
This artiact parses LNK shortcut files.

A LNK file is a type of Shell Item that serves as a shortcut or reference to a specific file, folder, or application. It contains metadata and information about the accessed file or location and is a valuable forensic artifact. LNK files can be automatically created by the Windows operating system when a user accesses a file from a supported application or manually created by the user.

This artifact has several configurable options:

  • TargetGlob: glob targeting. Default targets *.lnk files in Startup and Recent paths.
  • IOCRegex: Regex search on key fields: StringData, TrackerData and PropertyStore.
  • IgnoreRegex: Ignore regex filter on key fields.
  • UploadLnk: uploads lnk hits.
  • SuspiciousOnly: only returns LNK files reporting a suspicious attribute.
  • SusSize: Any lnk over this size in bytes is suspicious.
  • SusArgSize: Any lnk with Argument strings over this size is suspicious.
  • SusArgRegex: Regex for suspicious strings in Arguments.
  • SusHostnameRegex: Regex for suspicious TrackerData Hostname.
  • CheckHostnameMismatch: Compare TrackerData.MachineID with Hostname (noisy in many networks)

List of fields targeted by filter regex:

  • StringData.TargetPath
  • StringData.Name
  • StringData.RelativePath
  • StringData.WorkingDir
  • StringData.Arguments
  • StringData.IconLocation
  • LinkTarget.LinkTarget
  • PropertyStore
  • TrackerData.MachineID
  • TrackerData.MacAddress

NOTE: regex startof (^) and endof ($) line modifiers will not work.

Windows.Forensics.Lnk also will highlight suspicious lnk attributes in a Suspicious field.

  • Large Size - default over 20000 bytes
  • Startup Path - path with \Startup\
  • Environment variable script - environment vatiable with a common script configured (bat|cmd|ps1|js|vbs|vbe|py)
  • No Target with environmant variable - environment variable only execution
  • Suspicious argument size - large sized arguments over 250 characters as default
  • Arguments have ticks - ticks are common in malicious LNK files
  • Arguments have environment variables - environment variables (%|$env:) are common in malicious LNKs
  • Arguments have rare characters - looks for specific rare characters that may indicate obfuscation (?|!|~|@)
  • Arguments have leading space malicious LNK files may have a many leading spaces to obfuscate some tools
  • Arguments have http strings - LNKs are reguarly used as a download cradle - https?://
  • Suspicious arguments - some common malicious arguments observed in field (with mind to False positive)
  • Suspicious hostname - some common malicious hostnames
  • Hostname mismatch - if selected will compare trackerdata hostname to machine name (lots of FPs)

name: Windows.Forensics.Lnk
author: Matt Green - @mgreen27
description: |
  This artiact parses LNK shortcut files.

  A LNK file is a type of Shell Item that serves as a shortcut or reference to a
  specific file, folder, or application. It contains metadata and information
  about the accessed file or location and is a valuable forensic artifact.
  LNK files can be automatically created by the Windows operating system when a
  user accesses a file from a supported application or manually created by the user.

  This artifact has several configurable options:

  - TargetGlob: glob targeting. Default targets *.lnk files in Startup and Recent paths.
  - IOCRegex: Regex search on key fields: StringData, TrackerData and PropertyStore.
  - IgnoreRegex: Ignore regex filter on key fields.
  - UploadLnk: uploads lnk hits.
  - SuspiciousOnly: only returns LNK files reporting a suspicious attribute.
  - SusSize: Any lnk over this size in bytes is suspicious.
  - SusArgSize: Any lnk with Argument strings over this size is suspicious.
  - SusArgRegex: Regex for suspicious strings in Arguments.
  - SusHostnameRegex: Regex for suspicious TrackerData Hostname.
  - CheckHostnameMismatch: Compare TrackerData.MachineID with Hostname (noisy in many networks)

  List of fields targeted by filter regex:

    - StringData.TargetPath
    - StringData.Name
    - StringData.RelativePath
    - StringData.WorkingDir
    - StringData.Arguments
    - StringData.IconLocation
    - LinkTarget.LinkTarget
    - PropertyStore
    - TrackerData.MachineID
    - TrackerData.MacAddress

    NOTE: regex startof (^) and endof ($) line modifiers will not work.

