
Get information from the system’s amcache.

The Amcache.hve file is a registry file that stores the information of executed applications. Amcache.hve records the recent processes that were run and lists the path of the files that’s executed which can then be used to find the executed program.

This artifact works on Windows 10 1607 version.

name: Windows.System.Amcache
description: |
  Get information from the system's amcache.

  The Amcache.hve file is a registry file that stores the information
  of executed applications. Amcache.hve records the recent processes
  that were run and lists the path of the files that’s executed which
  can then be used to find the executed program.

  This artifact works on Windows 10 1607 version.


  - name: amCacheGlob
    default: "%SYSTEMROOT%/appcompat/Programs/Amcache.hve"
  - name: amCacheRegPath
    default: /Root/InventoryApplicationFile/*
    type: int
    default: 1000

precondition: |
  SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

  - name: InventoryApplicationFile
    query: |
        LET X = scope()
        SELECT FileId,
               Key.OSPath.Path as Key,
               Key.OSPath.DelegatePath AS Hive,
               Key.Mtime as LastModified,
               X.LowerCaseLongPath as Binary,
               X.Name AS Name,
               X.Size AS Size,
               X.ProductName AS ProductName,
               X.Publisher AS Publisher,
               X.Version AS Version,
               X.BinFileVersion AS BinFileVersion
        FROM foreach(
            SELECT OSPath from glob(globs=expand(path=amCacheGlob))
            WHERE log(message="Processing "+OSPath)
          }, query={
            SELECT * from read_reg_key(

  - name: File
    query: |
        SELECT * FROM foreach(
            SELECT OSPath from glob(globs=expand(path=amCacheGlob))
          }, query={
            SELECT get(item=scope(), member="100") As ProductId,
                   get(item=scope(), member="101") As SHA1,
                   get(item=scope(), member="15") As OSPath,
                   Key.Mtime as LastModifiedKey
            FROM read_reg_key(

  - type: CLIENT
    template: |
      {{define "recent_executions"}}
           LET recent_executions <= SELECT LastModified, Name, count(items=Name) As Count,
                  int(int=_LastModified/3600) AS Hour
           FROM source(source="InventoryApplicationFile")
           GROUP BY Hour
           LIMIT 500
      {{ end }}

      {{ define "timeline" }}
         SELECT LastModified,
                format(format="%s (%d)", args=[Name, Count]) As TotalCount
         FROM recent_executions
      {{ end }}

      The AMCache file

      {{ .Description }}

      ## Execution clusters

      The AMCache artifact only shows us the time of first execution
      of a binary. We get an idea when it was installed. Typically
      execution artifacts are clustered in time - if an attacker
      copies a bunch of new tools they will all start running at about
      the same time.

      The below timeline shows a summary of execution clusters. The
      binaries are grouped in an hour interval. The label is the first
      binary name and the total number of binaries within that hour.

      > For clarity we hide the names of all other binaries, and just
        show the total count.

      {{ Query "recent_executions" "timeline" | Timeline }}

      Here is the same data in tabular form.

      {{ Query "timeline" | Table }}