
This artifact looks for evidence of a web shell being present on the system. It targets Windows and Linux hosts. The artifact should be run on web servers, be it dedicated web servers or systems with integrated web servers. For such machines, find the root directory of the web server and change the artifact parameters as needed.

Multiple indicators for web shells are used:

  • files with suspicious strings commonly used in web shells
  • suspicious processes being spawned by the webserver process (Windows only)
  • recently created and changed files under the webroot directory False-positives might arise from web sites with remote code execution functionality willingly built in as well as recent changes to the served web sites. The artifact was envisioned for hunting after potential malicious activity, so noise should be expected with the output.

name: Generic.Detection.WebShells
author: Herbert Bärschneider @SEC Defence
description: |
    This artifact looks for evidence of a web shell being present on the system. It targets Windows and Linux hosts.
    The artifact should be run on web servers, be it dedicated web servers or systems with integrated web servers. 
    For such machines, find the root directory of the web server and change the artifact parameters as needed.

    Multiple indicators for web shells are used: 
    * files with suspicious strings commonly used in web shells
    * suspicious processes being spawned by the webserver process (Windows only)
    * recently created and changed files under the webroot directory
    False-positives might arise from web sites with remote code execution functionality willingly built in as well as recent changes to the served web sites.
    The artifact was envisioned for hunting after potential malicious activity, so noise should be expected with the output.


type: CLIENT

   - name: WindowsWebRoot 
     description: glob used to identify all files belonging to the web root on Windows; if you want to target a directory structure, don't forget to append "**"
     default: "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\**"
   - name: LinuxWebRoot
     description: glob used to identify all files belonging to the web root on Linux; if you want to target a directory structure, don't forget to append "**"
     default: "/var/www/**"
   - name: WebshellRegex
     description: regex for filtering the files in the webroot when looking at file creations and modifications
     type: regex
     default: '\.php|\.asp|\.aspx|\.jsp|\.jar|\.ps1|\.sh'
   - name: WebserverProcessRegex
     description: regex of processes which are considered as web servers when searching for suspicious process creations
     type: regex
     default: 'w3wp\.exe|httpd\.exe|tomcat*\.exe|nginx\.exe'
   - name: SpawnedProcessRegex
     description: regex of processes, which are to be considered suspicious when spawned from a web server process 
     type: regex
     default: 'cmd\.exe|powershell\.exe|pwsh\.exe|net\.exe|net1\.exe|whoami\.exe|hostname\.exe|systeminfo\.exe|ipconfig\.exe'
   - name: DateAfter
     type: timestamp
   - name: DateBefore
     type: timestamp
   - name: YaraRule
     type: yara
     description: yara rule used to search for web shells
     default: |
        private rule b374k
            author = "Blair Gillam (@blairgillam)"

                $string = "b374k"
                $password_var = "$s_pass"
                $default_password = "0de664ecd2be02cdd54234a0d1229b43"

                any of them

        private rule pas_tool
                author = "US CERT"

                $php = "<?php"
                $base64decode = /\='base'\.\(\d+\*\d+\)\.'_de'\.'code'/ 
                $strreplace = "(str_replace("
                $md5 = ".substr(md5(strrev("
                $gzinflate = "gzinflate"
                $cookie = "_COOKIE"
                $isset = "isset"

                (filesize > 20KB and filesize < 22KB) and
                #cookie == 2 and
                #isset == 3 and
                all of them

        private rule pbot
                author = "Jacob Baines (Tenable)"

                $ = "class pBot" ascii
                $ = "function start(" ascii
                $ = "PING" ascii
                $ = "PONG" ascii

                all of them

        private rule passwordProtection
                source = ""
                $md5 = /md5\s*\(\s*\$_(GET|REQUEST|POST|COOKIE|SERVER)[^)]+\)\s*===?\s*['"][0-9a-f]{32}['"]/ nocase
                $sha1 = /sha1\s*\(\s*\$_(GET|REQUEST|POST|COOKIE|SERVER)[^)]+\)\s*===?\s*['"][0-9a-f]{40}['"]/ nocase
                (any of them) 