    Windows.Forensics.Lnk also will highlight suspicious lnk attributes in a Suspicious field.

    * Large Size - default over 20000 bytes
    * Startup Path - path with \Startup\
    * Environment variable script - environment vatiable with a common script configured (bat|cmd|ps1|js|vbs|vbe|py)
    * No Target with environmant variable - environment variable only execution
    * Suspicious argument size - large sized arguments over 250 characters as default
    * Arguments have ticks - ticks are common in malicious LNK files
    * Arguments have environment variables - environment variables (%|\$env:) are common in malicious LNKs
    * Arguments have rare characters - looks for specific rare characters that may indicate obfuscation (\?|\!|\~|\@)
    * Arguments have leading space malicious LNK files may have a many leading spaces to obfuscate some tools
    * Arguments have http strings - LNKs are reguarly used as a download cradle - https?://
    * Suspicious arguments - some common malicious arguments observed in field (with mind to False positive)
    * Suspicious hostname - some common malicious hostnames
    * Hostname mismatch - if selected will compare trackerdata hostname to machine name (lots of FPs)


  - name: TargetGlob
    default: C:\{ProgramData,Users\*\AppData\*}\Microsoft\Windows\{Start Menu\Programs\StartUp,Recent\**}\*.lnk
  - name: IocRegex
    type: regex
    description: A regex to filter on all fields
  - name: IgnoreRegex
    type: regex
    description: A regex to ignore ilter all fields
  - name: UploadLnk
    description: Also upload the link files themselves.
    type: bool
  - name: SuspiciousOnly
    description: Only returns LNK files reporting a suspicious attribute
    type: bool
  - name: SusSize
    description: Any lnk over this size in bytes is suspicious.
    default: 20000
    type: int
  - name: SusArgSize
    default: 250
    description: Any lnk with Argument strings over this size is suspicious.
    type: int
  - name: SusArgRegex
    description: Regex for suspicious strings in Argumetns.
    default: \\AppData\\|\\Users\\Public\\|\\Temp\\|comspec|&cd&echo| -NoP | -W Hidden | [-/]decode | -e.* (JAB|SUVYI|SQBFAFgA|aWV4I|aQBlAHgA)|start\s*[\\/]b|\.downloadstring\(|\.downloadfile\(|iex
  - name: SusHostnameRegex
    description: Regex for suspicious TrackerData Hastname.
    default: ^(Win-|Desktop-|Commando$)
  - name: CheckHostnameMismatch
    description: Compare TrackerData.MachineID with Hostname (noisy in many networks)
    type: bool

export: |
     LET Profile = '''
      ["ShellLinkHeader", 0, [
        ["HeaderSize", 0, "uint32"],
        ["__LinkClsID", 4, "String", {
            "length": 16,
            "term": ""
        ["LinkClsID", 0, "Value", {
            "value": "x=>format(format='%x', args=x.__LinkClsID)"
        ["LinkFlags", 20, "Flags", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "bitmap": {
                "HasLinkTargetIDList": 0,
                "HasLinkInfo": 1,
                "HasName": 2,
                "HasRelativePath": 3,
                "HasWorkingDir": 4,
                "HasArguments": 5,
                "HasIconLocation": 6,
                "IsUnicode": 7,
                "ForceNoLinkInfo": 8,
                "HasExpString": 9,
                "RunInSeparateProcess": 10,
                "HasDarwinID": 12,
                "RunAsUser": 13,
                "HasExpIcon": 14,
                "NoPidlAlias": 15,
                "RunWithShimLayer": 17,
                "ForceNoLinkTrack": 18,
                "EnableTargetMetadata": 19,
                "DisableLinkPathTracking": 20,
                "DisableKnownFolderTracking": 21,
                "DisableKnownFolderAlias": 22,
                "AllowLinkToLink": 23,
                "UnaliasOnSave": 24,
                "PreferEnvironmentPath": 25,
                "KeepLocalIDListForUNCTarget": 26
        ["FileAttributes", 24, "Flags", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "bitmap": {
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY": 0,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN": 1,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM": 2,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY": 4,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE": 5,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL": 7,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY": 8,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE": 9,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT": 10,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED": 11,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE": 12,
                "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED": 14,
        ["CreationTime", 28, "WinFileTime", {
            "type": "uint64"
        ["AccessTime", 36, "WinFileTime", {
            "type": "uint64"
        ["WriteTime", 44, "WinFileTime", {
            "type": "uint64"

