
This artifact allows running arbitrary commands through the system shell cmd.exe.

Since Velociraptor typically runs as system, the commands will also run as System.

This is a very powerful artifact since it allows for arbitrary command execution on the endpoints. Therefore this artifact requires elevated permissions (specifically the EXECVE permission). Typically it is only available with the administrator role.

Note there are some limitations with passing commands to the cmd.exe shell, such as when specifying quoted paths or command-line arguments with special characters. Using Windows.System.PowerShell artifact is likely a better option in these cases.

name: Windows.System.CmdShell
description: |
  This artifact allows running arbitrary commands through the system
  shell cmd.exe.

  Since Velociraptor typically runs as system, the commands will also
  run as System.

  This is a very powerful artifact since it allows for arbitrary
  command execution on the endpoints. Therefore this artifact requires
  elevated permissions (specifically the `EXECVE`
  permission). Typically it is only available with the `administrator`

  Note there are some limitations with passing commands to the cmd.exe
  shell, such as when specifying quoted paths or command-line
  arguments with special characters. Using Windows.System.PowerShell
  artifact is likely a better option in these cases.


  SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

  - name: Command
    default: "dir C:\\"

  - query: |
      SELECT * FROM execve(argv=["cmd.exe", "/c", Command])