
This artifact searches for evidence of trojanised 3CXDesktopApp.

Currently Windows specific, Yara glob can be repurposed for MacOS. Targeting /Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libffmpeg.dylib

There are three methods of detection:

  1. Yara glob - searches known install paths and applies yara looking for binary attributes.
  2. Process Memory - Searches for compromised 3CXDesktopApp running using Windows.System.VAD.
  3. AMCache - Searches for compromised 3CXDesktopApp.exe versions in AMCache.

Impacted 3CXDesktopApp:

  • Windows: 18.12.407 & 18.12.416
  • MacOS: 18.11.1213, 18.12.402, 18.12.407 & 18.12.416

NOTE: artifact tested on 0.6.8 - should also work on on 0.6.7.
Be aware that the YARA rules are intentionally written in a way that is less strict & may

  1. detect other malicious samples created in the time frame in which the known malicious samples were created
  2. lead to some FPs

Thank you to @cyb3rops for sharing rules.

name: Windows.Detection.SmoothOperator
author: "Matt Green - @mgreen27"
description: |
   This artifact searches for evidence of trojanised 3CXDesktopApp.
   Currently Windows specific, Yara glob can be repurposed for MacOS. 
   Targeting /Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libffmpeg.dylib  
   There are three methods of detection:
   1. Yara glob - searches known install paths and applies yara looking for binary attributes.
   2. Process Memory - Searches for compromised 3CXDesktopApp running using Windows.System.VAD.
   3. AMCache - Searches for compromised 3CXDesktopApp.exe versions in AMCache.
   Impacted 3CXDesktopApp:
   - Windows: 18.12.407 & 18.12.416
   - MacOS: 18.11.1213, 18.12.402, 18.12.407 & 18.12.416
   NOTE: artifact tested on 0.6.8 - should also work on on 0.6.7.  
   Be aware that the YARA rules are intentionally written in a way that is less strict & may

    1. detect other malicious samples created in the time frame in which the known malicious samples were created
    2. lead to some FPs
   Thank you to @cyb3rops for sharing rules.

type: CLIENT

   - name: TargetGlob
     default: C:\Users\*\AppData\*\Programs\3CXDesktopApp\**.{dll,exe}
   - name: UploadHits
     description: Select to upload hits to server.
     type: bool
   - name: TargetYara
     default: |
         import "pe"
         rule APT_MAL_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects malicious DLLs related to 3CX compromise"
               author = "X__Junior, Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-29"
               score = 85
               hash1 = "7986bbaee8940da11ce089383521ab420c443ab7b15ed42aed91fd31ce833896"
               hash2 = "c485674ee63ec8d4e8fde9800788175a8b02d3f9416d0e763360fff7f8eb4e02"
               $op1 = { 4C 89 F1 4C 89 EA 41 B8 40 00 00 00 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 74 ?? 4C 89 F0 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8D 4C 24 ?? 45 8B 01 4C 89 F1 4C 89 EA FF 15 } /* VirtualProtect and execute payload*/
               $op2 = { 48 C7 44 24 ?? 00 00 00 00 4C 8D 7C 24 ?? 48 89 F9 48 89 C2 41 89 E8 4D 89 F9 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 83 3F 00 0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F B7 03 3D 4D 5A 00 00} /* ReadFile and MZ compare*/
               $op3 = { 41 80 7C 00 ?? FE 75 ?? 41 80 7C 00 ?? ED 75 ?? 41 80 7C 00 ?? FA 75 ?? 41 80 3C 00 CE} /* marker */
               $op4 = { 44 0F B6 CD 46 8A 8C 0C ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 30 0C 0E 48 FF C1} /* xor part in RC4 decryption*/
               uint16(0) == 0x5a4d
               and filesize < 3MB 
               and pe.characteristics & pe.DLL
               and 2 of them

         rule APT_MAL_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_2 {
               description = "Detects malicious DLLs related to 3CX compromise (decrypted payload)"
               author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-29"
               score = 80
               hash1 = "aa4e398b3bd8645016d8090ffc77d15f926a8e69258642191deb4e68688ff973"
               $s1 = "" wide fullword
               $s2 = "" wide fullword
               $s3 = "icon%d.ico" wide fullword
               $s4 = "__tutmc" ascii fullword