        private rule ObfuscatedPhp
                source = ""
                $eval = /(<\?php|[;{}])[ \t]*@?(eval|preg_replace|system|assert|passthru|(pcntl_)?exec|shell_exec|call_user_func(_array)?)\s*\(/ nocase  // ;eval( <- this is dodgy
                $eval_comment = /(eval|preg_replace|system|assert|passthru|(pcntl_)?exec|shell_exec|call_user_func(_array)?)\/\*[^\*]*\*\/\(/ nocase  // eval/*lol*/( <- this is dodgy
                $b374k = "'ev'.'al'"
                $align = /(\$\w+=[^;]*)*;\$\w+=@?\$\w+\(/  //b374k
                $weevely3 = /\$\w=\$[a-zA-Z]\('',\$\w\);\$\w\(\);/  // weevely3 launcher
                $c99_launcher = /;\$\w+\(\$\w+(,\s?\$\w+)+\);/  //
                $nano = /\$[a-z0-9-_]+\[[^]]+\]\(/ //
                $ninja = /base64_decode[^;]+getallheaders/ //
                $variable_variable = /\${\$[0-9a-zA-z]+}/
                $too_many_chr = /(chr\([\d]+\)\.){8}/  // concatenation of more than eight `chr()`
                $concat = /(\$[^\n\r]+\.){5}/  // concatenation of more than 5 words
                $concat_with_spaces = /(\$[^\n\r]+\. ){5}/  // concatenation of more than 5 words, with spaces
                $var_as_func = /\$_(GET|POST|COOKIE|REQUEST|SERVER)\s*\[[^\]]+\]\s*\(/
                $comment = /\/\*([^*]|\*[^\/])*\*\/\s*\(/  // eval /* comment */ (php_code)
                (any of them)

        private rule DodgyPhp
                source = ""
                $basedir_bypass = /curl_init\s*\(\s*["']file:\/\// nocase
                $basedir_bypass2 = "file:file:///" //
                $disable_magic_quotes = /set_magic_quotes_runtime\s*\(\s*0/ nocase

                $execution = /\b(eval|assert|passthru|exec|include|system|pcntl_exec|shell_exec|base64_decode|`|array_map|ob_start|call_user_func(_array)?)\s*\(\s*(base64_decode|php:\/\/input|str_rot13|gz(inflate|uncompress)|getenv|pack|\\?\$_(GET|REQUEST|POST|COOKIE|SERVER))/ nocase  // function that takes a callback as 1st parameter
                $execution2 = /\b(array_filter|array_reduce|array_walk(_recursive)?|array_walk|assert_options|uasort|uksort|usort|preg_replace_callback|iterator_apply)\s*\(\s*[^,]+,\s*(base64_decode|php:\/\/input|str_rot13|gz(inflate|uncompress)|getenv|pack|\\?\$_(GET|REQUEST|POST|COOKIE|SERVER))/ nocase  // functions that takes a callback as 2nd parameter
                $execution3 = /\b(array_(diff|intersect)_u(key|assoc)|array_udiff)\s*\(\s*([^,]+\s*,?)+\s*(base64_decode|php:\/\/input|str_rot13|gz(inflate|uncompress)|getenv|pack|\\?\$_(GET|REQUEST|POST|COOKIE|SERVER))\s*\[[^]]+\]\s*\)+\s*;/ nocase  // functions that takes a callback as 2nd parameter

                $htaccess = "SetHandler application/x-httpd-php"
                $iis_com = /IIS:\/\/localhost\/w3svc/
                $include = /include\s*\(\s*[^\.]+\.(png|jpg|gif|bmp)/  // Clever includes
                $ini_get = /ini_(get|set|restore)\s*\(\s*['"](safe_mode|open_basedir|disable_(function|classe)s|safe_mode_exec_dir|safe_mode_include_dir|register_globals|allow_url_include)/ nocase
                $register_function = /register_[a-z]+_function\s*\(\s*['"]\s*(eval|assert|passthru|exec|include|system|shell_exec|`)/  //
                $safemode_bypass = /\x00\/\.\.\/|LD_PRELOAD/
                $shellshock = /\(\)\s*{\s*[a-z:]\s*;\s*}\s*;/
                $udp_dos = /fsockopen\s*\(\s*['"]udp:\/\// nocase
                $various = "<!--#exec cmd="  //
                $at_eval = /@eval\s*\(/ nocase
                $double_var = /\${\s*\${/
                $extract = /extract\s*\(\s*\$_(GET|POST|REQUEST|COOKIE|SERVER)/
                $reversed = /noitcnuf_etaerc|metsys|urhtssap|edulcni|etucexe_llehs/ nocase
                        $silenced_include =/@\s*include\s*/ nocase

