
Attempt to recover deleted files.

This artifact uploads all streams from an MFTId. If the MFT entry is not allocated there is a chance that the cluster that contain the actual data of the file will be intact still on the disk. Therefore this artifact can be used to attempt to recover a deleted file.

A common use is to recover deleted directory entries using the Windows.NTFS.I30 artifact and identify MFT entries of interest. This is artifact can be used to attempt to recover some data.

name: Windows.NTFS.Recover
description: |
  Attempt to recover deleted files.

  This artifact uploads all streams from an MFTId. If the MFT entry is
  not allocated there is a chance that the cluster that contain the
  actual data of the file will be intact still on the disk. Therefore
  this artifact can be used to attempt to recover a deleted file.

  A common use is to recover deleted directory entries using the
  Windows.NTFS.I30 artifact and identify MFT entries of interest. This
  is artifact can be used to attempt to recover some data.

 - name: MFTId
   default: "81978"
 - name: Drive
   default: '\\.\C:'

  SELECT * FROM info() where OS = 'windows'

  - name: Upload
    query: |
       LET Parsed <= parse_ntfs(device=Drive, inode=MFTId)

       SELECT *, upload(accessor="mft", file=Drive + Inode,
                        name=Parsed.OSPath + Inode) AS IndexUpload
       FROM foreach(
              SELECT _value.Type AS Type,
                     _value.TypeId AS TypeId,
                     _value.Id AS Id,
                     _value.Inode AS Inode,
                     _value.Size AS Size,
                     _value.Name AS Name
              FROM scope()