               $op1 = { 2d ee a1 00 00 c5 fa e6 f5 e9 40 fe ff ff 0f 1f 44 00 00 75 2e c5 fb 10 0d 46 a0 00 00 44 8b 05 7f a2 00 00 e8 0a 0e 00 00 }
               $op4 = { 4c 8d 5c 24 71 0f 57 c0 48 89 44 24 60 89 44 24 68 41 b9 15 cd 5b 07 0f 11 44 24 70 b8 b1 68 de 3a 41 ba a4 7b 93 02 }
               $op5 = { f7 f3 03 d5 69 ca e8 03 00 00 ff 15 c9 0a 02 00 48 8d 44 24 30 45 33 c0 4c 8d 4c 24 38 48 89 44 24 20 }
               uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and
               filesize < 900KB and 3 of them
               or 5 of them

         rule APT_MAL_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_3 {
               description = "Detects malicious DLLs related to 3CX compromise (decrypted payload)"
               author = "Florian Roth , X__Junior"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-29"
               score = 80
               hash1 = "aa4e398b3bd8645016d8090ffc77d15f926a8e69258642191deb4e68688ff973"
               $opa1 = { 41 81 C0 ?? ?? ?? ?? 02 C8 49 C1 E9 ?? 41 88 4B ?? 4D 03 D1 8B C8 45 8B CA C1 E1 ?? 33 C1 41 69 D0 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B C8 C1 E9 ?? 33 C1 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 81 C2 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C1 43 8D 0C 02 02 C8 49 C1 EA ?? 41 88 0B 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 33 C1 44 69 C2 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B C8 C1 E9 ?? 33 C1 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 41 81 C0 } /*lcg chunk */
               $opa2 = { 8B C8 41 69 D1 ?? ?? ?? ?? C1 E1 ?? 33 C1 45 8B CA 8B C8 C1 E9 ?? 33 C1 81 C2 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 33 C1 41 8B C8 4C 0F AF CF 44 69 C2 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 03 C9 45 8B D1 4C 0F AF D7} /*lcg chunk */

               $opb1 = { 45 33 C9 48 89 6C 24 ?? 48 8D 44 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 8B D3 48 89 B4 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 44 24 ?? 45 8D 41 ?? FF 15 } /* base64 decode */
               $opb2 = { 44 8B 0F 45 8B C6 48 8B 4D ?? 49 8B D7 44 89 64 24 ?? 48 89 7C 24 ?? 44 89 4C 24 ?? 4C 8D 4D ?? 48 89 44 24 ?? 44 89 64 24 ?? 4C 89 64 24 ?? FF 15} /* AES decryption */
               $opb3 = { 48 FF C2 66 44 39 2C 56 75 ?? 4C 8D 4C 24 ?? 45 33 C0 48 8B CE FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 44 0F B7 44 24 ?? 33 F6 48 8B 54 24 ?? 45 33 C9 48 8B 0B 48 89 74 24 ?? 89 74 24 ?? C7 44 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? FF 15 } /* internet connection */
               $opb4 = { 33 C0 48 8D 6B ?? 4C 8D 4C 24 ?? 89 44 24 ?? BA ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 44 24 ?? 48 8B CD 89 44 24 ?? 44 8D 40 ?? 8B F8 FF 15} /* VirtualProtect */
               ( all of ($opa*) )
               ( 1 of ($opa*) and 1 of ($opb*) )
               ( 3 of ($opb*) )

         rule SUSP_APT_MAL_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects marker found in malicious DLLs related to 3CX compromise"
               author = "X__Junior, Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-29"
               score = 75
               hash1 = "7986bbaee8940da11ce089383521ab420c443ab7b15ed42aed91fd31ce833896"
               hash2 = "c485674ee63ec8d4e8fde9800788175a8b02d3f9416d0e763360fff7f8eb4e02"
               $opx1 = { 41 80 7C 00 FD FE 75 ?? 41 80 7C 00 FE ED 75 ?? 41 80 7C 00 FF FA 75 ?? 41 80 3C 00 CE } 

         rule APT_SUSP_NK_3CX_RC4_Key_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects RC4 key used in 3CX binaries known to be malicious"
               author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               date = "2023-03-29"
               reference = ""
               score = 70
               hash1 = "7986bbaee8940da11ce089383521ab420c443ab7b15ed42aed91fd31ce833896"
               hash2 = "59e1edf4d82fae4978e97512b0331b7eb21dd4b838b850ba46794d9c7a2c0983"
               hash3 = "aa124a4b4df12b34e74ee7f6c683b2ebec4ce9a8edcf9be345823b4fdcf5d868"
               hash4 = "c485674ee63ec8d4e8fde9800788175a8b02d3f9416d0e763360fff7f8eb4e02"
               $x1 = "3jB(2bsG#@c7"
               ( uint16(0) == 0xcfd0 or uint16(0) == 0x5a4d )
               and $x1

