002 - 1
      description: Control Panel - Control Panel Items
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.002 - 1
      description: Create Process with Token - Access Token Manipulation
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.001 - 1
      description: DLL Search Order Hijacking - DLL Search Order Hijacking - amsi.dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.002 - 1
      description: DLL Side-Loading - DLL Side-Loading using the Notepad++ GUP.exe binary
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 1
      description: Default Accounts - Enable Guest account with RDP capability and admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 2
      description: Default Accounts - Activate Guest Account
      type: bool

    - name: T1140 - 1
      description: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - Deobfuscate/Decode Files Or Information
      type: bool

    - name: T1140 - 2
      description: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - Certutil Rename and Decode
      type: bool

    - name: T1006 - 1
      description: Direct Volume Access - Read volume boot sector via DOS device path (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.002 - 1
      description: Disable Windows Event Logging - Disable Windows IIS HTTP Logging
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.002 - 2
      description: Disable Windows Event Logging - Kill Event Log Service Threads
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.002 - 3
      description: Disable Windows Event Logging - Impair Windows Audit Log Policy
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.002 - 4
      description: Disable Windows Event Logging - Clear Windows Audit Policy Config
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.002 - 5
      description: Disable Windows Event Logging - Disable Event Logging with wevtutil
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.004 - 1
      description: Disable or Modify System Firewall - Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.004 - 2
      description: Disable or Modify System Firewall - Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall via Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.004 - 3
      description: Disable or Modify System Firewall - Allow SMB and RDP on Microsoft Defender Firewall
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.004 - 4
      description: Disable or Modify System Firewall - Opening ports for proxy - HARDRAIN
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.004 - 5
      description: Disable or Modify System Firewall - Open a local port through Windows Firewall to any profile
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.004 - 6
      description: Disable or Modify System Firewall - Allow Executable Through Firewall Located in Non-Standard Location
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 10
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Unload Sysmon Filter Driver
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 11
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Uninstall Sysmon
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 12
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - AMSI Bypass - AMSI InitFailed
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 13
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - AMSI Bypass - Remove AMSI Provider Reg Key
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 14
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Disable Arbitrary Security Windows Service
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 15
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Tamper with Windows Defender ATP PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 16
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Tamper with Windows Defender Command Prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 17
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Tamper with Windows Defender Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 18
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Disable Microsoft Office Security Features
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 19
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Remove Windows Defender Definition Files
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 20
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Stop and Remove Arbitrary Security Windows Service
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 21
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Uninstall Crowdstrike Falcon on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 22
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Tamper with Windows Defender Evade Scanning -Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 23
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Tamper with Windows Defender Evade Scanning -Extension
      type: bool

    - name: T1562.001 - 24
      description: Disable or Modify Tools - Tamper with Windows Defender Evade Scanning -Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.001 - 1
      description: Dynamic-link Library Injection - Process Injection via mavinject.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.004 - 4
      description: File Deletion - Delete a single file - Windows cmd
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.004 - 5
      description: File Deletion - Delete an entire folder - Windows cmd
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.004 - 6
      description: File Deletion - Delete a single file - Windows PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.004 - 7
      description: File Deletion - Delete an entire folder - Windows PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.004 - 9
      description: File Deletion - Delete Prefetch File
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.004 - 10
      description: File Deletion - Delete TeamViewer Log Files
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.001 - 3
      description: Hidden Files and Directories - Create Windows System File with Attrib
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.001 - 4
      description: Hidden Files and Directories - Create Windows Hidden File with Attrib
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.003 - 1
      description: Hidden Window - Hidden Window
      type: bool

    - name: T1564 - 1
      description: Hide Artifacts - Extract binary files via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1564 - 2
      description: Hide Artifacts - Create a Hidden User Called "$"
      type: bool

    - name: T1564 - 3
      description: Hide Artifacts - Create an "Administrator " user (with a space on the end)
      type: bool

    - name: T1070 - 1
      description: Indicator Removal on Host - Indicator Removal using FSUtil
      type: bool

    - name: T1202 - 1
      description: Indirect Command Execution - Indirect Command Execution - pcalua.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1202 - 2
      description: Indirect Command Execution - Indirect Command Execution - forfiles.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1202 - 3
      description: Indirect Command Execution - Indirect Command Execution - conhost.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1553.004 - 4
      description: Install Root Certificate - Install root CA on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1553.004 - 5
      description: Install Root Certificate - Install root CA on Windows with certutil
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 1
      description: InstallUtil - CheckIfInstallable method call
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 2
      description: InstallUtil - InstallHelper method call
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 3
      description: InstallUtil - InstallUtil class constructor method call
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 4
      description: InstallUtil - InstallUtil Install method call
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 5
      description: InstallUtil - InstallUtil Uninstall method call - /U variant
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 6
      description: InstallUtil - InstallUtil Uninstall method call - '/installtype=notransaction /action=uninstall' variant
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 7
      description: InstallUtil - InstallUtil HelpText method call
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.004 - 8
      description: InstallUtil - InstallUtil evasive invocation
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.003 - 1
      description: Local Accounts - Create local account with admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1127.001 - 1
      description: MSBuild - MSBuild Bypass Using Inline Tasks (C#)
      type: bool

    - name: T1127.001 - 2
      description: MSBuild - MSBuild Bypass Using Inline Tasks (VB)
      type: bool

    - name: T1553.005 - 1
      description: Mark-of-the-Web Bypass - Mount ISO image
      type: bool

    - name: T1553.005 - 2
      description: Mark-of-the-Web Bypass - Mount an ISO image and run executable from the ISO
      type: bool

    - name: T1553.005 - 3
      description: Mark-of-the-Web Bypass - Remove the Zone.Identifier alternate data stream
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.004 - 1
      description: Masquerade Task or Service - Creating W32Time similar named service using schtasks
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.004 - 2
      description: Masquerade Task or Service - Creating W32Time similar named service using sc
      type: bool

    - name: T1036 - 1
      description: Masquerading - System File Copied to Unusual Location
      type: bool

    - name: T1112 - 1
      description: Modify Registry - Modify Registry of Current User Profile - cmd
      type: bool

    - name: T1112 - 2
      description: Modify Registry - Modify Registry of Local Machine - cmd
      type: bool

    - name: T1112 - 3
      description: Modify Registry - Modify registry to store logon credentials
      type: bool

    - name: T1112 - 4
      description: Modify Registry - Add domain to Trusted sites Zone
      type: bool

