
This Artifact will search and parse Powershell profile scripts.

PowerShell supports several profiles depending on the user or host program. Adversaries may create or modify these profiles to include arbitrary commands, functions, modules, and/or PowerShell drives to gain persistence. When a backdoored PowerShell session is opened the modified script will be executed unless the -NoProfile flag is used when it is launched.

The artifact will by default search both User profiles and System-wide configured profiles. The user can also targert and exclude specific content with relevant regex filters

name: Windows.Persistence.PowershellProfile
author: Matt Green - @mgreen27
description: |
  This Artifact will search and parse Powershell profile scripts.

  PowerShell supports several profiles depending on the user or host program.
  Adversaries may create or modify these profiles to include arbitrary commands,
  functions, modules, and/or PowerShell drives to gain persistence. When a
  backdoored PowerShell session is opened the modified script will be executed
  unless the -NoProfile flag is used when it is launched.

  The artifact will by default search both User profiles and System-wide
  configured profiles. The user can also targert and exclude specific content
  with relevant regex filters


type: CLIENT

  - name: UserProfileGlob
    default: '\Documents\{WindowsPowerShell,Powershell}\{Profile,Microsoft.*_profile}.ps1'
    description: Glob for Powershell user profiles.
  - name: PSHomeProfileGlob
    default: 'C:\Windows\System32\{WindowsPowerShell,Powershell}\v1.0\{Profile,Microsoft.*_profile}.ps1'
    description: Glob for Powershell PSHome profiles.
  - name: SearchStrings
    default: .
    type: regex
    description: regex to filter for in profile content
  - name: StringWhiteList
    type: regex
    description: regex to filter out in profile content

  - precondition:
      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

    query: |
        -- First extract potential glob path for each user
        LET UserTargets = SELECT Name as Username,
            expand(path=Directory) + UserProfileGlob as ProfileGlob
        FROM Artifact.Windows.Sys.Users()
        WHERE Directory

        -- Search for both Powershell System and User profiles.
        SELECT OSPath, Size,
            read_file(filename=OSPath) as Content,
            dict(   Mtime=Mtime,
                    Btime=Btime ) as Timestamps,
            hash(path=OSPath) as Hash
        FROM glob(globs=UserTargets.ProfileGlob + PSHomeProfileGlob)
            Content =~ SearchStrings
            AND NOT if(condition=StringWhiteList,
                        then= Content=~StringWhiteList,
                        else= False)