                (any of them)

        private rule DangerousPhp
                source = ""
                $system = "system" fullword nocase  // localroot bruteforcers have a lot of this

                $ = "array_filter" fullword nocase
                $ = "assert" fullword nocase
                $ = "backticks" fullword nocase
                $ = "call_user_func" fullword nocase
                $ = "eval" fullword nocase
                $ = "exec" fullword nocase
                $ = "fpassthru" fullword nocase
                $ = "fsockopen" fullword nocase
                $ = "function_exists" fullword nocase
                $ = "getmygid" fullword nocase
                $ = "shmop_open" fullword nocase
                $ = "mb_ereg_replace_callback" fullword nocase
                $ = "passthru" fullword nocase
                $ = /pcntl_(exec|fork)/ fullword nocase
                $ = "php_uname" fullword nocase
                $ = "phpinfo" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_geteuid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getgid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getpgid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getppid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getpwnam" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getpwuid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getsid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_getuid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_kill" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_setegid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_seteuid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_setgid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_setpgid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_setsid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_setsid" fullword nocase
                $ = "posix_setuid" fullword nocase
                $ = "preg_replace_callback" fullword
                $ = "proc_open" fullword nocase
                $ = "proc_close" fullword nocase
                $ = "popen" fullword nocase
                $ = "register_shutdown_function" fullword nocase
                $ = "register_tick_function" fullword nocase
                $ = "shell_exec" fullword nocase
                $ = "shm_open" fullword nocase
                $ = "show_source" fullword nocase
                $ = "socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)" nocase
                $ = "stream_socket_pair" nocase
                $ = "suhosin.executor.func.blacklist" nocase
                $ = "unregister_tick_function" fullword nocase
                $ = "win32_create_service" fullword nocase
                $ = "xmlrpc_decode" fullword nocase 
                $ = /ob_start\s*\(\s*[^\)]/  //ob_start('assert'); echo $_REQUEST['pass']; ob_end_flush();

                $whitelist = /escapeshellcmd|escapeshellarg/ nocase

                (not $whitelist and (5 of them or #system > 250))

        private rule IRC
                source = ""
                $ = "USER" fullword nocase
                $ = "PASS" fullword nocase
                $ = "PRIVMSG" fullword nocase
                $ = "MODE" fullword nocase
                $ = "PING" fullword nocase
                $ = "PONG" fullword nocase
                $ = "JOIN" fullword nocase
                $ = "PART" fullword nocase

                5 of them

        private rule base64_strings
                source = ""
                $user_agent = "SFRUUF9VU0VSX0FHRU5UCg"
                $eval = "ZXZhbCg"
                $system = "c3lzdGVt"
                $preg_replace = "cHJlZ19yZXBsYWNl"
                $exec = "ZXhlYyg"
                $base64_decode = "YmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZ"
                $perl_shebang = "IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsCg"
                $cmd_exe = "Y21kLmV4ZQ"
                $powershell = "cG93ZXJzaGVsbC5leGU"

                any of them

        private rule hex
                source = ""
                $globals = "\\x47\\x4c\\x4f\\x42\\x41\\x4c\\x53" nocase
                $eval = "\\x65\\x76\\x61\\x6C\\x28" nocase
                $exec = "\\x65\\x78\\x65\\x63" nocase
                $system = "\\x73\\x79\\x73\\x74\\x65\\x6d" nocase
                $preg_replace = "\\x70\\x72\\x65\\x67\\x5f\\x72\\x65\\x70\\x6c\\x61\\x63\\x65" nocase
                $http_user_agent = "\\x48\\124\\x54\\120\\x5f\\125\\x53\\105\\x52\\137\\x41\\107\\x45\\116\\x54" nocase
                $base64_decode = "\\x61\\x73\\x65\\x36\\x34\\x5f\\x64\\x65\\x63\\x6f\\x64\\x65\\x28\\x67\\x7a\\x69\\x6e\\x66\\x6c\\x61\\x74\\x65\\x28" nocase
                any of them

