
Report information about the systems interfaces. This artifact simply parses the output from ipconfig /all.

name: Windows.Sys.Interfaces
description: |
  Report information about the systems interfaces. This artifact
  simply parses the output from ipconfig /all.

 - precondition:
     SELECT OS from info() where OS = "windows"
   query: |
     // Run ipconfig to get all information about interfaces.
     LET ipconfig = SELECT * FROM execve(argv=['ipconfig', '/all'])

     // This produces a single row per interface.
     LET interfaces = SELECT Name, Data FROM parse_records_with_regex(
        accessor='data',      // This makes the data appear as a file.
        regex='(?s)Ethernet adapter (?P<Name>[^:]+?):\r\n\r\n(?P<Data>.+?)\r\n(\r\n|$)')

     // Now extract interesting things from each interface definition.
     SELECT Name, parse_string_with_regex(
          "Description[^:]+: (?P<Description>.+)\r\n",
          "Physical Address[^:]+: (?P<MAC>.+)\r\n",
          "IPv4 Address[^:]+: (?P<IP>[0-9.]+)",
          "Default Gateway[^:]+: (?P<Gateway>.+)\r\n",
          "DNS Servers[^:]+: (?P<DNS>.+)\r\n   [^ ]",
          "DHCP Server[^:]+: (?P<DHCP>.+)\r\n"
     ) As Details FROM interfaces