
Looks for suspended Parallels VM owned by any user on a MacOS system. Can automatically upload the virtual memory files if found.

If a “*” file exists, that VM is running and not suspended.

NOTE: Uploading the Parallels memory file can take a while due to the size.

name: MacOS.ParallelsVM.SuspendedMemory
description: |
   Looks for suspended Parallels VM owned by any user on a MacOS system. Can automatically upload the virtual memory files if found.
   If a "*" file exists, that VM is running and not suspended.
   **NOTE:** Uploading the Parallels memory file can take a while due to the size.

type: CLIENT

author: Brady Semm - @btsemm

precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'darwin'

  - name: ParallelsMemoryPath
    default: "/Users/*/Parallels/*.pvm/{*.mem,*}"
  - name: UploadFiles
    type: bool

  - name: ParallelsMemoryFiles
    query: |
      LET ParallelsMemoryFiles <= SELECT parse_string_with_regex(regex="/Users/(?P<User>[^/]+)", string=FullPath).User AS User,
          parse_string_with_regex(regex="/Users/[^/]+/Parallels/(?P<VMName>[^\.]+).pvm", string=FullPath).VMName AS VMName,
          FullPath, File, Mtime, Size
          FROM glob(globs=ParallelsMemoryPath)
      SELECT User, VMName, Mtime, Size, FullPath
      FROM ParallelsMemoryFiles
  - name: Uploads
    query: |
      SELECT * FROM if(condition=UploadFiles,
            SELECT FullPath, User, VMName, Mtime,
               upload(file=FullPath) as FileDetails
            FROM ParallelsMemoryFiles
            WHERE FullPath =~ ".*\.mem$"