        ["FileSize", 52, "uint32"],
        ["IconIndex", 56, "uint32"],
        ["ShowCommand", 60, "Enumeration", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "map": {
                "SHOWNORMAL": 0x00000001,
                "SHOWMAXIMIZED": 0x00000003,
                "SHOWMINNOACTIVE": 0x00000007,
        ["__HotKeyLow", 62, "Enumeration", {
            "type": "uint8",
            "map": {
                "No key assigned." : 0x00,
                "0" :   0x30,
                "1" :   0x31,
                "2" :   0x32,
                "3" :   0x33,
                "4" :   0x34,
                "5" :   0x35,
                "6" :   0x36,
                "7" :   0x37,
                "8" :   0x38,
                "9" :   0x39,
                "A" :   0x41,
                "B" :   0x42,
                "C" :   0x43,
                "D" :   0x44,
                "E" :   0x45,
                "F" :   0x46,
                "G" :   0x47,
                "H" :   0x48,
                "I" :   0x49,
                "J" :   0x4A,
                "K" :   0x4B,
                "L" :   0x4C,
                "M" :   0x4D,
                "N" :   0x4E,
                "O" :   0x4F,
                "P" :   0x50,
                "Q" :   0x51,
                "R" :   0x52,
                "S" :   0x53,
                "T" :   0x54,
                "U" :   0x55,
                "V" :   0x56,
                "W" :   0x57,
                "X" :   0x58,
                "Y" :   0x59,
                "Z" :   0x5A,
                "F1" :   0x70,
                "F2" :   0x71,
                "F3" :   0x72,
                "F4" :   0x73,
                "F5" :   0x74,
                "F6" :   0x75,
                "F7" :   0x76,
                "F8" :   0x77,
                "F9" :   0x78,
                "F10" :   0x79,
                "F11" :   0x7A,
                "F12" :   0x7B,
                "F13" :   0x7C,
                "F14" :   0x7D,
                "F15" :   0x7E,
                "F16" :   0x7F,
                "F17" :   0x80,
                "F18" :   0x81,
                "F19" :   0x82,
                "F20" :   0x83,
                "F21" :   0x84,
                "F22" :   0x85,
                "F23" :   0x86,
                "F24" :   0x87,
                "NumLock" :   0x90,
                "ScrollLock" :   0x91,
        ["__HotKeyHigh", 63, "Enumeration", {
            "type": "uint8",
            "map": {
                "No modifier key used." : 0x00,
                "SHIFT" : 0x01,
                "CONTROL" : 0x02,
                "ALT" : 0x04,
        ["HotKey", 0, "Value", {
            "value": "x=>if(condition= x.__HotKeyLow=~'No key assigned',
                            else=x.__HotKeyLow + ' + ' + x.__HotKeyHigh)"


        # The LinkTargetIDList only exists if the Link Flag is set otherwise it is empty.
        ["LinkTargetIDList", "x=>x.HeaderSize", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasLinkTargetIDList'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "LinkTargetIDList",
                "false": "Empty"
        ["LinkInfo", "x=>x.LinkTargetIDList.EndOf", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasLinkInfo'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "LinkInfo",
                "false": "Empty"

        # StringData flag checks
        ["__Name", "x=>x.LinkInfo.EndOf", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasName'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "Name",
                "false": "Empty"
        ["__RelativePath", "x=>x.__Name.EndOf", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasRelativePath'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "RelativePath",
                "false": "Empty"
        ["__WorkingDir", "x=>x.__RelativePath.EndOf", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasWorkingDir'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "WorkingDir",
                "false": "Empty"
        ["__Arguments", "x=>x.__WorkingDir.EndOf", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasArguments'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "Arguments",
                "false": "Empty"
        ["__IconLocation", "x=>x.__Arguments.EndOf", "Union", {
            "selector": "x=>x.LinkFlags =~ 'HasIconLocation'",
            "choices": {
                "true": "IconLocation",
                "false": "Empty"
        ["ExtraData", "x=>x.__IconLocation.EndOf", "Array", {
                "type": "ExtraData",
                "count": 1000,
                "sentinel": "x=>x.Size < 0x00000004"
      ["Empty", 0, []],

