This artifact parses the Windows Defender files generated on threat detection and returns the contained parameters created by Windows Defender about the detected threat.
By default with no parameters DefenderHistory parses “C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/Scans/History/Service/DetectionHistory/**” A different TargetGlob can be entered.
Based on the research work done by Jordan Klepser @JordanKlepser
name: Windows.Applications.DefenderHistory
author: "Roman Makuch - @rmakuch Kanstantsin Ilioukevitch - @kostyailiouk"
description: |
This artifact parses the Windows Defender files generated on threat detection and returns
the contained parameters created by Windows Defender about the detected threat.
By default with no parameters DefenderHistory parses
"C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/Scans/History/Service/DetectionHistory/**"
A different TargetGlob can be entered.
Based on the research work done by Jordan Klepser @JordanKlepser
- name: TargetGlob
description: Glob to target.
default: C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/Scans/History/Service/DetectionHistory/**
- query: |
Let profile = '''
["Info", 0, [
["__FileHeaderSearch", 0, "String", {"length": 6, "term":""}],
["__FileHeader", 0, "Value", {"value":"x=>format(format='%#x', args=x.__FileHeaderSearch)"}],
["__GUID", 24, "GUIDStruct"],
["__MagicVersion", 48, "String", {"length": 38, "encoding":"utf16"}],
["__ThreatTypeLength", 88, "uint8"],
["ThreatType", 96, "String", {"length":"x=> x.__ThreatTypeLength - 2", "encoding":"utf16"}],
["ThreatStatusID", 240, "Enumeration", {
type: "uint8",
map: {
"Unknown": 0,
"Detected": 1,
"Cleaned": 2,
"Quarantined": 3,
"Removed": 4,
"Allowed": 5,
"Blocked": 6,
"Clean Failed": 7,
"Quarantine Failed": 102,
"Remove Failed": 103,
"Allow Failed": 104,
"Abandoned": 105,
"Blocked Failed": 107,
["__Search", 241, "String", {"length": 1024, "term_hex":"0A00000015"}],
["SourceType", "x => len(list=x.__Search) + 249", "String", {"encoding": "utf16"}],
["__FullPathLength", "x => len(list=x.__Search) + 265", "uint8"],
["FullPath", "x => len(list=x.__Search) + 273", "String", {"length":"x=> x.__FullPathLength - 2", "encoding":"utf16"}],
["__Sha256Search", 300, "String", {"length": 1024, "term_hex":"53006800610032"}],
["Sha256", "x => len(list=x.__Sha256Search) + 322", "String", {"length": 128, "encoding":"utf16"}],
["__TimeSearch", 300, "String", {"length": 1024, "term_hex":"540069006D0065"}],
["Time", "x => len(list=x.__TimeSearch) + 314", "WinFileTime"],
["__FileSizeSearch", 300, "String", {"length": 4000, "max_length": 4000, "term_hex":"530069007A0065"}],
["ThreatFileSize", "x => len(list=x.__FileSizeSearch) + 314", "uint32"],
["__UserSearch", "x=> if(condition=Size > 1024, then=(Size - 1024), else=0)", "String", {"length": 1024, "term_hex":"0000080000000A0000"}],
["__Section3Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x => if(condition=Size > 1024, then=len(list=x.__UserSearch) + (Size - 1024), else=len(list=x.__UserSearch)) + 114" }],
["User", "x => x.__Section3Offset", "String", {"encoding": "utf16"}],
["__SearchStartingProcess", "x=> x.__Section3Offset + len(list=x.User)", "String", {"length": 1024, "term_hex": "0000150000"}],
["StartingProcess", "x=> x.__Section3Offset + len(list=x.User) + len(list=x.__SearchStartingProcess) + 6", "String", {"encoding": "utf16"}]
["GUIDStruct", 16, [
["__D1", 0, "uint32"],
["__D2", 4, "uint16"],
["__D3", 6, "uint16"],
["__D4", 8, "String", {"term": "", "length": 2}],
["__D5", 10, "String", {"term": "", "length": 6}],
["DetectionID", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>format(format='{%x-%x-%x-%x-%x}', args=[x.__D1, x.__D2, x.__D3, x.__D4, x.__D5])"}]
Let temp = SELECT FullPath,
parse_binary(filename=FullPath, profile = profile, struct = 'Info') as parsedfile
FROM glob(globs = TargetGlob)
Where IsDir = False
SELECT parsedfile.Time as EventTime,
parsedfile.ThreatType as ThreatType,
parsedfile.ThreatStatusID as ThreatStatus,
parsedfile.FullPath as FullPath,
parsedfile.Sha256 as Sha256,
parsedfile.SourceType as SourceType,
parsedfile.ThreatFileSize as FileSizeBytes,
parsedfile.User as User,
parsedfile.StartingProcess as StartingProcess,
FullPath as ParsedFileFullPath
FROM temp