Velociraptor can be fully controlled by external programs using the Velociraptor API. In this page you will learn how to connect to the server using the API and control it using a Python script to schedule collections on hosts and retrieve the results of those collections.
Modern detection and DFIR work consist of many different products and tools all working together. In reality Velociraptor is just a part of a larger ecosystem consisting of network detections, SIEM or other tools. It is therefore important to ensure that Velociraptor integrates well with other tools.
Generally there are two main requirements for Velociraptor integration:
Velociraptor can itself control other systems. This can be achieved using VQL and the execve() or http_client() plugins (See Extending VQL for an example)
Velociraptor can be controlled by external tools. This allows external tools to enrich and automate Velociraptor using an external API
The Velociraptor API is exposed over a streaming gRPC server. The gRPC protocol allows encrypted and streaming communications between API clients (i.e. calling external programs) and Velociraptor itself.
The communication is encrypted and protected using mutual certificate authentication verified by the built in Velociraptor CA. This means that callers are identified by their client certificates which must be issued by the Velociraptor CA.
The Velociraptor API itself is very simple, yet extremely powerful! It
simply exposes a method called Query
. Callers are able to run
arbitrary VQL queries and stream the results over the single API call.
Since VQL allows for many tasks, from server administration, post processing of collection results and scheduling of new collections, the API is extremely flexible and powerful.
The API is extremely powerful so it must be protected! The whole point of an API is to allow a client program (written in any language) to interact with Velociraptor. Since we use certificates to authenticate callers, the client program must present a certificate as part of its connection (This mechanism is built into gRPC).
The server can mint a certificate for the client program to use. This allows it to authenticate and establish a TLS connection with the API server.
By default the API server only listens on - this allows
scripts on the local machine to call into the API, but if you want to
use an external caller you can change the server’s configuration file
by setting the bind_address
field under the API
section to
allowing the API to bind on all interfaces. Following is the
relevant excerpt from the configuration file.
bind_port: 8001
bind_scheme: tcp
pinned_gw_name: GRPC_GW
After this change the server will report on the logs that the API server is now listening on all interfaces.
[INFO] 2021-11-07T01:57:26+10:00 Starting gRPC API server on
You can create a new client api certificate which allows the client program to identify itself with the server. The server will verify that the certificate is signed by the Velociraptor CA prior to accepting connections. The produced YAML file contains private keys, public certificates and the CA’s certificate.
velociraptor --config server.config.yaml config api_client --name Mike --role administrator api.config.yaml
This command can be broken into:
--config server.config.yaml
load the server config which contains
the CA private keys needed to sign a new minted certificate.config api_client
generate an api_client certificate--name Mike
: Certificates represent identities. The name of the
certificate will be used to identify the caller and place ACLs on
it.--role administrator
: This option will also assign a role to the
new certificate name. The role is used to test permissions of what
the caller may do.You can also change the permission of an existing certificate (or user) by simply granting a different role.
velociraptor --config /etc/velociraptor/server.config.yaml acl grant Mike --role administrator,api
For an API key to be able to connect the key must have the api
as well. This is a minimum role to allow external connections. The
role is very powerful and we recommend external
programs not be given this role. Instead think what permission the
external program requires on the server and select the appropriate
role for it.
If a key is compromised you can remove its role using the same command. This prevents the key from being used on the server at all.
velociraptor --config /etc/velociraptor/server.config.yaml acl grant Mike --role ""
At any time you can inspect the roles given to the key using the acl show
$ velociraptor --config /etc/velociraptor/server.config.yaml acl show Mike
Since release 0.6.7 the Velociraptor GUI contains a user management pane. You can use this to inspect all the currently issued API users as well as GUI users (There is inherently no difference between API users and GUI users other than the fact that API users are authenticated with certificates).
Ensure the any query
permission is provided to an API user so they
can connect over the API.
The Velociraptor API uses gRPC which is an open source, high
performance RPC protocol compatible with many languages. The
Velociraptor team officially supports python through the
project, but since gRPC is very portable, many other
languages can be used including C++, Java etc. This document will
discuss the python bindings specifically as an example.
For python we always recommend a virtual environment and Python 3. Once you have Python3 installed, simply install the pyvelociraptor package using pip.
pip install pyvelociraptor
In order to connect to the gRPC port, check the connection string setting in the api configuration file. If you want to connect to the api from a difference host you will need to update the connection string to include the correct IP address or hostname.
name: Mike
To test the API connection you can use the pyvelociraptor
commandline tool (which was installed via pip above). Let’s run a
simple query:
$ pyvelociraptor --config api_client.yaml "SELECT * FROM info()"
Sun Nov 7 02:16:44 2021: vql: Starting query execution.
Sun Nov 7 02:16:44 2021: vql: Time 0: Test: Sending response part 0 415 B (1 rows).