      # Struct size includes the size field
      ["LinkTargetIDList", "x=>x.IDListSize + 2", [
        ["IDListSize", 0, "uint16"],
        ["IDList", 2, "Array", {
           "type": "ItemIDList",
           "count": 1000   # Max count until sentinel

      # Item List contains shell bags
      ["ItemIDList", "x=>x.ItemIDSize", [
        ["ItemIDSize", 0, "uint16"],
        ["Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
        ["Type", 2, "BitField", {
          "type": "uint8",
          "start_bit": 4,
          "end_bit": 7,

        ["Subtype", 2, "BitField", {
           "type": "uint8",
           "start_bit": 0,
           "end_bit": 1,

        # For now only support some common shell bags
        ["ShellBag", 0, "Union", {
           "selector": "x=>x.Type",
            "choices": {
               # Older VQL had a bug in BitField
               "64": "ShellBag0x40",
               "48": "ShellBag0x30",
               "16": "ShellBag0x1f",
               "32": "ShellBag0x20",

               # Newer versions should work better
               "1": "ShellBag0x1f",
               "2": "ShellBag0x20",
               "3": "ShellBag0x30",
               "4": "ShellBag0x40",


      ["ShellBag0x40", 0, [
         ["Name", 5, "String", {
            encoding: "utf8",
         ["Description", 0, "Value", {
             "value": 'x=>dict(

      # A LinkInfo stores information about the destination of the link.
      ["LinkInfo", "x=>x.__LinkInfoSize", [
        ["__LinkInfoOffset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
        ["__LinkInfoSize", 0, "uint32"],
        ["__LinkInfoHeaderSize", 4, "uint32"],
        ["LinkInfoFlags", 8, "Flags", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "bitmap": {
                "VolumeIDAndLocalBasePath": 0,
                "CommonNetworkRelativeLinkAndPathSuffix": 1
        ["__VolumeIDOffset", 0xc, "uint32"],
        ["__LocalBasePathOffset", 16, "uint32"],
        ["__CommonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset", 20, "uint32"],
        ["__CommonPathSuffixOffset", 24, "uint32"],
        ["__LocalBasePath", "x=>x.__LocalBasePathOffset", "String", {}],
        ["__CommonNetworkRelativePath", "x=>x.__CommonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset", "String"],
        ["__CommonPathSuffix", "x=>x.__CommonPathSuffixOffset", "String"],
        ["__VolumeID", "x=>x.__VolumeIDOffset", "VolumeID"],
        ["__CommonNetworkRelativeLink", "x=>x.__CommonNetworkRelativeLinkOffset", "CommonNetworkRelativeLink"],
        ["Target", 0, "Value", { # Depending on the LinkInfoFlags this struct needs to be interpreted differently.
            "value": '
               x=>if(condition=x.LinkInfoFlags =~ "VolumeIDAndLocalBasePath",
                               args=[x.__CommonNetworkRelativeLink.NetName, x.__CommonPathSuffix]),
                               RelativeLink=x.__CommonNetworkRelativeLink) )'