    - name: T1112 - 5
      description: Modify Registry - Javascript in registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1112 - 6
      description: Modify Registry - Change Powershell Execution Policy to Bypass
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 1
      description: Mshta - Mshta executes JavaScript Scheme Fetch Remote Payload With GetObject
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 2
      description: Mshta - Mshta executes VBScript to execute malicious command
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 3
      description: Mshta - Mshta Executes Remote HTML Application (HTA)
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 4
      description: Mshta - Invoke HTML Application - Jscript Engine over Local UNC Simulating Lateral Movement
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 5
      description: Mshta - Invoke HTML Application - Jscript Engine Simulating Double Click
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 6
      description: Mshta - Invoke HTML Application - Direct download from URI
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 7
      description: Mshta - Invoke HTML Application - JScript Engine with Rundll32 and Inline Protocol Handler
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 8
      description: Mshta - Invoke HTML Application - JScript Engine with Inline Protocol Handler
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 9
      description: Mshta - Invoke HTML Application - Simulate Lateral Movement over UNC Path
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.005 - 10
      description: Mshta - Mshta used to Execute PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.007 - 1
      description: Msiexec - Msiexec.exe - Execute Local MSI file
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.007 - 2
      description: Msiexec - Msiexec.exe - Execute Remote MSI file
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.007 - 3
      description: Msiexec - Msiexec.exe - Execute Arbitrary DLL
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.004 - 1
      description: NTFS File Attributes - Alternate Data Streams (ADS)
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.004 - 2
      description: NTFS File Attributes - Store file in Alternate Data Stream (ADS)
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.004 - 3
      description: NTFS File Attributes - Create ADS command prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1564.004 - 4
      description: NTFS File Attributes - Create ADS PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.005 - 1
      description: Network Share Connection Removal - Add Network Share
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.005 - 2
      description: Network Share Connection Removal - Remove Network Share
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.005 - 3
      description: Network Share Connection Removal - Remove Network Share PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 2
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - Execute base64-encoded PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 3
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - Execute base64-encoded PowerShell from Windows Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 4
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - Execution from Compressed File
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 5
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - DLP Evasion via Sensitive Data in VBA Macro over email
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 6
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - DLP Evasion via Sensitive Data in VBA Macro over HTTP
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 7
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - Obfuscated Command in PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1027 - 8
      description: Obfuscated Files or Information - Obfuscated Command Line using special Unicode characters
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.008 - 1
      description: Odbcconf - Odbcconf.exe - Execute Arbitrary DLL
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 1
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing using PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 2
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from Current Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 3
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from Specified Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 4
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from svchost.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.004 - 5
      description: Parent PID Spoofing - Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from New Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1550.002 - 1
      description: Pass the Hash - Mimikatz Pass the Hash
      type: bool

    - name: T1550.002 - 2
      description: Pass the Hash - crackmapexec Pass the Hash
      type: bool

    - name: T1550.003 - 1
      description: Pass the Ticket - Mimikatz Kerberos Ticket Attack
      type: bool

    - name: T1556.002 - 1
      description: Password Filter DLL - Install and Register Password Filter DLL
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.009 - 1
      description: Path Interception by Unquoted Path - Execution of program.exe as service with unquoted service path
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.012 - 1
      description: Process Hollowing - Process Hollowing using PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1055.012 - 2
      description: Process Hollowing - RunPE via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1055 - 1
      description: Process Injection - Shellcode execution via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1055 - 2
      description: Process Injection - Remote Process Injection in LSASS via mimikatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1216.001 - 1
      description: PubPrn - PubPrn.vbs Signed Script Bypass
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.009 - 1
      description: Regsvcs/Regasm - Regasm Uninstall Method Call Test
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.009 - 2
      description: Regsvcs/Regasm - Regsvcs Uninstall Method Call Test
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.010 - 1
      description: Regsvr32 - Regsvr32 local COM scriptlet execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.010 - 2
      description: Regsvr32 - Regsvr32 remote COM scriptlet execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.010 - 3
      description: Regsvr32 - Regsvr32 local DLL execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.010 - 4
      description: Regsvr32 - Regsvr32 Registering Non DLL
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.010 - 5
      description: Regsvr32 - Regsvr32 Silent DLL Install Call DllRegisterServer
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 1
      description: Rename System Utilities - Masquerading as Windows LSASS process
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 3
      description: Rename System Utilities - Masquerading - cscript.exe running as notepad.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 4
      description: Rename System Utilities - Masquerading - wscript.exe running as svchost.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 5
      description: Rename System Utilities - Masquerading - powershell.exe running as taskhostw.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 6
      description: Rename System Utilities - Masquerading - non-windows exe running as windows exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 7
      description: Rename System Utilities - Masquerading - windows exe running as different windows exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 8
      description: Rename System Utilities - Malicious process Masquerading as LSM.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1036.003 - 9
      description: Rename System Utilities - File Extension Masquerading
      type: bool

    - name: T1207 - 1
      description: Rogue Domain Controller - DCShadow (Active Directory)
      type: bool

    - name: T1014 - 3
      description: Rootkit - Windows Signed Driver Rootkit Test
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 1
      description: Rundll32 - Rundll32 execute JavaScript Remote Payload With GetObject
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 2
      description: Rundll32 - Rundll32 execute VBscript command
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 3
      description: Rundll32 - Rundll32 advpack.dll Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 4
      description: Rundll32 - Rundll32 ieadvpack.dll Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 5
      description: Rundll32 - Rundll32 syssetup.dll Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 6
      description: Rundll32 - Rundll32 setupapi.dll Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 7
      description: Rundll32 - Execution of HTA and VBS Files using Rundll32 and URL.dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1218.011 - 8
      description: Rundll32 - Launches an executable using Rundll32 and pcwutl.dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.011 - 1
      description: Services Registry Permissions Weakness - Service Registry Permissions Weakness
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.011 - 2
      description: Services Registry Permissions Weakness - Service ImagePath Change with reg.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 1
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - mavinject - Inject DLL into running process
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 2
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - SyncAppvPublishingServer - Execute arbitrary PowerShell code
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 3
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - Register-CimProvider - Execute evil dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 4
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - InfDefaultInstall.exe .inf Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 5
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - ProtocolHandler.exe Downloaded a Suspicious File
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 6
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Payload Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 7
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - Renamed Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Payload Executions
      type: bool

    - name: T1218 - 8
      description: Signed Binary Proxy Execution - Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand base test
      type: bool

    - name: T1216 - 1
      description: Signed Script Proxy Execution - SyncAppvPublishingServer Signed Script PowerShell Command Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1216 - 2
      description: Signed Script Proxy Execution - manage-bde.wsf Signed Script Command Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1497.001 - 2
      description: System Checks - Detect Virtualization Environment (Windows)
      type: bool

    - name: T1221 - 1
      description: Template Injection - WINWORD Remote Template Injection
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.006 - 5
      description: Timestomp - Windows - Modify file creation timestamp with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.006 - 6
      description: Timestomp - Windows - Modify file last modified timestamp with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.006 - 7
      description: Timestomp - Windows - Modify file last access timestamp with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1070.006 - 8
      description: Timestomp - Windows - Timestomp a File
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.001 - 1
      description: Token Impersonation/Theft - Named pipe client impersonation
      type: bool

    - name: T1134.001 - 2
      description: Token Impersonation/Theft - `SeDebugPrivilege` token duplication
      type: bool

    - name: T1222.001 - 1
      description: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification - Take ownership using takeown utility
      type: bool

    - name: T1222.001 - 2
      description: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification - cacls - Grant permission to specified user or group recursively
      type: bool

    - name: T1222.001 - 3
      description: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification - attrib - Remove read-only attribute
      type: bool

    - name: T1222.001 - 4
      description: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification - attrib - hide file
      type: bool

    - name: T1222.001 - 5
      description: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification - Grant Full Access to folder for Everyone - Ryuk Ransomware Style
      type: bool

    - name: T1220 - 1
      description: XSL Script Processing - MSXSL Bypass using local files
      type: bool

    - name: T1220 - 2
      description: XSL Script Processing - MSXSL Bypass using remote files
      type: bool

    - name: T1220 - 3
      description: XSL Script Processing - WMIC bypass using local XSL file
      type: bool

    - name: T1220 - 4
      description: XSL Script Processing - WMIC bypass using remote XSL file
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.008 - 1
      description: Accessibility Features - Attaches Command Prompt as a Debugger to a List of Target Processes
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.008 - 2
      description: Accessibility Features - Replace binary of sticky keys
      type: bool

    - name: T1098 - 1
      description: Account Manipulation - Admin Account Manipulate
      type: bool

    - name: T1098 - 2
      description: Account Manipulation - Domain Account and Group Manipulate
      type: bool