         rule SUSP_3CX_App_Signed_Binary_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects 3CX application binaries signed with a certificate and created in a time frame in which other known malicious binaries have been created"
               author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               date = "2023-03-29"
               reference = ""
               score = 65
               hash1 = "fad482ded2e25ce9e1dd3d3ecc3227af714bdfbbde04347dbc1b21d6a3670405"
               hash2 = "dde03348075512796241389dfea5560c20a3d2a2eac95c894e7bbed5e85a0acc"
               $sa1 = "3CX Ltd1"
               $sa2 = "3CX Desktop App" wide
               $sc1 = { 1B 66 11 DF 9C 9A 4D 6E CC 8E D5 0C 9B 91 78 73 } // Known compromised cert
               uint16(0) == 0x5a4d
               and pe.timestamp > 1669680000 // 29.11.2022 earliest known malicious sample 
               and pe.timestamp < 1680108505 // 29.03.2023 date of the report
               and all of ($sa*)
               and $sc1 // serial number of known compromised certificate

         rule SUSP_3CX_MSI_Signed_Binary_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects 3CX MSI installers signed with a known compromised certificate and signed in a time frame in which other known malicious binaries have been signed"
               author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               date = "2023-03-29"
               reference = ""
               score = 60
               hash1 = "aa124a4b4df12b34e74ee7f6c683b2ebec4ce9a8edcf9be345823b4fdcf5d868"
               hash2 = "59e1edf4d82fae4978e97512b0331b7eb21dd4b838b850ba46794d9c7a2c0983"
               $a1 = { 84 10 0C 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 } // MSI marker

               $sc1 = { 1B 66 11 DF 9C 9A 4D 6E CC 8E D5 0C 9B 91 78 73 } // Known compromised cert

               $s1 = "3CX Ltd1"
               $s2 = "202303" // in 
               uint16(0) == 0xcfd0
               and $a1 
               and $sc1 
               and (
                  $s1 in (filesize-20000..filesize)
                  and $s2 in (filesize-20000..filesize)

         rule APT_MAL_macOS_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects malicious macOS application related to 3CX compromise (decrypted payload)"
               author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-30"
               score = 80
               hash1 = "b86c695822013483fa4e2dfdf712c5ee777d7b99cbad8c2fa2274b133481eadb"
               hash2 = "ac99602999bf9823f221372378f95baa4fc68929bac3a10e8d9a107ec8074eca"
               hash3 = "51079c7e549cbad25429ff98b6d6ca02dc9234e466dd9b75a5e05b9d7b95af72"
               $s1 = "20230313064152Z0"
               $s2 = "Developer ID Application: 3CX (33CF4654HL)"
               uint16(0) == 0xfeca and all of them

         /* 30.03.2023 */

         rule APT_MAL_MacOS_NK_3CX_DYLIB_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects malicious DYLIB files related to 3CX compromise"
               author = "Florian Roth"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-30"
               score = 80
               hash1 = "a64fa9f1c76457ecc58402142a8728ce34ccba378c17318b3340083eeb7acc67"
               hash2 = "fee4f9dabc094df24d83ec1a8c4e4ff573e5d9973caa676f58086c99561382d7"
               /* XORed UA 0x7a */
               $xc1 = { 37 15 00 13 16 16 1B 55 4F 54 4A 5A 52 2D 13 14 
                        1E 15 0D 09 5A 34 2E 5A 4B 4A 54 4A 41 5A 2D 13
                        14 4C 4E 41 5A 02 4C 4E 53 5A 3B 0A 0A 16 1F 2D
                        1F 18 31 13 0E 55 4F 49 4D 54 49 4C 5A 52 31 32
                        2E 37 36 56 5A 16 13 11 1F 5A 3D 1F 19 11 15 53
                        5A 39 12 08 15 17 1F 55 4B 4A 42 54 4A 54 4F 49
                        4F 43 54 4B 48 42 5A 29 1B 1C 1B 08 13 55 4F 49
                        4D 54 49 4C 7A }
               /* /;3cx_auth_token_content=%s;__tutma= */
               $xc2 = { 41 49 19 02 25 1b 0f 0e 12 25 0e 15 11 1f 14 25 19 15 14 0e 1f 14 0e 47 5f 09 41 25 25 0e 0f 0e 17 1b 47 }
               /* /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist */
               $xc3 = { 55 29 03 09 0e 1f 17 55 36 13 18 08 1b 08 03 55 39 15 08 1f 29 1f 08 0c 13 19 1f 09 55 29 03 09 0e 1f 17 2c 1f 08 09 13 15 14 54 0a 16 13 09 0e }
               1 of them