      ["CommonNetworkRelativeLink", 0, [
        ["__CommonNetworkRelativeLinkSize", 0, "uint32"],
        ["__CommonNetworkRelativeLinkFlags", 4, "Flags", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "bitmap": {
                "ValidDevice": 0,
                "ValidNetType": 1,
        ["__NetNameOffset", 8, "uint32"],
        ["__DeviceNameOffset", 12, "uint32"],
        ["NetworkProviderType", 16, "Enumeration", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "map": {
                "WNNC_NET_AVID": 0x001A0000,
                "WNNC_NET_DOCUSPACE": 0x001B0000,
                "WNNC_NET_MANGOSOFT": 0x001C0000,
                "WNNC_NET_SERNET": 0x001D0000,
                "WNNC_NET_RIVERFRONT1": 0X001E0000,
                "WNNC_NET_RIVERFRONT2": 0x001F0000,
                "WNNC_NET_DECORB": 0x00200000,
                "WNNC_NET_PROTSTOR": 0x00210000,
                "WNNC_NET_FJ_REDIR": 0x00220000,
                "WNNC_NET_DISTINCT": 0x00230000,
                "WNNC_NET_TWINS": 0x00240000,
                "WNNC_NET_RDR2SAMPLE": 0x00250000,
                "WNNC_NET_CSC": 0x00260000,
                "WNNC_NET_3IN1": 0x00270000,
                "WNNC_NET_EXTENDNET": 0x00290000,
                "WNNC_NET_STAC": 0x002A0000,
                "WNNC_NET_FOXBAT": 0x002B0000,
                "WNNC_NET_YAHOO": 0x002C0000,
                "WNNC_NET_EXIFS": 0x002D0000,
                "WNNC_NET_DAV": 0x002E0000,
                "WNNC_NET_KNOWARE": 0x002F0000,
                "WNNC_NET_OBJECT_DIRE": 0x00300000,
                "WNNC_NET_MASFAX": 0x00310000,
                "WNNC_NET_HOB_NFS": 0x00320000,
                "WNNC_NET_SHIVA": 0x00330000,
                "WNNC_NET_IBMAL": 0x00340000,
                "WNNC_NET_LOCK": 0x00350000,
                "WNNC_NET_TERMSRV": 0x00360000,
                "WNNC_NET_SRT": 0x00370000,
                "WNNC_NET_QUINCY": 0x00380000,
                "WNNC_NET_OPENAFS": 0x00390000,
                "WNNC_NET_AVID1": 0X003A0000,
                "WNNC_NET_DFS": 0x003B0000,
                "WNNC_NET_KWNP": 0x003C0000,
                "WNNC_NET_ZENWORKS": 0x003D0000,
                "WNNC_NET_DRIVEONWEB": 0x003E0000,
                "WNNC_NET_VMWARE": 0x003F0000,
                "WNNC_NET_RSFX": 0x00400000,
                "WNNC_NET_MFILES": 0x00410000,
                "WNNC_NET_MS_NFS": 0x00420000,
                "WNNC_NET_GOOGLE": 0x00430000,
        ["__NetNameOffsetUnicode", 20, "uint32"],
        ["__DeviceNameOffsetUnicode", 24, "uint32"],
        ["__NetNameAscii", "x=>x.__NetNameOffset", "String"],
        ["__DeviceNameAscii", "x=>x.__DeviceNameOffset", "String"],
        ["__NetNameUnicode", "x=>x.__NetNameOffsetUnicode", "String", {"encoding": "utf16"}],
        ["__DeviceNameUnicode", "x=>x.__DeviceNameOffsetUnicode", "String", {"encoding": "utf16"}],
        ["NetName", 0, "Value", {
            "value": "x=>if(condition=x.__NetNameOffset, then=x.__NetNameAscii, else=x.__NetNameUnicode)"
        ["DeviceName", 0, "Value", {
            "value": "x=>if(condition=x.__DeviceNameOffset, then=x.__DeviceNameAscii, else=x.__DeviceNameUnicode)"

      # This is a comment
      ["VolumeID", 0, [
        ["__VolumeIDSize", 0, "uint32"],
        ["DriveType", 4, "Enumeration", {
            "type": "uint32",
            "choices": {
                 "0": "DRIVE_UNKNOWN",
                 "1": "DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR",
                 "2": "DRIVE_REMOVABLE",
                 "3": "DRIVE_FIXED",
                 "4": "DRIVE_REMOTE",
                 "5": "DRIVE_CDROM",
                 "6": "DRIVE_RAMDISK"
        ["DriveSerialNumber", 8, "uint32"],
        ["__VolumeLabelOffset", 12, "uint32"],
        ["__VolumeLabelOffsetUnicode", 16, "uint32"],
        ["__VolumeLabelAscii", "x=>x.__VolumeLabelOffset", "String"],
        ["__VolumeLabelUnicode", "x=>x.__VolumeLabelOffsetUnicode", "String", {"encoding": "utf16"}],
        ["VolumeLabel", 0, "Value", {
            "value": 'x=>if(condition=x.__VolumeLabelOffset,
               then=x.__VolumeLabelAscii, else=x.__VolumeLabelUnicode)'

