
This artefact will parse the $I files found in the $Recycle.Bin folder to obtain the time of deletion and the original path and file name.

Supports Recycle Bin format found in Vista onwards. This will not parse INFO2 files found in the “Recycler” folder from XP and below.

The layout of the Recycle Bin folder is in the in the form:


Each folder contains the following files:

$R###### files; the original data
$I###### files; the "Recycled" file's metadata

The first file begins with the value $R followed by a random string – this file contains the actual contents of the recycled file. The second file begins with $I and ends in the same string as the $R file – this file contains the metadata for that specific file

Limitations: This artifact uses the API to read available $I data. There may be additional unallocated but readable $I files referenced in the MFT that may be recoverable.

name: Windows.Forensics.RecycleBin
description: |
  This artefact will parse the `$I` files found in the `$Recycle.Bin` folder to
  obtain the time of deletion and the original path and file name.

  Supports Recycle Bin format found in Vista onwards. This will not parse INFO2
  files found in the "Recycler" folder from XP and below.

  The layout of the Recycle Bin folder is in the in the form:
  Each folder contains the following files:
  $R###### files; the original data
  $I###### files; the "Recycled" file's metadata
  The first file begins with the value `$R` followed by a random string
  – this file contains the actual contents of the recycled file.
  The second file begins with `$I` and ends in the same string as the
  `$R` file – this file contains the metadata for that specific file

  Limitations: This artifact uses the API to read available $I data. There may be additional unallocated but readable $I files referenced in the MFT that may be recoverable.

author: "Zach Stanford - @svch0st"


    - name: RecycleBinGlobs
      default: C:\$Recycle.Bin\**\$I*

    - name: AlsoUpload
      type: bool
      description: Also upload recovered files.

precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

  - query: |
        SELECT * FROM foreach(
                 SELECT OSPath FROM glob(globs=RecycleBinGlobs)
                    timestamp(winfiletime=DeletedTime) as DeletedTimestamp,
                    FilePath as OriginalFilePath,
                    regex_replace(source=OSPath, re="\\\\\\$I", replace="\\$$R") AS RecyclePath,
                    if(condition=AlsoUpload, then=upload(
                         file=regex_replace(source=OSPath, re="\\\\\\$I", replace="\\$$R"),
                    )) AS Upload
                 FROM parse_recyclebin(filename=OSPath)