    - name: T1137.006 - 1
      description: Add-ins - Code Executed Via Excel Add-in File (Xll)
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.010 - 1
      description: AppInit DLLs - Install AppInit Shim
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.011 - 1
      description: Application Shimming - Application Shim Installation
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.011 - 2
      description: Application Shimming - New shim database files created in the default shim database directory
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.011 - 3
      description: Application Shimming - Registry key creation and/or modification events for SDB
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.002 - 1
      description: At (Windows) - At.exe Scheduled task
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 1
      description: BITS Jobs - Bitsadmin Download (cmd)
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 2
      description: BITS Jobs - Bitsadmin Download (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 3
      description: BITS Jobs - Persist, Download, & Execute
      type: bool

    - name: T1197 - 4
      description: BITS Jobs - Bits download using desktopimgdownldr.exe (cmd)
      type: bool

    - name: T1176 - 1
      description: Browser Extensions - Chrome (Developer Mode)
      type: bool

    - name: T1176 - 2
      description: Browser Extensions - Chrome (Chrome Web Store)
      type: bool

    - name: T1176 - 3
      description: Browser Extensions - Firefox
      type: bool

    - name: T1176 - 4
      description: Browser Extensions - Edge Chromium Addon - VPN
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 1
      description: COR_PROFILER - User scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 2
      description: COR_PROFILER - System Scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.012 - 3
      description: COR_PROFILER - Registry-free process scope COR_PROFILER
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.001 - 1
      description: Change Default File Association - Change Default File Association
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.001 - 1
      description: DLL Search Order Hijacking - DLL Search Order Hijacking - amsi.dll
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.002 - 1
      description: DLL Side-Loading - DLL Side-Loading using the Notepad++ GUP.exe binary
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 1
      description: Default Accounts - Enable Guest account with RDP capability and admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 2
      description: Default Accounts - Activate Guest Account
      type: bool

    - name: T1136.002 - 1
      description: Domain Account - Create a new Windows domain admin user
      type: bool

    - name: T1136.002 - 2
      description: Domain Account - Create a new account similar to ANONYMOUS LOGON
      type: bool

    - name: T1136.002 - 3
      description: Domain Account - Create a new Domain Account using PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1133 - 1
      description: External Remote Services - Running Chrome VPN Extensions via the Registry 2 vpn extension
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.012 - 1
      description: Image File Execution Options Injection - IFEO Add Debugger
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.012 - 2
      description: Image File Execution Options Injection - IFEO Global Flags
      type: bool

    - name: T1136.001 - 3
      description: Local Account - Create a new user in a command prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1136.001 - 4
      description: Local Account - Create a new user in PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1136.001 - 6
      description: Local Account - Create a new Windows admin user
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.003 - 1
      description: Local Accounts - Create local account with admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1037.001 - 1
      description: Logon Script (Windows) - Logon Scripts
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.007 - 1
      description: Netsh Helper DLL - Netsh Helper DLL Registration
      type: bool

    - name: T1137 - 1
      description: Office Application Startup - Office Application Startup - Outlook as a C2
      type: bool

    - name: T1137.002 - 1
      description: Office Test - Office Application Startup Test Persistence
      type: bool

    - name: T1137.004 - 1
      description: Outlook Home Page - Install Outlook Home Page Persistence
      type: bool

    - name: T1556.002 - 1
      description: Password Filter DLL - Install and Register Password Filter DLL
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.009 - 1
      description: Path Interception by Unquoted Path - Execution of program.exe as service with unquoted service path
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.010 - 1
      description: Port Monitors - Add Port Monitor persistence in Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.013 - 1
      description: PowerShell Profile - Append malicious start-process cmdlet
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 1
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Reg Key Run
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 2
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Reg Key RunOnce
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 3
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - PowerShell Registry RunOnce
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 4
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Suspicious vbs file run from startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 5
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Suspicious jse file run from startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 6
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Suspicious bat file run from startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.001 - 7
      description: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - Add Executable Shortcut Link to User Startup Folder
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 1
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled Task Startup Script
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 2
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled task Local
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 3
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled task Remote
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 4
      description: Scheduled Task - Powershell Cmdlet Scheduled Task
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 5
      description: Scheduled Task - Task Scheduler via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 6
      description: Scheduled Task - WMI Invoke-CimMethod Scheduled Task
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.002 - 1
      description: Screensaver - Set Arbitrary Binary as Screensaver
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.005 - 1
      description: Security Support Provider - Modify SSP configuration in registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.011 - 1
      description: Services Registry Permissions Weakness - Service Registry Permissions Weakness
      type: bool

    - name: T1574.011 - 2
      description: Services Registry Permissions Weakness - Service ImagePath Change with reg.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.009 - 1
      description: Shortcut Modification - Shortcut Modification
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.009 - 2
      description: Shortcut Modification - Create shortcut to cmd in startup folders
      type: bool

    - name: T1505.002 - 1
      description: Transport Agent - Install MS Exchange Transport Agent Persistence
      type: bool

    - name: T1505.003 - 1
      description: Web Shell - Web Shell Written to Disk
      type: bool

    - name: T1546.003 - 1
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription - Persistence via WMI Event Subscription
      type: bool

    - name: T1543.003 - 1
      description: Windows Service - Modify Fax service to run PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1543.003 - 2
      description: Windows Service - Service Installation CMD
      type: bool

    - name: T1543.003 - 3
      description: Windows Service - Service Installation PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.004 - 1
      description: Winlogon Helper DLL - Winlogon Shell Key Persistence - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.004 - 2
      description: Winlogon Helper DLL - Winlogon Userinit Key Persistence - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1547.004 - 3
      description: Winlogon Helper DLL - Winlogon Notify Key Logon Persistence - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1531 - 1
      description: Account Access Removal - Change User Password - Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1531 - 2
      description: Account Access Removal - Delete User - Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1531 - 3
      description: Account Access Removal - Remove Account From Domain Admin Group
      type: bool

    - name: T1485 - 1
      description: Data Destruction - Windows - Overwrite file with Sysinternals SDelete
      type: bool

    - name: T1486 - 5
      description: Data Encrypted for Impact - PureLocker Ransom Note
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 1
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - Delete Volume Shadow Copies
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 2
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - Delete Volume Shadow Copies via WMI
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 3
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - wbadmin Delete Windows Backup Catalog
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 4
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - Disable Windows Recovery Console Repair
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 5
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - Delete Volume Shadow Copies via WMI with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 6
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - Delete Backup Files
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 7
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - wbadmin Delete systemstatebackup
      type: bool

    - name: T1490 - 8
      description: Inhibit System Recovery - Windows - Disable the SR scheduled task
      type: bool

    - name: T1491.001 - 1
      description: Internal Defacement - Replace Desktop Wallpaper
      type: bool

    - name: T1489 - 1
      description: Service Stop - Windows - Stop service using Service Controller
      type: bool

    - name: T1489 - 2
      description: Service Stop - Windows - Stop service using net.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1489 - 3
      description: Service Stop - Windows - Stop service by killing process
      type: bool

    - name: T1529 - 1
      description: System Shutdown/Reboot - Shutdown System - Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1529 - 2
      description: System Shutdown/Reboot - Restart System - Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1010 - 1
      description: Application Window Discovery - List Process Main Windows - C# .NET
      type: bool

    - name: T1217 - 4
      description: Browser Bookmark Discovery - List Google Chrome Bookmarks on Windows with powershell
      type: bool