      # Volume name
      ["ShellBag0x20", 0, [
         ["__Name", 3, "String"],
         # Name is only valid if the first bit is set.
         ["Name", 3, "Value", {
             "value": "x=>if(condition=x.ParentOf.Subtype, then=x.__Name, else='')",
         ["Description", 0, "Value", {
            "value": 'x=>dict(

      # Marks the root class My Computer
      ["ShellBag0x1f", 0, [
        ["Description", 0, "Value", {
            "value": 'x=>dict(
               ShortName="My Computer",

      # Represent a file or directory
      ["ShellBag0x30", 0, [
        ["Size", 0, "uint16"],
        ["Type", 2, "uint8"],
        ["SubType", 2, "Flags", {
            "type": "uint8",
            "bitmap": {
                "File": 1,
                "Directory": 0,
                "Unicode": 4,
        ["__LastModificationTime", 8, "uint32"],
        ["LastModificationTime", 8, "FatTimestamp"],
        ["ShortName", 14, "String"],

        # Variable length search for the extension signature from the start of the struct.
        ["__pre", 0, "String", {
            "term_hex": "0400efbe"

        # The extension tag should be immediately after the search string.
        ["__ExtensionTag", "x=>len(list=x.__pre)", "uint32"],

            # Extension starts 4 bytes before the tag
            ["Extension", "x=>len(list=x.__pre) - 4", "Union", {
                "selector": "x=>format(format='%#x', args=x.__ExtensionTag)",
                "choices": {
                    "0xbeef0004": "Beef0004",

            # Put all the data together in a convenient location
            ["Description", 0, "Value", {
                "value": 'x=>dict(
                    Modified=if(condition=x.__LastModificationTime, then=x.LastModificationTime),
                    LastAccessed=if(condition=x.Extension.__LastAccessed, then=x.Extension.LastAccessed),
                    CreateDate=if(condition=x.Extension.__CreateDate, then=x.Extension.CreateDate),
        ["Beef0004", 0, [
            ["Size", 0, "uint16"],
            ["Version", 2, "uint16"],
            ["__Signature", 4, "uint32"],
            ["Signature", 0, "Value", {
                "value": "x=>format(format='%#x', args=x.__Signature)"
            ["__CreateDate", 8, "uint32"],
            ["__LastAccessed", 12, "uint32"],

            ["CreateDate", 8, "FatTimestamp"],
            ["LastAccessed", 12, "FatTimestamp"],
            ["MFTReference", 20, "MFTReference"],
            ["LongName", 46, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16"
        ["MFTReference", 0, [
            ["MFTID", 0, "BitField", {
                "type": "uint64",
                "start_bit": 0,
                "end_bit": 48,
            ["SequenceNumber", 0, "BitField", {
                "type": "uint64",
                "start_bit": 48,
                "end_bit": 64,

            ["TargetPath",0,"Value",{ "value":"x=> x.ParentOf.LinkInfo.Target.Path"}],
            ["Name",0,"Value",{ "value":"x=> x.ParentOf.__Name.StringData"}],
            ["RelativePath",0,"Value",{ "value":"x=> x.ParentOf.__RelativePath.StringData"}],
            ["WorkingDir",0,"Value",{ "value":"x=> x.ParentOf__WorkingDir.StringData"}],
            ["Arguments",0,"Value",{ "value":"x=> x.ParentOf.__Arguments.StringData"}],
            ["IconLocation",0,"Value",{ "value":"x=> x.ParentOf.__IconLocation.StringData"}],