        private rule Hpack
                source = ""
                $globals = "474c4f42414c53" nocase
                $eval = "6576616C28" nocase
                $exec = "65786563" nocase
                $system = "73797374656d" nocase
                $preg_replace = "707265675f7265706c616365" nocase
                $base64_decode = "61736536345f6465636f646528677a696e666c61746528" nocase
                any of them

        private rule strrev
                source = ""
                $globals = "slabolg" nocase fullword
                $preg_replace = "ecalper_gerp" nocase fullword
                $base64_decode = "edoced_46esab" nocase fullword
                $gzinflate = "etalfnizg" nocase fullword
                any of them

        private rule SuspiciousEncoding
                source = ""
                (base64_strings or hex or strrev or Hpack)

        private rule DodgyStrings
                source = ""
                $ = ".bash_history"
                $ = "404 not found" nocase
                $ = "file not found" nocase
                $ = "forbidden" nocase
                $ = /AddType\s+application\/x-httpd-(php|cgi)/ nocase
                $ = /php_value\s*auto_prepend_file/ nocase
                $ = /SecFilterEngine\s+Off/ nocase  // disable modsec
                $ = /Add(Handler|Type|OutputFilter)\s+[^\s]+\s+\.htaccess/ nocase
                $ = ".mysql_history"
                $ = ".ssh/authorized_keys"
                $ = "/(.*)/e"  // preg_replace code execution
                $ = "/../../../"
                $ = "/etc/passwd"
                $ = "/etc/proftpd.conf"
                $ = "/etc/resolv.conf"
                $ = "/etc/shadow"
                $ = "/etc/syslog.conf"
                $ = "/proc/cpuinfo" fullword
                $ = "/var/log/lastlog"
                $ = "/windows/system32/"
                $ = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" nocase
                $ = "WScript.Shell"
                $ = "WinExec"
                $ = "b374k" fullword nocase
                $ = "backdoor" fullword nocase
                $ = /(c99|r57|fx29)shell/
                $ = "cmd.exe" fullword nocase
                $ = "powershell.exe" fullword nocase
                $ = /defac(ed|er|ement|ing)/ fullword nocase
                $ = "evilc0ders" fullword nocase
                $ = "exploit" fullword nocase
                $ = "find . -type f" fullword
                $ = "hashcrack" nocase
                $ = "id_rsa" fullword
                $ = "ipconfig" fullword nocase
                $ = "kernel32.dll" fullword nocase
                $ = "kingdefacer" nocase
                $ = "Wireghoul" nocase fullword
                $ = "LD_PRELOAD" fullword
                $ = "libpcprofile"  // CVE-2010-3856 local root
                $ = "locus7s" nocase
                $ = "ls -la" fullword
                $ = "meterpreter" fullword
                $ = "nc -l" fullword
                $ = "netstat -an" fullword
                $ = "php://"
                $ = "ps -aux" fullword
                $ = "rootkit" fullword nocase
                $ = "slowloris" fullword nocase
                $ = "suhosin" fullword
                $ = "sun-tzu" fullword nocase // quote from the Art of War
                $ = /trojan (payload)?/
                $ = "uname -a" fullword
                $ = "visbot" nocase fullword
                $ = "warez" fullword nocase
                $ = "whoami" fullword
                $ = /(r[e3]v[e3]rs[e3]|w[3e]b|cmd)\s*sh[e3]ll/ nocase
                $ = /-perm -0[24]000/ // find setuid files
                $ = /\/bin\/(ba)?sh/ fullword
                $ = /hack(ing|er|ed)/ nocase
                $ = /(safe_mode|open_basedir) bypass/ nocase
                $ = /xp_(execresultset|regenumkeys|cmdshell|filelist)/

                $vbs = /language\s*=\s*vbscript/ nocase
                $asp = "scripting.filesystemobject" nocase

                (IRC or 2 of them)

        private rule generic_jsp
                source= ""

                $ = /Runtime.getRuntime\(\).exec\(request.getParameter\(\"[a-zA-Z0-9]+\"\)\);/ ascii

                all of them

        private rule eval
                source = ""