    - name: T1217 - 5
      description: Browser Bookmark Discovery - List Google Chrome / Edge Chromium Bookmarks on Windows with command prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1217 - 6
      description: Browser Bookmark Discovery - List Mozilla Firefox bookmarks on Windows with command prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1217 - 7
      description: Browser Bookmark Discovery - List Internet Explorer Bookmarks using the command prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 1
      description: Domain Account - Enumerate all accounts (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 2
      description: Domain Account - Enumerate all accounts via PowerShell (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 3
      description: Domain Account - Enumerate logged on users via CMD (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 4
      description: Domain Account - Automated AD Recon (ADRecon)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 5
      description: Domain Account - Adfind -Listing password policy
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 6
      description: Domain Account - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Admins
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 7
      description: Domain Account - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory User Objects
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 8
      description: Domain Account - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Exchange AD Objects
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 9
      description: Domain Account - Enumerate Default Domain Admin Details (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.002 - 10
      description: Domain Account - Enumerate Active Directory for Unconstrained Delegation
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 1
      description: Domain Groups - Basic Permission Groups Discovery Windows (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 2
      description: Domain Groups - Permission Groups Discovery PowerShell (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 3
      description: Domain Groups - Elevated group enumeration using net group (Domain)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 4
      description: Domain Groups - Find machines where user has local admin access (PowerView)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 5
      description: Domain Groups - Find local admins on all machines in domain (PowerView)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 6
      description: Domain Groups - Find Local Admins via Group Policy (PowerView)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 7
      description: Domain Groups - Enumerate Users Not Requiring Pre Auth (ASRepRoast)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.002 - 8
      description: Domain Groups - Adfind - Query Active Directory Groups
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 1
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Windows - Discover domain trusts with dsquery
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 2
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Windows - Discover domain trusts with nltest
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 3
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Powershell enumerate domains and forests
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 4
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory OUs
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 5
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Trusts
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 6
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Get-DomainTrust with PowerView
      type: bool

    - name: T1482 - 7
      description: Domain Trust Discovery - Get-ForestTrust with PowerView
      type: bool

    - name: T1083 - 1
      description: File and Directory Discovery - File and Directory Discovery (cmd.exe)
      type: bool

    - name: T1083 - 2
      description: File and Directory Discovery - File and Directory Discovery (PowerShell)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.001 - 8
      description: Local Account - Enumerate all accounts on Windows (Local)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.001 - 9
      description: Local Account - Enumerate all accounts via PowerShell (Local)
      type: bool

    - name: T1087.001 - 10
      description: Local Account - Enumerate logged on users via CMD (Local)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.001 - 2
      description: Local Groups - Basic Permission Groups Discovery Windows (Local)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.001 - 3
      description: Local Groups - Permission Groups Discovery PowerShell (Local)
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.001 - 4
      description: Local Groups - SharpHound3 - LocalAdmin
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.001 - 5
      description: Local Groups - Wmic Group Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1069.001 - 6
      description: Local Groups - WMIObject Group Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1046 - 3
      description: Network Service Scanning - Port Scan NMap for Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1046 - 4
      description: Network Service Scanning - Port Scan using python
      type: bool

    - name: T1135 - 3
      description: Network Share Discovery - Network Share Discovery command prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1135 - 4
      description: Network Share Discovery - Network Share Discovery PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1135 - 5
      description: Network Share Discovery - View available share drives
      type: bool

    - name: T1135 - 6
      description: Network Share Discovery - Share Discovery with PowerView
      type: bool

    - name: T1040 - 3
      description: Network Sniffing - Packet Capture Windows Command Prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1040 - 4
      description: Network Sniffing - Windows Internal Packet Capture
      type: bool

    - name: T1201 - 5
      description: Password Policy Discovery - Examine local password policy - Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1201 - 6
      description: Password Policy Discovery - Examine domain password policy - Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1120 - 1
      description: Peripheral Device Discovery - Win32_PnPEntity Hardware Inventory
      type: bool

    - name: T1057 - 2
      description: Process Discovery - Process Discovery - tasklist
      type: bool

    - name: T1012 - 1
      description: Query Registry - Query Registry
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 1
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - net
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 2
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - net group Domain Computers
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 3
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - nltest
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 4
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - ping sweep
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 5
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - arp
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 8
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - nslookup
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 9
      description: Remote System Discovery - Remote System Discovery - adidnsdump
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 10
      description: Remote System Discovery - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Computer Objects
      type: bool

    - name: T1018 - 11
      description: Remote System Discovery - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Domain Controller Objects
      type: bool

    - name: T1518.001 - 1
      description: Security Software Discovery - Security Software Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1518.001 - 2
      description: Security Software Discovery - Security Software Discovery - powershell
      type: bool

    - name: T1518.001 - 5
      description: Security Software Discovery - Security Software Discovery - Sysmon Service
      type: bool

    - name: T1518.001 - 6
      description: Security Software Discovery - Security Software Discovery - AV Discovery via WMI
      type: bool

    - name: T1518 - 1
      description: Software Discovery - Find and Display Internet Explorer Browser Version
      type: bool

    - name: T1518 - 2
      description: Software Discovery - Applications Installed
      type: bool

    - name: T1497.001 - 2
      description: System Checks - Detect Virtualization Environment (Windows)
      type: bool

    - name: T1082 - 1
      description: System Information Discovery - System Information Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1082 - 6
      description: System Information Discovery - Hostname Discovery (Windows)
      type: bool

    - name: T1082 - 8
      description: System Information Discovery - Windows MachineGUID Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1082 - 9
      description: System Information Discovery - Griffon Recon
      type: bool

    - name: T1082 - 10
      description: System Information Discovery - Environment variables discovery on windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1016 - 1
      description: System Network Configuration Discovery - System Network Configuration Discovery on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1016 - 2
      description: System Network Configuration Discovery - List Windows Firewall Rules
      type: bool

    - name: T1016 - 4
      description: System Network Configuration Discovery - System Network Configuration Discovery (TrickBot Style)
      type: bool

    - name: T1016 - 5
      description: System Network Configuration Discovery - List Open Egress Ports
      type: bool

    - name: T1016 - 6
      description: System Network Configuration Discovery - Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Subnet Objects
      type: bool

    - name: T1016 - 7
      description: System Network Configuration Discovery - Qakbot Recon
      type: bool

    - name: T1049 - 1
      description: System Network Connections Discovery - System Network Connections Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1049 - 2
      description: System Network Connections Discovery - System Network Connections Discovery with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1049 - 4
      description: System Network Connections Discovery - System Discovery using SharpView
      type: bool

    - name: T1033 - 1
      description: System Owner/User Discovery - System Owner/User Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1033 - 3
      description: System Owner/User Discovery - Find computers where user has session - Stealth mode (PowerView)
      type: bool

    - name: T1007 - 1
      description: System Service Discovery - System Service Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1007 - 2
      description: System Service Discovery - System Service Discovery - net.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1124 - 1
      description: System Time Discovery - System Time Discovery
      type: bool

    - name: T1124 - 2
      description: System Time Discovery - System Time Discovery - PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1071.004 - 1
      description: DNS - DNS Large Query Volume
      type: bool

    - name: T1071.004 - 2
      description: DNS - DNS Regular Beaconing
      type: bool

    - name: T1071.004 - 3
      description: DNS - DNS Long Domain Query
      type: bool

    - name: T1071.004 - 4
      description: DNS - DNS C2
      type: bool

    - name: T1573 - 1
      description: Encrypted Channel - OpenSSL C2
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 7
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - certutil download (urlcache)
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 8
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - certutil download (verifyctl)
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 9
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - Windows - BITSAdmin BITS Download
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 10
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - Windows - PowerShell Download
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 11
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - OSTAP Worming Activity
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 12
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - svchost writing a file to a UNC path
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 13
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - Download a File with Windows Defender MpCmdRun.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 15
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - File Download via PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 16
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - File download with finger.exe on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 17
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - Download a file with IMEWDBLD.exe
      type: bool

