
This server side event monitoring artifact watches for new client enrollments and automatically labels them according to their domain roles.

  • Standalone & Member Workstations will get the label Workstation assigned.
  • Standalone & Member Servers will get the label Server assigned.
  • Primary & Backup Domain Controller will get the label Domain Controller assigned.
  • Linux Systems will get the label Linux assigned.

Relabeling of all clients even after they were enrolled can be achieved by starting a hunt for Generic.Client.Info. The labels are either Set or Cleared so it is fine to re-apply the label many times. See

name: Server.Monitor.Autolabeling.Clients
author: Stephan Mikiss @StephMikiss
description: |
    This server side event monitoring artifact watches for new client enrollments and automatically labels them according to their domain roles.
    * Standalone & Member Workstations will get the label `Workstation` assigned.
    * Standalone & Member Servers will get the label `Server` assigned.
    * Primary & Backup Domain Controller will get the label `Domain Controller` assigned.
    * Linux Systems will get the label `Linux` assigned.
    Relabeling of all clients even after they were enrolled can be achieved by starting a hunt for `Generic.Client.Info`. The labels are either Set or Cleared so it is fine to re-apply the label many times. See
- query: |
    LET interrogations = SELECT *
        FROM watch_monitoring(artifact="System.Flow.Completion")
        WHERE Flow.artifacts_with_results =~ "Generic.Client.Info/WindowsInfo|Generic.Client.Info/BasicInformation"
    LET matches = SELECT * FROM switch(
        z={SELECT *,label(client_id=ClientId, labels="Linux", op="set") FROM source(
            artifact="Generic.Client.Info/BasicInformation") WHERE OS =~ "linux"},
        a={SELECT *,label(client_id=ClientId, labels="Workstation", op="set") FROM source(
            artifact="Generic.Client.Info/WindowsInfo") WHERE `Computer Info`.DomainRole =~"Workstation"},
        b={SELECT *,label(client_id=ClientId, labels="Server", op="set") FROM source(
            artifact="Generic.Client.Info/WindowsInfo") WHERE `Computer Info`.DomainRole =~"Server"},
        c={SELECT *,label(client_id=ClientId, labels="Domain Controller", op="set") FROM source(
            artifact="Generic.Client.Info/WindowsInfo") WHERE `Computer Info`.DomainRole =~"Domain Controller"}
    SELECT * FROM foreach(row=interrogations, query=matches)