
Searches for a specific malicious file or set of files by a Yara rule.

name: Windows.Search.Yara
description: |
  Searches for a specific malicious file or set of files by a Yara rule.

    - name: nameRegex
      description: Only file names that match this regular expression will be scanned.
      default: "(exe|txt|dll|php)$"
      type: regex
    - name: AlsoUpload
      type: bool
      description: Also upload matching files.
    - name: yaraRule
      type: yara
      description: The Yara Rule to search for.
      default: |
        rule Hit {
              $a = "Keyword" nocase wide ascii
              any of them

    - name: NTFS_CACHE_TIME
      type: int
      description: How often to flush the NTFS cache. (Default is never).
      default: "1000000"

    SELECT * FROM info() WHERE OS =~ "windows"

  - query: |
        LET Root = pathspec(parse="C:", path_type="ntfs")

        -- Progress logging for newer clients
        LET fileList = SELECT * FROM if(condition=version(function="log") > 1,
          SELECT Root + OSPath AS OSPath
          FROM parse_mft(accessor="ntfs",filename=Root+"$MFT")
          WHERE InUse
            AND log(message="Processing entry %v", args=EntryNumber, dedup=5)
            AND FileName =~ nameRegex
            AND NOT OSPath =~ "WinSXS"
            AND log(message="Scanning file %v", args=OSPath, dedup=5)

        }, else={
          SELECT Root + OSPath AS OSPath
          FROM parse_mft(accessor="ntfs",filename=Root+"$MFT")
          WHERE InUse
            AND FileName =~ nameRegex
            AND NOT OSPath =~ "WinSXS"

        -- These files are typically short - only report a single hit.
        LET search = SELECT Rule, String.Offset AS HitOffset,
             str(str=String.Data) AS HitContext,
             File.Size AS Size,
             File.ModTime AS ModTime
        FROM yara(
            rules=yaraRule, key="A",
            files= OSPath)
        LIMIT 1

        SELECT *, if(condition=AlsoUpload, then=upload(file=FileName)) AS Upload
        FROM foreach(row=fileList, query=search)