    - name: T1105 - 18
      description: Ingress Tool Transfer - Curl Download File
      type: bool

    - name: T1090.001 - 3
      description: Internal Proxy - portproxy reg key
      type: bool

    - name: T1095 - 1
      description: Non-Application Layer Protocol - ICMP C2
      type: bool

    - name: T1095 - 2
      description: Non-Application Layer Protocol - Netcat C2
      type: bool

    - name: T1095 - 3
      description: Non-Application Layer Protocol - Powercat C2
      type: bool

    - name: T1571 - 1
      description: Non-Standard Port - Testing usage of uncommonly used port with PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1572 - 1
      description: Protocol Tunneling - DNS over HTTPS Large Query Volume
      type: bool

    - name: T1572 - 2
      description: Protocol Tunneling - DNS over HTTPS Regular Beaconing
      type: bool

    - name: T1572 - 3
      description: Protocol Tunneling - DNS over HTTPS Long Domain Query
      type: bool

    - name: T1219 - 1
      description: Remote Access Software - TeamViewer Files Detected Test on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1219 - 2
      description: Remote Access Software - AnyDesk Files Detected Test on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1219 - 3
      description: Remote Access Software - LogMeIn Files Detected Test on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1219 - 4
      description: Remote Access Software - GoToAssist Files Detected Test on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1219 - 5
      description: Remote Access Software - ScreenConnect Application Download and Install on Windows
      type: bool

    - name: T1132.001 - 2
      description: Standard Encoding - XOR Encoded data.
      type: bool

    - name: T1071.001 - 1
      description: Web Protocols - Malicious User Agents - Powershell
      type: bool

    - name: T1071.001 - 2
      description: Web Protocols - Malicious User Agents - CMD
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.002 - 1
      description: At (Windows) - At.exe Scheduled task
      type: bool

    - name: T1559.002 - 1
      description: Dynamic Data Exchange - Execute Commands
      type: bool

    - name: T1559.002 - 2
      description: Dynamic Data Exchange - Execute PowerShell script via Word DDE
      type: bool

    - name: T1559.002 - 3
      description: Dynamic Data Exchange - DDEAUTO
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 1
      description: Malicious File - OSTap Style Macro Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 2
      description: Malicious File - OSTap Payload Download
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 3
      description: Malicious File - Maldoc choice flags command execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 4
      description: Malicious File - OSTAP JS version
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 5
      description: Malicious File - Office launching .bat file from AppData
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 6
      description: Malicious File - Excel 4 Macro
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 7
      description: Malicious File - Headless Chrome code execution via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 8
      description: Malicious File - Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA)
      type: bool

    - name: T1204.002 - 9
      description: Malicious File - Office Generic Payload Download
      type: bool

    - name: T1106 - 1
      description: Native API - Execution through API - CreateProcess
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 1
      description: PowerShell - Mimikatz
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 2
      description: PowerShell - Run BloodHound from local disk
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 3
      description: PowerShell - Run Bloodhound from Memory using Download Cradle
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 4
      description: PowerShell - Obfuscation Tests
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 5
      description: PowerShell - Mimikatz - Cradlecraft PsSendKeys
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 6
      description: PowerShell - Invoke-AppPathBypass
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 7
      description: PowerShell - Powershell MsXml COM object - with prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 8
      description: PowerShell - Powershell XML requests
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 9
      description: PowerShell - Powershell invoke mshta.exe download
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 10
      description: PowerShell - Powershell Invoke-DownloadCradle
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 11
      description: PowerShell - PowerShell Fileless Script Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 12
      description: PowerShell - PowerShell Downgrade Attack
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 13
      description: PowerShell - NTFS Alternate Data Stream Access
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 14
      description: PowerShell - PowerShell Session Creation and Use
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 15
      description: PowerShell - ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -Command parameter variations
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 16
      description: PowerShell - ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -Command parameter variations with encoded arguments
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 17
      description: PowerShell - ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -EncodedCommand parameter variations
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 18
      description: PowerShell - ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -EncodedCommand parameter variations with encoded arguments
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 19
      description: PowerShell - PowerShell Command Execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 20
      description: PowerShell - PowerShell Invoke Known Malicious Cmdlets
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.001 - 21
      description: PowerShell - PowerUp Invoke-AllChecks
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 1
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled Task Startup Script
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 2
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled task Local
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 3
      description: Scheduled Task - Scheduled task Remote
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 4
      description: Scheduled Task - Powershell Cmdlet Scheduled Task
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 5
      description: Scheduled Task - Task Scheduler via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1053.005 - 6
      description: Scheduled Task - WMI Invoke-CimMethod Scheduled Task
      type: bool

    - name: T1569.002 - 1
      description: Service Execution - Execute a Command as a Service
      type: bool

    - name: T1569.002 - 2
      description: Service Execution - Use PsExec to execute a command on a remote host
      type: bool

    - name: T1072 - 1
      description: Software Deployment Tools - Radmin Viewer Utility
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.005 - 1
      description: Visual Basic - Visual Basic script execution to gather local computer information
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.005 - 2
      description: Visual Basic - Encoded VBS code execution
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.005 - 3
      description: Visual Basic - Extract Memory via VBA
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.003 - 1
      description: Windows Command Shell - Create and Execute Batch Script
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.003 - 2
      description: Windows Command Shell - Writes text to a file and displays it.
      type: bool

    - name: T1059.003 - 3
      description: Windows Command Shell - Suspicious Execution via Windows Command Shell
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 1
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Reconnaissance Users
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 2
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Reconnaissance Processes
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 3
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Reconnaissance Software
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 4
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Reconnaissance List Remote Services
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 5
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Execute Local Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 6
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Execute Remote Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 7
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - Create a Process using WMI Query and an Encoded Command
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 8
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - Create a Process using obfuscated Win32_Process
      type: bool

    - name: T1047 - 9
      description: Windows Management Instrumentation - WMI Execute rundll32
      type: bool

    - name: T1020 - 1
      description: Automated Exfiltration - IcedID Botnet HTTP PUT
      type: bool

    - name: T1048 - 3
      description: Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - DNSExfiltration (doh)
      type: bool

    - name: T1041 - 1
      description: Exfiltration Over C2 Channel - C2 Data Exfiltration
      type: bool

    - name: T1048.003 - 2
      description: Exfiltration Over Unencrypted/Obfuscated Non-C2 Protocol - Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - ICMP
      type: bool

    - name: T1048.003 - 4
      description: Exfiltration Over Unencrypted/Obfuscated Non-C2 Protocol - Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - HTTP
      type: bool

    - name: T1048.003 - 5
      description: Exfiltration Over Unencrypted/Obfuscated Non-C2 Protocol - Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - SMTP
      type: bool

    - name: T1567 - 1
      description: Exfiltration Over Web Service - Data Exfiltration with ConfigSecurityPolicy
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.003 - 1
      description: Distributed Component Object Model - PowerShell Lateral Movement using MMC20
      type: bool

    - name: T1550.002 - 1
      description: Pass the Hash - Mimikatz Pass the Hash
      type: bool

    - name: T1550.002 - 2
      description: Pass the Hash - crackmapexec Pass the Hash
      type: bool

    - name: T1550.003 - 1
      description: Pass the Ticket - Mimikatz Kerberos Ticket Attack
      type: bool

