
Enumerate the handles from selected processes.

Uncheck all the handle types below to fetch all handle types.

name: Windows.System.Handles
description: |
  Enumerate the handles from selected processes.

  Uncheck all the handle types below to fetch all handle types.

  - name: processRegex
    description: A regex applied to process names.
    default: .
    type: regex

  - name: Files
    description: Search for File Handles
    type: bool
    default: Y
  - name: Key
    description: Search for Key Handles
    type: bool

  - query: |
      LET tokens <= SELECT * FROM chain(
          a={SELECT "File" AS Type FROM scope() WHERE Files = 'Y'},
          a2={SELECT "Section" AS Type FROM scope() WHERE Files = 'Y'},
          b={SELECT "Key" AS Type FROM scope() WHERE Key = 'Y'}

      LET processes = SELECT Pid AS ProcPid, Name AS ProcName, Exe
        FROM pslist()
        WHERE ProcName =~ processRegex AND ProcPid > 0

      SELECT * FROM foreach(
            SELECT ProcPid, ProcName, Exe, Type, Name, Handle
            FROM handles(pid=ProcPid, types=tokens.Type)