Velociraptor 0.7.0 Release

Mike Cohen 2023-07-27

I am very excited to announce the latest Velociraptor release 0.7.0 is now released.

In this post I will discuss some of the interesting new features.

GUI improvements

The GUI was updated in this release to improve user workflow and accessibility.

In previous versions client information was written to the datastore in individual files (one file per client record). This works ok as long as the number of clients is not too large and the filesystem is fast. As users are now deploying Velociraptor with larger deployment sizes we were seeing some slow downs when the number of clients exceeded 50k.

In this release the client index was rewritten to store all client records in a single snapshot file, while managing this file in memory. This approach allows client searching to be extremely quick even for large numbers of clients well over 100k.

Additionally we are now able to display the total number of hits in each search giving a more comprehensive indication of the total number of clients.

Paged table in Flows List

Velociraptor’s collections view shows the list of collections from the endpoint (or the server). Previously the GUI limited this view to 100 previous collections. This means that for heavily collected clients it was impossible to view older collections (without custom VQL).

In this release the GUI was updated to include a paged table (with suitable filtering and sorting capabilities) so all collections can be accessed.

VQL Plugins and artifacts

Chrome artifacts

Added a leveldb parser and artifacts around Chrome Session Storage. This allows to analyse data that is stored by Chrome locally by various web apps.

Lnk forensics

This release added a more comprehensive Lnk parser covering off on all known Lnk file features. You can access the Lnk file analysis using the `Windows.Forensics.Lnk artifact.

Direct S3 accessor

Velociraptor’s accessors provide a way to apply the many plugins that operate on files to other domains. In particular the glob() plugin allows searching the accessors for filename patterns.

In this release Velociraptor adds an S3 accessor. This allows plugins to directly operate on S3 buckets. In particular the glob() plugin can be used to query bucket contents and read files from various buckets. This capability opens the door for sophisticated automation around S3 buckets.

Volume Shadow Copies analysis

Window’s Volume Shadow Service (VSS) creates a snapshot of the drive at a point in time. Forensically, this is sometimes very helpful as it captures a point in time view of the previous disk state (If the VSS are still around when we perform our analysis).

Velociraptor provides access to the different VSS volumes via the ntfs accessor, and many artifacts previously provided the ability to report files that differed between VSS snapshots.

In the 0.7.0 release, Velociraptor adds the ntfs_vss accessor. This accessor automatically considers different snapshots and deduplicates files that are identical in different snapshots. This makes it much easier to incorporate VSS analysis into your artifacts.

The SQLiteHunter project

Many artifacts consist of parsing SQLite files. For example major browsers use SQLite files heavily.

This release incorporates the SQLiteHunter artifact. A one stop shop for finding and analyzing SQLite files such as browser artifacts and OS internal files. Although the project started with SQLite files, it now automates a lot of artifacts such as WebCacheV01 parsing and the Windows Search Service - aka Windows.edb (which are ESE based parsers).

This one artifact combines and obsoletes many distinct older artifacts.

More info at

Glob plugin improvements

The glob() plugin is probably the most used plugin in VQL, as it allows for the efficient search of filenames in the filesystem. While the glob() plugin can accept a list of glob expressions so the filesystem walk can be optimized as much as possible, it was previously difficult to know why a particular reported file was chosen.

In this release, the glob plugin reports the list of glob expressions that caused the match to be reported. This allows callers to more easily combine several file searches into the same plugin call.

URL style paths

In very old versions of Velociraptor nested paths could be represented as URL objects. Until now a backwards compatible layer was used to continue supporting this behavior. In the latest release URL style paths are no longer supported - use the pathspec() function to build proper OSPath objects.

Server improvements

Velociraptor offers automatic use of let’s encrypt certificates. However, Let’s encrypt can only issue certificates for port 443. This means that the frontend service (which is used to communicate with clients) has to share the same port as the GUI port (which is used to serve the GUI application). This makes it hard to create firewall rules to filter access to the frontend and not to the GUI when used in this configuration.

In the 0.7.0 release, Velociraptor offers the GUI.allowed_cidr option. If specified, the list of CIDR addresses will specify the source IP acceptable to the server for connections to the GUI application (for example

This filtering only applies to the GUI and forms an additional layer of security protecting the GUI application (in addition to the usual authentication methods).

Better handling of out of disk errors

Velociraptor can collect data very quickly and sometimes this can results in a full disk. Previously a full disk error could cause file corruption and data loss. In this release the server monitors its free disk level and disables file writing when the disk is too full. This avoids data corruption when the disk fills up. When space is freed the server will automatically start writing again.

The offline collector

The offline collected is a pre-configured binary which can be used to automatically collect any artifacts into a ZIP file and optionally upload the file to a remote system like a cloud bucket or SMB share.

Previously, Velociraptor would embed the configuration file into the binary so it only needed to be executed (e.g. double clicked). While this method is still supported on Windows, it turned out that on MacOS this is no longer supported as binaries can not be modified after build. Even on Windows, embedding the configuration will invalidate the signature.

In this release a new type of collector is available Generic

This will embed the configuration into a shell script instead of the Velociraptor binary. Users can then launch the offline collector using the unmodified official binary by specifying the --embedded_config flag:

velociraptor-v0.7.0-windows-amd64.exe -- --embedded_config Collector_velociraptor-collector

While the method is required for MacOS, it can also be used for Windows in order to preserve the binary signature.


There are many more new features and bug fixes in the latest release.

If you like the new features, take Velociraptor for a spin! It is available on GitHub under an open source license. As always please file issues on the bug tracker or ask questions on our mailing list . You can also chat with us directly on discord .