    - name: T1563.002 - 1
      description: RDP Hijacking - RDP hijacking
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.001 - 1
      description: Remote Desktop Protocol - RDP to DomainController
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.001 - 2
      description: Remote Desktop Protocol - RDP to Server
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.001 - 3
      description: Remote Desktop Protocol - Changing RDP Port to Non Standard Port via Powershell
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.001 - 4
      description: Remote Desktop Protocol - Changing RDP Port to Non Standard Port via Command_Prompt
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.002 - 1
      description: SMB/Windows Admin Shares - Map admin share
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.002 - 2
      description: SMB/Windows Admin Shares - Map Admin Share PowerShell
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.002 - 3
      description: SMB/Windows Admin Shares - Copy and Execute File with PsExec
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.002 - 4
      description: SMB/Windows Admin Shares - Execute command writing output to local Admin Share
      type: bool

    - name: T1072 - 1
      description: Software Deployment Tools - Radmin Viewer Utility
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.006 - 1
      description: Windows Remote Management - Enable Windows Remote Management
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.006 - 2
      description: Windows Remote Management - Invoke-Command
      type: bool

    - name: T1021.006 - 3
      description: Windows Remote Management - WinRM Access with Evil-WinRM
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 1
      description: Default Accounts - Enable Guest account with RDP capability and admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.001 - 2
      description: Default Accounts - Activate Guest Account
      type: bool

    - name: T1133 - 1
      description: External Remote Services - Running Chrome VPN Extensions via the Registry 2 vpn extension
      type: bool

    - name: T1078.003 - 1
      description: Local Accounts - Create local account with admin privileges
      type: bool

    - name: T1566.001 - 1
      description: Spearphishing Attachment - Download Phishing Attachment - VBScript
      type: bool

    - name: T1566.001 - 2
      description: Spearphishing Attachment - Word spawned a command shell and used an IP address in the command line
      type: bool

precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

  - query: |
     LET CommandTable = SELECT * FROM parse_csv(accessor="data", filename='''
     T1558.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1056.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1056.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1552.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1552.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1555 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555 -TestNumbers 1
     T1555 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555 -TestNumbers 2
     T1555 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555 -TestNumbers 3
     T1555 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555 -TestNumbers 4
     T1555 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555 -TestNumbers 5
     T1555.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1555.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1555.003 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1555.003 -TestNumbers 4
     T1552.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1552.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1003.006 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.006 -TestNumbers 1
     T1187 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1187 -TestNumbers 1
     T1056.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1056.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1558.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1552.006 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.006 -TestNumbers 1
     T1552.006 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.006 -TestNumbers 2
     T1558.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1558.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1558.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1558.003 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.003 -TestNumbers 4
     T1558.003 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1558.003 -TestNumbers 5
     T1056.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1056.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1003.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1003.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1003.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1003.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1003.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1003.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1003.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1003.001 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 7
     T1003.001 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 8
     T1003.001 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 9
     T1003.001 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 10
     T1003.001 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 11
     T1003.001 - 12,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.001 -TestNumbers 12
     T1003.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1003.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1003.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1003.003 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 4
     T1003.003 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 5
     T1003.003 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 6
     T1003.003 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.003 -TestNumbers 7
     T1040 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1040 -TestNumbers 3
     T1040 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1040 -TestNumbers 4
     T1003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1110.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1110.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1556.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1556.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1110.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1110.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1110.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1110.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1110.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1110.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1110.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1110.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1110.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1110.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1552.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1552.004 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.004 -TestNumbers 6
     T1552.004 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1552.004 -TestNumbers 7
     T1003.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1003.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1003.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1003.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1003.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1003.002 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1003.002 -TestNumbers 6
     T1560 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1560 -TestNumbers 1
     T1560.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1560.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1560.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1560.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1560.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1560.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1560.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1560.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1123 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1123 -TestNumbers 1
     T1119 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1119 -TestNumbers 1
     T1119 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1119 -TestNumbers 2
     T1119 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1119 -TestNumbers 3
     T1119 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1119 -TestNumbers 4
     T1115 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1115 -TestNumbers 1
     T1115 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1115 -TestNumbers 2
     T1115 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1115 -TestNumbers 4
     T1056.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1056.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1056.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1056.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1056.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1056.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1074.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1074.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1074.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1074.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1114.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1114.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1113 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1113 -TestNumbers 5
     T1113 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1113 -TestNumbers 6
     T1546.008 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.008 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.008 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.008 -TestNumbers 2
     T1546.010 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.010 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.011 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.011 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.011 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.011 -TestNumbers 2
     T1546.011 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.011 -TestNumbers 3
     T1055.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1053.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1548.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1548.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1548.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1548.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1548.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1548.002 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 6
     T1548.002 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 7
     T1548.002 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 8
     T1548.002 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 9
     T1548.002 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 10
     T1548.002 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 11
     T1548.002 - 12,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 12
     T1548.002 - 13,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 13
     T1548.002 - 14,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 14
     T1548.002 - 15,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 15
     T1548.002 - 16,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 16
     T1548.002 - 17,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 17
     T1574.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1574.012 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 3
     T1546.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1055.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1078.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1037.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1037.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.007 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.007 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1134.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1134.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1134.004 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 5
     T1574.009 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.009 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.010 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.010 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.013 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.013 -TestNumbers 1
     T1055.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1055.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1055 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055 -TestNumbers 1
     T1055 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1547.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1547.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1547.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1547.001 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 7
     T1053.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1053.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1053.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1053.005 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 4
     T1053.005 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 5
     T1053.005 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 6
     T1546.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.011 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.011 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.011 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.011 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.009 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.009 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.009 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.009 -TestNumbers 2
     T1134.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1546.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1543.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1543.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1543.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1543.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1543.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1543.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1547.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1055.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1197 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 1
     T1197 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 2
     T1197 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 3
     T1197 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 4
     T1548.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1548.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1548.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1548.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1548.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1548.002 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 6
     T1548.002 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 7
     T1548.002 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 8
     T1548.002 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 9
     T1548.002 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 10
     T1548.002 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 11
     T1548.002 - 12,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 12
     T1548.002 - 13,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 13
     T1548.002 - 14,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 14
     T1548.002 - 15,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 15
     T1548.002 - 16,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 16
     T1548.002 - 17,Invoke-AtomicTest T1548.002 -TestNumbers 17
     T1218.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1574.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1574.012 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 3
     T1070.003 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.003 -TestNumbers 10
     T1070.003 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.003 -TestNumbers 11
     T1070.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1070.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1070.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1027.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1027.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1218.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1218.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1218.001 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.001 -TestNumbers 7
     T1218.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1140 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1140 -TestNumbers 1
     T1140 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1140 -TestNumbers 2
     T1006 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1006 -TestNumbers 1
     T1562.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1562.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1562.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1562.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1562.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1562.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1562.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1562.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1562.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1562.004 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.004 -TestNumbers 5
     T1562.004 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.004 -TestNumbers 6
     T1562.001 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 10
     T1562.001 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 11
     T1562.001 - 12,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 12
     T1562.001 - 13,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 13
     T1562.001 - 14,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 14
     T1562.001 - 15,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 15
     T1562.001 - 16,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 16
     T1562.001 - 17,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 17
     T1562.001 - 18,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 18
     T1562.001 - 19,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 19
     T1562.001 - 20,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 20
     T1562.001 - 21,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 21
     T1562.001 - 22,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 22
     T1562.001 - 23,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 23
     T1562.001 - 24,Invoke-AtomicTest T1562.001 -TestNumbers 24
     T1055.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1070.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1070.004 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.004 -TestNumbers 5
     T1070.004 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.004 -TestNumbers 6
     T1070.004 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.004 -TestNumbers 7
     T1070.004 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.004 -TestNumbers 9
     T1070.004 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.004 -TestNumbers 10
     T1564.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1564.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1564.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1564 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564 -TestNumbers 1
     T1564 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564 -TestNumbers 2
     T1564 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564 -TestNumbers 3
     T1070 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070 -TestNumbers 1
     T1202 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1202 -TestNumbers 1
     T1202 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1202 -TestNumbers 2
     T1202 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1202 -TestNumbers 3
     T1553.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1553.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1553.004 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1553.004 -TestNumbers 5
     T1218.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1218.004 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 5
     T1218.004 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 6
     T1218.004 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 7
     T1218.004 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.004 -TestNumbers 8
     T1078.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1127.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1127.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1127.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1127.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1553.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1553.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1553.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1553.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1553.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1553.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1036.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1036.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1036 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036 -TestNumbers 1
     T1112 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1112 -TestNumbers 1
     T1112 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1112 -TestNumbers 2
     T1112 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1112 -TestNumbers 3
     T1112 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1112 -TestNumbers 4
     T1112 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1112 -TestNumbers 5
     T1112 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1112 -TestNumbers 6
     T1218.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218.005 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 4
     T1218.005 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 5
     T1218.005 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 6
     T1218.005 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 7
     T1218.005 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 8
     T1218.005 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 9
     T1218.005 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.005 -TestNumbers 10
     T1218.007 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.007 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.007 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.007 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.007 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.007 -TestNumbers 3
     T1564.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1564.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1564.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1564.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1564.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1070.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1070.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1070.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1027 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 2
     T1027 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 3
     T1027 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 4
     T1027 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 5
     T1027 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 6
     T1027 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 7
     T1027 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1027 -TestNumbers 8
     T1218.008 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.008 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1134.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1134.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1134.004 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.004 -TestNumbers 5
     T1550.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1550.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1550.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1550.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1550.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1550.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1556.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1556.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.009 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.009 -TestNumbers 1
     T1055.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1055.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1055 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055 -TestNumbers 1
     T1055 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1055 -TestNumbers 2
     T1216.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1216.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.009 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.009 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.009 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.009 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.010 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.010 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.010 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218.010 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNumbers 4
     T1218.010 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNumbers 5
     T1036.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1036.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1036.003 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 4
     T1036.003 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 5
     T1036.003 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 6
     T1036.003 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 7
     T1036.003 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 8
     T1036.003 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1036.003 -TestNumbers 9
     T1207 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1207 -TestNumbers 1
     T1014 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1014 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218.011 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218.011 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218.011 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218.011 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 4
     T1218.011 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 5
     T1218.011 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 6
     T1218.011 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 7
     T1218.011 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.011 -TestNumbers 8
     T1574.011 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.011 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.011 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.011 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 1
     T1218 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 2
     T1218 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 3
     T1218 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 4
     T1218 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 5
     T1218 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 6
     T1218 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 7
     T1218 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1218 -TestNumbers 8
     T1216 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1216 -TestNumbers 1
     T1216 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1216 -TestNumbers 2
     T1497.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1497.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1221 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1221 -TestNumbers 1
     T1070.006 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.006 -TestNumbers 5
     T1070.006 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.006 -TestNumbers 6
     T1070.006 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.006 -TestNumbers 7
     T1070.006 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1070.006 -TestNumbers 8
     T1134.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1134.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1134.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1222.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1222.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1222.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1222.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1222.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1222.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1222.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1222.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1222.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1222.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1220 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1220 -TestNumbers 1
     T1220 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1220 -TestNumbers 2
     T1220 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1220 -TestNumbers 3
     T1220 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1220 -TestNumbers 4
     T1546.008 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.008 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.008 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.008 -TestNumbers 2
     T1098 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1098 -TestNumbers 1
     T1098 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1098 -TestNumbers 2
     T1137.006 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1137.006 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.010 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.010 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.011 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.011 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.011 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.011 -TestNumbers 2
     T1546.011 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.011 -TestNumbers 3
     T1053.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1197 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 1
     T1197 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 2
     T1197 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 3
     T1197 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1197 -TestNumbers 4
     T1176 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1176 -TestNumbers 1
     T1176 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1176 -TestNumbers 2
     T1176 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1176 -TestNumbers 3
     T1176 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1176 -TestNumbers 4
     T1574.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1574.012 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.012 -TestNumbers 3
     T1546.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1136.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1136.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1136.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1136.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1136.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1136.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1133 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1133 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.012 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.012 -TestNumbers 2
     T1136.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1136.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1136.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1136.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1136.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1136.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1078.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1037.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1037.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.007 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.007 -TestNumbers 1
     T1137 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1137 -TestNumbers 1
     T1137.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1137.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1137.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1137.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1556.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1556.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.009 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.009 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.010 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.010 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.013 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.013 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1547.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1547.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1547.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1547.001 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.001 -TestNumbers 7
     T1053.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1053.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1053.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1053.005 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 4
     T1053.005 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 5
     T1053.005 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 6
     T1546.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.011 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.011 -TestNumbers 1
     T1574.011 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1574.011 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.009 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.009 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.009 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.009 -TestNumbers 2
     T1505.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1505.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1505.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1505.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1546.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1546.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1543.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1543.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1543.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1543.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1543.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1543.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1547.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1547.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1547.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1547.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1531 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1531 -TestNumbers 1
     T1531 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1531 -TestNumbers 2
     T1531 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1531 -TestNumbers 3
     T1485 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1485 -TestNumbers 1
     T1486 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1486 -TestNumbers 5
     T1490 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 1
     T1490 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 2
     T1490 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 3
     T1490 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 4
     T1490 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 5
     T1490 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 6
     T1490 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 7
     T1490 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1490 -TestNumbers 8
     T1491.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1491.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1489 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1489 -TestNumbers 1
     T1489 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1489 -TestNumbers 2
     T1489 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1489 -TestNumbers 3
     T1529 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1529 -TestNumbers 1
     T1529 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1529 -TestNumbers 2
     T1010 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1010 -TestNumbers 1
     T1217 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1217 -TestNumbers 4
     T1217 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1217 -TestNumbers 5
     T1217 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1217 -TestNumbers 6
     T1217 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1217 -TestNumbers 7
     T1087.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1087.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1087.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1087.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1087.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1087.002 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 6
     T1087.002 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 7
     T1087.002 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 8
     T1087.002 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 9
     T1087.002 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.002 -TestNumbers 10
     T1069.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1069.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1069.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1069.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1069.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1069.002 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 6
     T1069.002 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 7
     T1069.002 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.002 -TestNumbers 8
     T1482 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 1
     T1482 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 2
     T1482 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 3
     T1482 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 4
     T1482 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 5
     T1482 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 6
     T1482 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1482 -TestNumbers 7
     T1083 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1083 -TestNumbers 1
     T1083 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1083 -TestNumbers 2
     T1087.001 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.001 -TestNumbers 8
     T1087.001 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.001 -TestNumbers 9
     T1087.001 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1087.001 -TestNumbers 10
     T1069.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1069.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1069.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1069.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1069.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1069.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1046 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1046 -TestNumbers 3
     T1046 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1046 -TestNumbers 4
     T1135 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1135 -TestNumbers 3
     T1135 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1135 -TestNumbers 4
     T1135 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1135 -TestNumbers 5
     T1135 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1135 -TestNumbers 6
     T1040 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1040 -TestNumbers 3
     T1040 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1040 -TestNumbers 4
     T1201 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1201 -TestNumbers 5
     T1201 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1201 -TestNumbers 6
     T1120 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1120 -TestNumbers 1
     T1057 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1057 -TestNumbers 2
     T1012 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1012 -TestNumbers 1
     T1018 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 1
     T1018 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 2
     T1018 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 3
     T1018 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 4
     T1018 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 5
     T1018 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 8
     T1018 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 9
     T1018 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 10
     T1018 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1018 -TestNumbers 11
     T1518.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1518.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1518.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1518.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1518.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1518.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1518.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1518.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1518 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1518 -TestNumbers 1
     T1518 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1518 -TestNumbers 2
     T1497.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1497.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1082 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1082 -TestNumbers 1
     T1082 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1082 -TestNumbers 6
     T1082 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1082 -TestNumbers 8
     T1082 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1082 -TestNumbers 9
     T1082 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1082 -TestNumbers 10
     T1016 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1016 -TestNumbers 1
     T1016 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1016 -TestNumbers 2
     T1016 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1016 -TestNumbers 4
     T1016 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1016 -TestNumbers 5
     T1016 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1016 -TestNumbers 6
     T1016 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1016 -TestNumbers 7
     T1049 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1049 -TestNumbers 1
     T1049 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1049 -TestNumbers 2
     T1049 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1049 -TestNumbers 4
     T1033 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1033 -TestNumbers 1
     T1033 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1033 -TestNumbers 3
     T1007 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1007 -TestNumbers 1
     T1007 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1007 -TestNumbers 2
     T1124 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1124 -TestNumbers 1
     T1124 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1124 -TestNumbers 2
     T1071.004 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1071.004 -TestNumbers 1
     T1071.004 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1071.004 -TestNumbers 2
     T1071.004 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1071.004 -TestNumbers 3
     T1071.004 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1071.004 -TestNumbers 4
     T1573 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1573 -TestNumbers 1
     T1105 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 7
     T1105 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 8
     T1105 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 9
     T1105 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 10
     T1105 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 11
     T1105 - 12,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 12
     T1105 - 13,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 13
     T1105 - 15,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 15
     T1105 - 16,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 16
     T1105 - 17,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 17
     T1105 - 18,Invoke-AtomicTest T1105 -TestNumbers 18
     T1090.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1090.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1095 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1095 -TestNumbers 1
     T1095 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1095 -TestNumbers 2
     T1095 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1095 -TestNumbers 3
     T1571 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1571 -TestNumbers 1
     T1572 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1572 -TestNumbers 1
     T1572 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1572 -TestNumbers 2
     T1572 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1572 -TestNumbers 3
     T1219 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1219 -TestNumbers 1
     T1219 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1219 -TestNumbers 2
     T1219 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1219 -TestNumbers 3
     T1219 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1219 -TestNumbers 4
     T1219 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1219 -TestNumbers 5
     T1132.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1132.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1071.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1071.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1071.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1071.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1053.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1559.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1559.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1559.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1559.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1559.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1559.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1204.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1204.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1204.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1204.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1204.002 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 5
     T1204.002 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 6
     T1204.002 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 7
     T1204.002 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 8
     T1204.002 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1204.002 -TestNumbers 9
     T1106 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1106 -TestNumbers 1
     T1059.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1059.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1059.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1059.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1059.001 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 5
     T1059.001 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 6
     T1059.001 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 7
     T1059.001 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 8
     T1059.001 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 9
     T1059.001 - 10,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 10
     T1059.001 - 11,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 11
     T1059.001 - 12,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 12
     T1059.001 - 13,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 13
     T1059.001 - 14,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 14
     T1059.001 - 15,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 15
     T1059.001 - 16,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 16
     T1059.001 - 17,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 17
     T1059.001 - 18,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 18
     T1059.001 - 19,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 19
     T1059.001 - 20,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 20
     T1059.001 - 21,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.001 -TestNumbers 21
     T1053.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1053.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1053.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1053.005 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 4
     T1053.005 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 5
     T1053.005 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1053.005 -TestNumbers 6
     T1569.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1569.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1569.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1569.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1072 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1072 -TestNumbers 1
     T1059.005 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.005 -TestNumbers 1
     T1059.005 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.005 -TestNumbers 2
     T1059.005 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.005 -TestNumbers 3
     T1059.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1059.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1059.003 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1059.003 -TestNumbers 3
     T1047 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 1
     T1047 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 2
     T1047 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 3
     T1047 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 4
     T1047 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 5
     T1047 - 6,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 6
     T1047 - 7,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 7
     T1047 - 8,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 8
     T1047 - 9,Invoke-AtomicTest T1047 -TestNumbers 9
     T1020 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1020 -TestNumbers 1
     T1048 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1048 -TestNumbers 3
     T1041 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1041 -TestNumbers 1
     T1048.003 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1048.003 -TestNumbers 2
     T1048.003 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1048.003 -TestNumbers 4
     T1048.003 - 5,Invoke-AtomicTest T1048.003 -TestNumbers 5
     T1567 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1567 -TestNumbers 1
     T1021.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1550.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1550.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1550.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1550.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1550.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1550.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1563.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1563.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1021.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1021.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1021.001 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.001 -TestNumbers 3
     T1021.001 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.001 -TestNumbers 4
     T1021.002 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.002 -TestNumbers 1
     T1021.002 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.002 -TestNumbers 2
     T1021.002 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.002 -TestNumbers 3
     T1021.002 - 4,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.002 -TestNumbers 4
     T1072 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1072 -TestNumbers 1
     T1021.006 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.006 -TestNumbers 1
     T1021.006 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.006 -TestNumbers 2
     T1021.006 - 3,Invoke-AtomicTest T1021.006 -TestNumbers 3
     T1078.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.001 -TestNumbers 2
     T1133 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1133 -TestNumbers 1
     T1078.003 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1078.003 -TestNumbers 1
     T1566.001 - 1,Invoke-AtomicTest T1566.001 -TestNumbers 1
     T1566.001 - 2,Invoke-AtomicTest T1566.001 -TestNumbers 2
     LET CommandsToRun <= if(condition=RunAll, then='''Invoke-AtomicTest All -Confirm:$false''', else={ SELECT Command FROM CommandTable WHERE get(field=Flag)})