                $ = /eval[\( \t]+((base64_decode[\( \t]+)|(str_rot13[\( \t]+)|(gzinflate[\( \t]+)|(gzuncompress[\( \t]+)|(strrev[\( \t]+)|(gzdecode[\( \t]+))+/

                all of them

        private rule fopo
                source = ""

                $ = /\$[a-zA-Z0-9]+=\"\\(142|x62)\\(141|x61)\\(163|x73)\\(145|x65)\\(66|x36)\\(64|x34)\\(137|x5f)\\(144|x64)\\(145|x65)\\(143|x63)\\(157|x6f)\\(144|x64)\\(145|x65)\";@eval\(/

                all of them

        private rule hardcoded_urldecode
                source = ""

                $ = /urldecode[\t ]*\([\t ]*'(%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])+'[\t ]*\)/

                all of them

        private rule chr_obfuscation
                source = ""

                $ = /\$[^=]+=[\t ]*(chr\([0-9]+\)\.?){2,}/

                all of them

        private rule phpInImage
                source = "Vlad"

                $php_tag = "<?php"
                $gif = {47 49 46 38 ?? 61} // GIF8[version]a
                $jfif = { ff d8 ff e? 00 10 4a 46 49 46 }
                $png = { 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a }
                $jpeg = {FF D8 FF E0 ?? ?? 4A 46 49 46 } 

                (($gif at 0) or ($jfif at 0) or ($png at 0) or ($jpeg at 0)) and $php_tag

        rule hiddenFunctionality
                author = "NSA Cybersecurity"
                description = "Hidden functionality allows malware to masquerade as another filetype"


        rule webshellArtifact 
                author = "NSA Cybersecurity"
                description = "Artifacts common to web shells and rare in benign files"

                b374k or pas_tool or pbot or generic_jsp

        rule suspiciousFunctionality
                author = "NSA Cybersecurity"
                description = "Artifacts common to web shells and somewhat rare in benign files"

                passwordProtection or hardcoded_urldecode or fopo or eval

        rule obfuscatedFunctionality
                author = "NSA Cybersecurity"
                description = "Obfuscation sometimes hides malicious functionality"

                ObfuscatedPhp or chr_obfuscation or SuspiciousEncoding

        rule possibleIndicator
                author = "NSA Cybersecurity"
                description = "Artifacts common to web shells and less common in benign files"

                DodgyPhp or DangerousPhp or DodgyStrings

        private rule APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_1
                author = "FireEye"
                description = "This rule is looking for portions of the SUNBURST backdoor that are vital to how it functions. The first signature fnv_xor matches a magic byte xor that the sample performs on process, service, and driver names/paths. SUNBURST is a backdoor that has the ability to spawn and kill processes, write and delete files, set and create registry keys, gather system information, and disable a set of forensic analysis tools and services."
                source = ""
                $cmd_regex_encoded = "U4qpjjbQtUzUTdONrTY2q42pVapRgooABYxQuIZmtUoA" wide
                $cmd_regex_plain = { 5C 7B 5B 30 2D 39 61 2D 66 2D 5D 7B 33 36 7D 5C 7D 22 7C 22 5B 30 2D 39 61 2D 66 5D 7B 33 32 7D 22 7C 22 5B 30 2D 39 61 2D 66 5D 7B 31 36 7D }
                $fake_orion_event_encoded = "U3ItS80rCaksSFWyUvIvyszPU9IBAA==" wide
                $fake_orion_event_plain = { 22 45 76 65 6E 74 54 79 70 65 22 3A 22 4F 72 69 6F 6E 22 2C }
                $fake_orion_eventmanager_encoded = "U3ItS80r8UvMTVWyUgKzfRPzEtNTi5R0AA==" wide
                $fake_orion_eventmanager_plain = { 22 45 76 65 6E 74 4E 61 6D 65 22 3A 22 45 76 65 6E 74 4D 61 6E 61 67 65 72 22 2C }
                $fake_orion_message_encoded = "U/JNLS5OTE9VslKqNqhVAgA=" wide
                $fake_orion_message_plain = { 22 4D 65 73 73 61 67 65 22 3A 22 7B 30 7D 22 }
                $fnv_xor = { 67 19 D8 A7 3B 90 AC 5B }
                $fnv_xor and ($cmd_regex_encoded or $cmd_regex_plain) or ( ($fake_orion_event_encoded or $fake_orion_event_plain) and ($fake_orion_eventmanager_encoded or $fake_orion_eventmanager_plain) and ($fake_orion_message_encoded and $fake_orion_message_plain) )