        ## StringDataBlock structs
        ["Name", "x=>x.Size + 2", [
            ["Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
            ["Characters", 0, "uint16"],
            ["Size", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.Characters * 2"}],
            ["StringData", 2, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.Size",
                "max_length": 10000,
                "term": "",
        ["WorkingDir", "x=>x.Size + 2", [
            ["Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
            ["Characters", 0, "uint16"],
            ["Size", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.Characters * 2"}],
            ["StringData", 2, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.Size",
                "max_length": 10000,
                "term": "",
        ["RelativePath", "x=>x.Size + 2", [
            ["Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
            ["Characters", 0, "uint16"],
            ["Size", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.Characters * 2"}],
            ["StringData", 2, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.Size",
                "max_length": 10000,
                "term": "",
        ["Arguments", "x=>x.Size + 2", [
            ["Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
            ["Characters", 0, "uint16"],
            ["Size", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.Characters * 2"}],
            ["SizeType", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>format(format='%T',args=x.Size)"}],
            ["StringData", 2, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.Size",
                "max_length": 50000,
                "term": "",
        ["IconLocation", "x=>x.Size + 2", [
            ["Offset", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.StartOf"}],
            ["Characters", 0, "uint16"],
            ["Size", 0, "Value", {"value": "x=>x.Characters * 2"}],
            ["StringData", 2, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.Size",
                "max_length": 10000,
                "term": "",
            ["Header",0,"Value",{"value":"x=>'0x' + upcase(string=format(format='%08x',args=x.__Header))"}],
            ["BlockClass", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "EnvironmentVariable": 0xA0000001,
                    "Console": 0xA0000002,
                    "TrackerData": 0xA0000003,
                    "ConsoleFE": 0xA0000004,
                    "SpecialFolder": 0xA0000005,
                    "Darwin": 0xA0000006,
                    "IconEnvironment": 0xA0000007,
                    "Shim": 0xA0000008,
                    "PropertyStore": 0xA0000009,
                    "KnownFolder": 0xA000000B,
                    "VistaAndAboveIDList": 0xA000000C,
            ["Data", 0, "Union", {
               "selector": "x=>x.Header",
                "choices": {
                    "0xA0000001": "EnvironmentVariableDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000002": "ConsoleDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000003": "TrackerDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000004": "ConsoleFEDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000005": "SpecialFolderDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000006": "DarwinDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000007": "IconEnvironmentDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000008": "ShimDataBlock",
                    "0xA0000009": "PropertyStoreDataBlock",
                    "0xA000000B": "KnownFolderDataBlock",
                    "0xA000000C": "VistaAndAboveIDListDataBlock",
        ["EnvironmentVariableDataBlock", 0x00000314, [
            ["__TargetAnsi", 8, "String", {"max_length": 260 }],
            ["__TargetUnicode", 268, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "max_length": 520
            ["DataValue", 0, "Value",{
                "value": "x=>if(condition= x.__TargetAnsi=x.__TargetUnicode,
                                    else=dict(Ascii=x.__TargetAnsi,Unicode=x.__TargetUnicode))" }],
        ["ConsoleDataBlock", 0x000000CC, [
            ["FillAttributes",8,"Flags", {
                "type": "uint16",
                "bitmap": {
                    "FOREGROUND_BLUE": 0,
                    "FOREGROUND_GREEN": 1,
                    "FOREGROUND_RED": 2,
                    "FOREGROUND_INTENSITY": 3,
                    "BACKGROUND_BLUE": 4,
                    "BACKGROUND_GREEN": 5,
                    "BACKGROUND_RED": 6,
                    "BACKGROUND_INTENSITY": 7,
            ["PopupFillAttributes",10,"Flags", {
                "type": "uint16",
                "bitmap": {
                    "FOREGROUND_BLUE": 0,
                    "FOREGROUND_GREEN": 1,
                    "FOREGROUND_RED": 2,
                    "FOREGROUND_INTENSITY": 3,
                    "BACKGROUND_BLUE": 4,
                    "BACKGROUND_GREEN": 5,
                    "BACKGROUND_RED": 6,
                    "BACKGROUND_INTENSITY": 7,
                "value":"x=>format(format='%v x %v',args=[x.__ScreenBufferSizeX,x.__ScreenBufferSizeY])"
                "value":"x=>format(format='%v x %v',args=[x.__WindowSizeX,x.__WindowSizeY])"
                "value":"x=>format(format='%v / %v',args=[x.__WindowOriginX,x.__WindowOriginY])"
                "value":"x=>if(condition= x.__FontSizeW=0,
                        then= x.__FontSizeH,
                        else= format(format='%v / %v',args=[x.__FontSizeW,x.__FontSizeH])) "
            ["__FontFamily", 36, "BitField", {
                type: "uint32",
                start_bit: 4,
                end_bit: 31,
            ["FontFamily", 0, "Value", {
                "value": "x=>get(item=dict(