     LET RemoveLog <= if(condition=RemoveExecLog, then={ SELECT * FROM execve(argv=["powershell.exe", "Remove-Item", ExecutionLogFile])})

     LET InstallART <= if(condition=InstallART, then={ SELECT * FROM execve(argv=[   'powershell.exe', '-exec', 'bypass',
                                                '-Command', "IEX (IWR -UseBasicParsing); Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force -Scope CurrentUser; Install-AtomicRedTeam -getAtomics -F"

     LET JustDoIt <= SELECT * FROM foreach(row=CommandsToRun, query={
            SELECT * FROM execve(argv=[   'powershell.exe', '-exec', 'bypass',
                                                '-Command', '''Import-Module "C:\AtomicRedTeam\invoke-atomicredteam\Invoke-AtomicRedTeam.psd1" -Force; ''' + Command + ''' -GetPreReqs; ''' + Command + ''' -ExecutionLogPath ''' + ExecutionLogFile + ''';''' + if(condition=Cleanup, then=Command + ''' -Cleanup''', else='''''')


     SELECT `Execution Time (UTC)`, `Execution Time (Local)`, '[' + Technique + '](' + Technique + '/' + Technique + '.md)' AS Technique, `Test Number`, `Test Name`, Hostname, Username, GUID FROM parse_csv(accessor="file", filename=ExecutionLogFile)