        private rule APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_2
                author = "FireEye"
                description = "The SUNBURST backdoor uses a domain generation algorithm (DGA) as part of C2 communications. This rule is looking for each branch of the code that checks for which HTTP method is being used. This is in one large conjunction, and all branches are then tied together via disjunction. The grouping is intentionally designed so that if any part of the DGA is re-used in another sample, this signature should match that re-used portion. SUNBURST is a backdoor that has the ability to spawn and kill processes, write and delete files, set and create registry keys, gather system information, and disable a set of forensic analysis tools and services."
                source = ""
                $a = "0y3Kzy8BAA==" wide
                $aa = "S8vPKynWL89PS9OvNqjVrTYEYqNa3fLUpDSgTLVxrR5IzggA" wide
                $ab = "S8vPKynWL89PS9OvNqjVrTYEYqPaauNaPZCYEQA=" wide
                $ac = "C88sSs1JLS4GAA==" wide
                $ad = "C/UEAA==" wide
                $ae = "C89MSU8tKQYA" wide
                $af = "8wvwBQA=" wide
                $ag = "cyzIz8nJBwA=" wide
                $ah = "c87JL03xzc/LLMkvysxLBwA=" wide
                $ai = "88tPSS0GAA==" wide
                $aj = "C8vPKc1NLQYA" wide
                $ak = "88wrSS1KS0xOLQYA" wide
                $al = "c87PLcjPS80rKQYA" wide
                $am = "Ky7PLNAvLUjRBwA=" wide
                $an = "06vIzQEA" wide
                $b = "0y3NyyxLLSpOzIlPTgQA" wide
                $c = "001OBAA=" wide
                $d = "0y0oysxNLKqMT04EAA==" wide
                $e = "0y3JzE0tLknMLQAA" wide
                $f = "003PyU9KzAEA" wide
                $h = "0y1OTS4tSk1OBAA=" wide
                $i = "K8jO1E8uytGvNqitNqytNqrVA/IA" wide
                $j = "c8rPSQEA" wide
                $k = "c8rPSfEsSczJTAYA" wide
                $l = "c60oKUp0ys9JAQA=" wide
                $m = "c60oKUp0ys9J8SxJzMlMBgA=" wide
                $n = "8yxJzMlMBgA=" wide
                $o = "88lMzygBAA==" wide
                $p = "88lMzyjxLEnMyUwGAA==" wide
                $q = "C0pNL81JLAIA" wide
                $r = "C07NzXTKz0kBAA==" wide
                $s = "C07NzXTKz0nxLEnMyUwGAA==" wide
                $t = "yy9IzStOzCsGAA==" wide
                $u = "y8svyQcA" wide
                $v = "SytKTU3LzysBAA==" wide
                $w = "C84vLUpOdc5PSQ0oygcA" wide
                $x = "C84vLUpODU4tykwLKMoHAA==" wide
                $y = "C84vLUpO9UjMC07MKwYA" wide
                $z = "C84vLUpO9UjMC04tykwDAA==" wide
                ($a and $b and $c and $d and $e and $f and $h and $i) or ($j and $k and $l and $m and $n and $o and $p and $q and $r and $s and ($aa or $ab)) or ($t and $u and $v and $w and $x and $y and $z and ($aa or $ab)) or ($ac and $ad and $ae and $af and $ag and $ah and ($am or $an)) or ($ai and $aj and $ak and $al and ($am or $an))

