
This artifact looks for recent Wifi networks to which a host has joined. This can be useful in determining where a machine has been, or if a user has joined an illegitimate or unauthorized wireless network. *Tested on macOS Monterey

name: MacOS.Network.RecentWifiNetworks

    This artifact looks for recent Wifi networks to which a host has joined. This can be useful in determining where a machine has been, or if a user has joined an illegitimate or unauthorized wireless network.
    *Tested on macOS Monterey

type: CLIENT

author: Wes Lambert - @therealwlambert

  - name: RecentWifiNetworksGlob
    default: /Library/Logs/

      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'darwin'

  - query: |
      LET RecentNetworksLocation = SELECT OSPath from glob(globs=RecentWifiNetworksGlob)
      LET RecentNetworks = SELECT parse_json(data=read_file(filename=OSPath)) AS RN FROM RecentNetworksLocation
      LET EachNetwork = SELECT * from foreach(
               SELECT _key AS Network, _value AS Value
               FROM items(item=RN)
      SELECT Network AS Network,
            base64decode(string=Value.SSID) AS SSID,
             Value.AddReason AS AddReason,
             Value.AddedAt AS AddedAt,
             Value.UpdatedAt AS UpdatedAt,
             Value.JoinedByUserAt AS JoinedByUserAt,
             Value.JoinedBySystemAt AS JoinedBySystemAt,
             Value.SupportedSecurityTypes AS SupportedSecurityTypes,
             Value.Hidden AS Hidden,
             Value.SystemMode AS SystemMode,
             Value.CaptiveProfile.CaptiveNetwork AS CaptiveNetwork,
             Value.__OSSpecific__.ChannelHistory AS ChannelHistory,
             Value.__OSSpecific__.CollocatedGroup AS _CollocatedGroup,
             Value.PasspointSPRoamingEnabled AS _PasspointSPRoamingEnabled,
             Value AS _Data
      FROM EachNetwork