         rule APT_SUSP_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_1 {
               description = "Detects indicator (event name) found in samples related to 3CX compromise"
               author = "Florian Roth"
               reference = ""
               date = "2023-03-30"
               score = 70
               hash1 = "7986bbaee8940da11ce089383521ab420c443ab7b15ed42aed91fd31ce833896"
               hash2 = "59e1edf4d82fae4978e97512b0331b7eb21dd4b838b850ba46794d9c7a2c0983"
               hash3 = "aa124a4b4df12b34e74ee7f6c683b2ebec4ce9a8edcf9be345823b4fdcf5d868"
               hash4 = "c485674ee63ec8d4e8fde9800788175a8b02d3f9416d0e763360fff7f8eb4e02"
               $a1 = "AVMonitorRefreshEvent" wide fullword
               1 of them

         rule APT_MAL_NK_3CX_Malicious_Samples_Mar23_4 {
                 author = "MalGamy"
                 reference = ""
                 description = "Detects decrypted payload loaded inside 3CXDesktopApp.exe which downloads info stealer"
                 date = "2023-03-29"
                 hash = "851c2c99ebafd4e5e9e140cfe3f2d03533846ca16f8151ae8ee0e83c692884b7" 
                 score = 80
                 $op1 = {41 69 D0 [4] 8B C8 C1 E9 ?? 33 C1 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 81 C2 [4] 33 C1 43 8D 0C 02 02 C8 49 C1 EA ?? 41 88 0B 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 33 C1 44 69 C2 [4] 8B C8 C1 E9 ?? 33 C1 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 41 81 C0 [4] 33 C1 4C 0F AF CF 4D 03 CA 45 8B D1 4C 0F AF D7 41 8D 0C 11 49 C1 E9 ?? 02 C8} // // xor with mul operation
                 $op2 = {4D 0F AF CC 44 69 C2 [4] 4C 03 C9 45 8B D1 4D 0F AF D4 41 8D 0C 11 41 81 C0 [4] 02 C8 49 C1 E9 ?? 41 88 4B ?? 4D 03 D1 8B C8 45 8B CA C1 E1 ?? 33 C1} // xor with mul operation
                 $op3 = {33 C1 4C 0F AF C7 8B C8 C1 E1 ?? 4D 03 C2 33 C1} // shift operation
                 2 of them

         rule MAL_3CXDesktopApp_MacOS_Backdoor_Mar23 {
               author = "X__Junior"
                 reference = ""
                 description = "Detects 3CXDesktopApp MacOS Backdoor component"
                 date = "2023-03-30"
                 hash = "a64fa9f1c76457ecc58402142a8728ce34ccba378c17318b3340083eeb7acc67"
                 score = 80
                 $sa1 = "%s/.main_storage" ascii fullword
                 $sa2 = "%s/UpdateAgent" ascii fullword

                 $op1 = { 31 C0 41 80 34 06 ?? 48 FF C0 48 83 F8 ?? 75 ?? BE ?? ?? ?? ?? BA ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 89 F7 48 89 D9 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 DF E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 DF E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 89 F7 5B 41 5E 41 5F E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 5B 41 5E 41 5F C3} /* string decryption */
                 $op2 = { 0F 11 84 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 28 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 29 84 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 28 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 29 84 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 31 C0 80 B4 04 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 FF C0} /* string decryption */
               ( uint16(0) == 0xfeca and filesize < 6MB
                     ( 1 of ($sa*) and 1 of ($op* ) )
                     or all of ($sa*)
               or ( all of ($op*) )

   - name: VersionRegex
     description: Known comromised 3CXDesktopApp.exe Windows versions to search AMCache.
     default: ^(18\.12\.407\.0|18\.12\.416)$

  - query: |
      SELECT * FROM Artifact.Generic.Detection.Yara.Glob(
                                                        UploadHits=UploadHits )

  - name: VAD - 3CX process
    precondition: |
        SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'
    query: |
        SELECT * FROM Artifact.Windows.System.VAD(
                                                SuspiciousContent=TargetYara )

  - name: AMCache
    precondition: |
        SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'
    query: |
        LET X = scope()
        SELECT FileId,
               Key.OSPath.Path as Key,
               Key.OSPath.DelegatePath AS Hive,
               Key.Mtime as LastModified,
               X.LowerCaseLongPath as Binary,
               X.Name AS Name,
               X.Size AS Size,
               X.ProductName AS ProductName,
               X.Publisher AS Publisher,
               X.Version AS Version,
               X.BinFileVersion AS BinFileVersion
        FROM foreach(
                SELECT FullPath FROM glob(globs=expand(path="%SYSTEMROOT%/appcompat/Programs/Amcache.hve"))
                WHERE log(message="Processing "+FullPath)
            }, query={
                SELECT * FROM read_reg_key(
                   accessor='raw_reg' )
        WHERE Name = '3cxdesktopapp.exe'
            AND ( Version =~ VersionRegex
                OR BinVersion =~ VersionRegex )
  - name: HitContext
    type: preview_upload