        private rule APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_3
                author = "FireEye"
                description = "This rule is looking for certain portions of the SUNBURST backdoor that deal with C2 communications. SUNBURST is a backdoor that has the ability to spawn and kill processes, write and delete files, set and create registry keys, gather system information, and disable a set of forensic analysis tools and services."
                source = ""
                $sb1 = { 05 14 51 1? 0A 04 28 [2] 00 06 0? [0-16] 03 1F ?? 2E ?? 03 1F ?? 2E ?? 03 1F ?? 2E ?? 03 1F [1-32] 03 0? 05 28 [2] 00 06 0? [0-32] 03 [0-16] 59 45 06 }
                $sb2 = { FE 16 [2] 00 01 6F [2] 00 0A 1? 8D [2] 00 01 [0-32] 1? 1? 7B 9? [0-16] 1? 1? 7D 9? [0-16] 6F [2] 00 0A 28 [2] 00 0A 28 [2] 00 0A [0-32] 02 7B [2] 00 04 1? 6F [2] 00 0A [2-32] 02 7B [2] 00 04 20 [4] 6F [2] 00 0A [0-32] 13 ?? 11 ?? 11 ?? 6E 58 13 ?? 11 ?? 11 ?? 9? 1? [0-32] 60 13 ?? 0? 11 ?? 28 [4] 11 ?? 11 ?? 9? 28 [4] 28 [4-32] 9? 58 [0-32] 6? 5F 13 ?? 02 7B [2] 00 04 1? ?? 1? ?? 6F [2] 00 0A 8D [2] 00 01 }
                $ss1 = "\x00set_UseShellExecute\x00"
                $ss2 = "\x00ProcessStartInfo\x00"
                $ss3 = "\x00GetResponseStream\x00"
                $ss4 = "\x00HttpWebResponse\x00"
                (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550) and all of them

        private rule APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_4
                author = "FireEye"
                description = "This rule is looking for specific methods used by the SUNBURST backdoor. SUNBURST is a backdoor that has the ability to spawn and kill processes, write and delete files, set and create registry keys, gather system information, and disable a set of forensic analysis tools and services."
                source = ""
                $ss1 = "\x00set_UseShellExecute\x00"
                $ss2 = "\x00ProcessStartInfo\x00"
                $ss3 = "\x00GetResponseStream\x00"
                $ss4 = "\x00HttpWebResponse\x00"
                $ss5 = "\x00ExecuteEngine\x00"
                $ss6 = "\x00ParseServiceResponse\x00"
                $ss7 = "\x00RunTask\x00"
                $ss8 = "\x00CreateUploadRequest\x00"
                (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550) and all of them

        private rule APT_Dropper_Raw64_TEARDROP_1
                author = "FireEye"
                description = "This rule looks for portions of the TEARDROP backdoor that are vital to how it functions. TEARDROP is a memory only dropper that can read files and registry keys, XOR decode an embedded payload, and load the payload into memory. TEARDROP persists as a Windows service and has been observed dropping Cobalt Strike BEACON into memory."
                source = ""
                $sb1 = { C7 44 24 ?? 80 00 00 00 [0-64] BA 00 00 00 80 [0-32] 48 8D 0D [4-32] FF 15 [4] 48 83 F8 FF [2-64] 41 B8 40 00 00 00 [0-64] FF 15 [4-5] 85 C0 7? ?? 80 3D [4] FF }
                $sb2 = { 80 3D [4] D8 [2-32] 41 B8 04 00 00 00 [0-32] C7 44 24 ?? 4A 46 49 46 [0-32] E8 [4-5] 85 C0 [2-32] C6 05 [4] 6A C6 05 [4] 70 C6 05 [4] 65 C6 05 [4] 67 }
                $sb3 = { BA [4] 48 89 ?? E8 [4] 41 B8 [4] 48 89 ?? 48 89 ?? E8 [4] 85 C0 7? [1-32] 8B 44 24 ?? 48 8B ?? 24 [1-16] 48 01 C8 [0-32] FF D0 }
                all of them

        private rule APT_Dropper_Win64_TEARDROP_2
                author = "FireEye"
                description = "This rule is intended match specific sequences of opcode found within TEARDROP, including those that decode the embedded payload. TEARDROP is a memory only dropper that can read files and registry keys, XOR decode an embedded payload, and load the payload into memory. TEARDROP persists as a Windows service and has been observed dropping Cobalt Strike BEACON into memory."
                source = ""
                $loc_4218FE24A5 = { 48 89 C8 45 0F B6 4C 0A 30 }
                $loc_4218FE36CA = { 48 C1 E0 04 83 C3 01 48 01 E8 8B 48 28 8B 50 30 44 8B 40 2C 48 01 F1 4C 01 FA }
                $loc_4218FE2747 = { C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6A C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 70 C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 65 C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 67 }
                $loc_5551D725A0 = { 48 89 C8 45 0F B6 4C 0A 30 48 89 CE 44 89 CF 48 F7 E3 48 C1 EA 05 48 8D 04 92 48 8D 04 42 48 C1 E0 04 48 29 C6 }
                $loc_5551D726F6 = { 53 4F 46 54 57 41 52 45 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 74 5C 43 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 }
                (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550) and any of them

