
This artifact returns process information obtained by parsing the PEB directly.

Renamed Windows.Forensics.ProcessInfo

name: Windows.Memory.ProcessInfo
description: |
   This artifact returns process information obtained by parsing the PEB directly.

   Renamed Windows.Forensics.ProcessInfo

  - name: ProcessNameRegex
    default: .
    type: regex
  - name: PidRegex
    default: .
    type: regex
  - name: ImagePathRegex
    default: .
    type: regex
  - name: CommandLineRegex
    default: .
    type: regex

- query: |
       LET profile = '''[
       ["PEB",0 , [
           ["ProcessParameters", 32, "Pointer", {
                "type": "ProcessParameters",
       ["ProcessParameters", 0, [
          ["ImagePathName", 96, "UNICODE_STRING"],
          ["CommandLine", 112, "UNICODE_STRING"],
          ["CurrentDirectory", 56, "CURDIR"],
          ["EnvironmentSize", 1008, "uint64"],
          ["Environment", 128, "Pointer", {
              "type": "String",
              "type_options": {
                 "length": "x=>x.EnvironmentSize",
                 "encoding": "utf16",
                 "max_length": 10000,
                 "term": "",
       ["CURDIR", 0, [
         ["DosPath", 0, "UNICODE_STRING"],
       ["UNICODE_STRING", 16, [
          ["Length", 0, "uint16"],
          ["Buffer", 8, "Pointer", {
              "type": "String",
              "type_options": {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.Length",
                "term": "",

       LET ParsePeb(PID) = SELECT Name,
           format(format="%0#x", args=PebBaseAddress) AS PebBaseAddress, Pid,
                        filename=format(format="/%v", args=PID),
                        offset=PebBaseAddress) AS Data
       FROM pslist(pid=PID)

       -- The Environment string consists of null terminated
       -- lines. Each line contains the variable name followed by an =
       -- sign and then the variable value.
       LET SplitEnv(EnvString) =  SELECT parse_string_with_regex(
          string=_value, regex="^(?P<Name>[^=]*)=(?P<Value>.+)") AS Line
       FROM foreach(row=split(string=EnvString, sep="\x00"))
       WHERE Line

       -- Massage the parsed data into a structured table
       LET Calculate(PID) = SELECT Name, PebBaseAddress, Pid,
              Data.ProcessParameters.ImagePathName.Buffer AS ImagePathName,
              Data.ProcessParameters.CommandLine.Buffer AS CommandLine,
              Data.ProcessParameters.CurrentDirectory.DosPath.Buffer AS CurrentDirectory,
              -- Build an Env dict out of the parsed string.
                 SELECT Line.Name AS _key, Line.Value AS _value
                 FROM SplitEnv(EnvString=Data.ProcessParameters.Environment)
              }) AS Env
        FROM ParsePeb(PID=PID)

        SELECT * FROM foreach(row={
            SELECT Pid FROM pslist()
            WHERE Name =~ ProcessNameRegex
              AND str(str=Pid) =~ PidRegex
              AND str(str=ImagePathName) =~ ImagePathRegex
              AND str(str=CommandLine) =~ CommandLineRegex
        }, query={
            SELECT * FROM Calculate(PID=Pid)