[{'Hostname': 'devbox', 'Uptime': 1290254, 'BootTime': 1634925150, 'Procs': 410, 'OS': 'linux', 'Platform': 'ubuntu', 'PlatformFamily': 'debian', 'PlatformVersion': '21.04', 'KernelVersion': '5.11.0-37-generic', 'VirtualizationSystem': '', 'VirtualizationRole': '', 'HostID': '4e7cbddb-e949-4fb9-876a-f4e3e85c9eb4', 'Exe': '/usr/local/bin/velociraptor.bin', 'Fqdn': 'devbox', 'Architecture': 'amd64'}]
Sun Nov 7 02:16:44 2021: vql: Query Stats: {"RowsScanned":1,"PluginsCalled":1,"FunctionsCalled":0,"ProtocolSearch":0,"ScopeCopy":4}
The above query uses the api config file to load the correct key material then sends the query over the network to the API port, forwarding the resulting query logs and result set to print them on the console.
The example is just a sample python program which you can modify as required.
Since VQL is already a powerful and flexible language, we do not need any other API handlers to be exposed. In the following section we discuss how VQL can be used to schedule a collection on a client, and relay back the results as a typical example of using the API to control Velociraptor artifact collections.
The trick here is that scheduling a collection on a client in
Velociraptor is asynchronous. This makes sense because the client may
not even be online at the moment. Scheduling a collection simply
returns a flow_id
by which we can reference the flow to check on its
status later.
For this example, say we want to schedule a Generic.Client.Info
collection. We will start off by calling the collect_client()
function which returns the flow id of the new collection.
LET collection <= collect_client(
artifacts='Generic.Client.Info', env=dict())
We can not access the flow’s results immediately though because it might take a few seconds for the client to actually respond. Therefore we need to wait for the flow to complete.
Velociraptor has a server eventing framework that allows VQL to watch
for changes in server state using the watch_monitoring()
plugin. This plugin is an event plugin (i.e. it blocks and simply
returns rows as events occur).
In this example we simply wish to wait until the flow we launched
above is complete. When flows complete, an event is sent on the
event queue. You can watch this to be
notified of flows completing
LET _ <= SELECT * FROM watch_monitoring(artifact='System.Flow.Completion')
WHERE FlowId = collection.flow_id
The above query simply begins watching the queue and each flow that is
completed on the system will send an event to the query. We are
looking for a specific flow though which was stored in the
variable above. Therefore we filter the events by the
WHERE condition. Finally we wish to quit the query once a single row
is found so we specify a LIMIT of 1 row.
Note the LET _ <=
statement. This tells VQL to materialize the query and store the result in a dummy variable. This statement causes VQL to pause and wait for the query to complete before evaluating the next query. See Materialized LET expressions for more about this.
After this query exits we know the collection is complete. This may take a few seconds if the machine is online or it could take days or week (or even eternity) to wait for the machine to come back online.
The final step is to read the results of the collection. We can do so
in VQL using the source()
plugin. This plugin reads collected json
result sets from the server and returns them row by row.
SELECT * FROM source(
Note that if an artifact contains multiple sources we need to specify
the exact source we want using the full notation artifact name/artifact source
We can string all these queries together (note VQL does not require ; at the end of a statement like SQL).
$ pyvelociraptor --config api_client.yaml "LET collection <= collect_client(client_id='C.cdc70ff1039db48a', artifacts='Generic.Client.Info', env=dict()) LET _ <= SELECT * FROM watch_monitoring(artifact='System.Flow.Completion') WHERE FlowId = collection.flow_id LIMIT 1 SELECT * FROM source(client_id=collection.request.client_id, flow_id=collection.flow_id,artifact='Generic.Client.Info/BasicInformation')"
Sun Nov 7 11:32:29 2021: vql: Starting query execution.
Sun Nov 7 11:32:29 2021: vql: Time 0: Test: Sending response part 0 334 B (1 rows).
[{'Name': 'velociraptor', 'BuildTime': '2021-11-07T01:49:52+10:00', 'Labels': None, 'Hostname': 'DESKTOP-BTI2T9T', 'OS': 'windows', 'Architecture': 'amd64', 'Platform': 'Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation', 'PlatformVersion': '10.0.19041 Build 19041', 'KernelVersion': '10.0.19041 Build 19041', 'Fqdn': 'DESKTOP-BTI2T9T', 'ADDomain': 'WORKGROUP'}]
Sun Nov 7 11:32:29 2021: vql: Query Stats: {"RowsScanned":2,"PluginsCalled":2,"FunctionsCalled":2,"ProtocolSearch":0,"ScopeCopy":9}
The above query demonstrates a common use case for the API - notifying an external script of an event occurring on the server. For example external python scripts can be notified when a specific artifact is collected, inspect its results, and upload them to further processing to an external system or escalate alerts for example.
The API connection will simply block until an event occurs allowing you to create a fully automated pipeline based off Velociraptor collections, hunts etc.
You don’t have to use a powerful language like Python to connect to the API. It is possible to write simple shell scripts that use the Velociraptor API using bash or powershell by leveraging the velociraptor binary itself.
Velociraptor offers the query
command which allows you to run any
VQL query. When provided with the --api_config
flag, Velociraptor
will use that api configuration file to connect remotely to the API
server and run the query there.
This can be chained to other tools and automation orchestrated with a simple bash script:
velociraptor --api_config api.config.yaml query "SELECT * FROM info()" --format jsonl | jq