        import "pe"
        private rule SentinelLabs_SUPERNOVA
                description = "Identifies potential versions of App_Web_logoimagehandler.ashx.b6031896.dll weaponized with SUPERNOVA"
                date = "2020-12-22"
                author = "SentinelLabs"
                source = ""
                $ = "clazz"
                $ = "codes"
                $ = "args"
                $ = "ProcessRequest"
                $ = "DynamicRun"
                $ = "get_IsReusable"
                $ = "logoimagehandler.ashx" wide
                $ = "SiteNoclogoImage" wide
                $ = "SitelogoImage" wide

                (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and pe.imports("mscoree.dll")) and all of them

        rule SolarWindsArtifacts
                author = "NSA Cybersecurity"
                description = "Artifacts common to the SolarWinds compromise."

                or APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_2 
                or APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_3 
                or APT_Backdoor_MSIL_SUNBURST_4 
                or APT_Dropper_Raw64_TEARDROP_1 
                or APT_Dropper_Win64_TEARDROP_2
                or SentinelLabs_SUPERNOVA

        rule reGeorg_Variant_Web_shell {
                description = "Matches the reGeorg variant web shell used by the actors."
                date = "2021-07-01"
                author = "National Security Agency"
                source = ""
                $pageLanguage = "<%@ Page Language=\"C#\""
                $obfuscationFunction = "StrTr"
                $target = "target_str"
                $IPcomms = "System.Net.IPEndPoint"
                $addHeader = "Response.AddHeader"
                $socket = "Socket"
                5 of them

  - name: YaraHits
    query: |
      LET webroot = SELECT * FROM switch(
        windows={SELECT WindowsWebRoot AS Dir FROM info() WHERE OS = "windows"},
        linux={SELECT LinuxWebRoot AS Dir FROM info() WHERE OS = "linux"}
      LET webroot_dir <= webroot[0].Dir
      Select * FROM Artifact.Generic.Detection.Yara.Glob(PathGlob=webroot_dir, YaraRule=YaraRule, DateAfter=DateAfter)
  - name: WindowsProcessCreation
      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'
    query: |
      SELECT * FROM Artifact.Windows.EventLogs.Evtx(EvtxGlob='%SystemRoot%\\System32\\winevt\\Logs\\{*Sysmon*,Security}\.evtx', IDRegex="1|4688")
      WHERE ( Channel =~ 'sysmon' AND EventID = 1 AND EventData.ParentImage =~ WebserverProcessRegex AND EventData.Image =~ SpawnedProcessRegex )
        OR ( Channel =~ 'Security' AND EventID = 4688 AND EventData.ParentProcessName =~ WebserverProcessRegex AND EventData.NewProcessName =~ SpawnedProcessRegex )
  - name: FileSystemChanges
    query: |
      -- time test function (taken from Windows.NTFS.MFT)
      LET time_test(stamp) =
            if(condition= DateBefore AND DateAfter,
                then= stamp < DateBefore AND stamp > DateAfter,
                then= stamp < DateBefore,
            if(condition= DateAfter,
                then= stamp > DateAfter,
                else= True
      LET webroot = SELECT * FROM switch(
        windows={SELECT WindowsWebRoot AS Dir FROM info() WHERE OS = "windows"},
        linux={SELECT LinuxWebRoot AS Dir FROM info() WHERE OS = "linux"}
      LET webroot_dir <= webroot[0].Dir
      SELECT * FROM glob(globs=webroot_dir, accessor="auto")
        NOT IsDir 
        AND (time_test(stamp=Btime) OR time_test(stamp=Mtime))
        AND Name =~ WebshellRegex