            ["__FontPitch", 36, "BitField", {
                type: "uint32",
                start_bit: 0,
                end_bit: 3,
            # TODO: implement Flag select for FontPitch
            ["FontPitch", 0 ,"Value",{
            ["BoldFont", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=>if(condition= 700<=x.__FontWeight,
                    then= True,
                    else= False)"
            ["FaceName", 44, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": 64,
            ["CursorSize", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=> if(condition= x.__CursorSize <= 25,
                                then= 'Small',
                        else=if(condition= x.__CursorSize >= 26 AND x.__CursorSize <= 50,
                                then= 'Medium',
                        else=if(condition= x.__CursorSize >= 51 AND x.__CursorSize <= 100,
                                else= 'Large',
                                else= x.__CursorSize )))"
            ["FullScreen", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=> if(condition= x.__FullScreen > 0,
                                then= True,
                                else= False )"
            ["QuickEdit", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=> if(condition= x.__QuickEdit > 0,
                                then= True,
                                else= False )"
            ["InsertMode", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=> if(condition= x.__InsertMode > 0,
                                then= True,
                                else= False )"
            ["AutoPosition", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=> if(condition= x.__AutoPosition > 0,
                                then= True,
                                else= False )"
            ["HistoryDuplicatesAllowed", 0 ,"Value",{
                "value":"x=> if(condition= x.__HistoryNoDup > 0,
                                then= True,
                                else= False )"
            ["ColorTable", 140, "Array", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "count": 16   # Max count until sentinel
        ["TrackerDataBlock", 0x00000060, [
            ["__MachineID", 16, "String"],
            ["MachineID", 0, "Value",{ "value": "x=>if(condition= x.__MachineID=~'[^ -~]+', then=Null, else=x.__MachineID )" }],
            ["MacAddress", 0, "Value",{ "value": "x=>if(condition=x.MachineID,then=split(string=x.Droid[1],sep='-')[-1])" }],
            ["__Droid0", 32, "GUID"],
            ["__Droid1", 48, "GUID"],
            ["Droid", 0, "Value",{"value": "x=>if(condition=x.MachineID,then=(x.__Droid0.Value,x.__Droid1.Value))" }],
            ["__DroidBirth0", 64, "GUID"],
            ["__DroidBirth1", 80, "GUID"],
            ["DroidBirth", 0, "Value",{ "value": "x=>if(condition=x.MachineID,then=(x.__DroidBirth0.Value, x.__DroidBirth0.Value))" }],
        ["ConsoleFEDataBlock", 0x0000000C, [
        ["SpecialFolderDataBlock", 0x00000010, [
        ["DarwinDataBlock", 0x00000314, [
            ["__DarwinDataAnsi", 8, "String", {"max_length": 260 }],
            ["__DarwinDataUnicode", 268, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "max_length": 520
            ["DataValue", 0, "Value",{
                "value": "x=>if(condition= x.__DarwinDataAnsi=x.__DarwinDataUnicode,
                                    else=dict(Ascii=x.__DarwinDataAnsi,Unicode=x.__DarwinDataUnicode))" }],
        ["IconEnvironmentDataBlock", 0x00000314, [
            ["__TargetAnsi", 8, "String", {"max_length": 260 }],
            ["__TargetUnicode", 268, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "max_length": 520,
            ["DataValue", 0, "Value",{
                "value": "x=>if(condition= x.__TargetAnsi=x.__TargetUnicode,
                                    else=dict(Ascii=x.__TargetAnsi,Unicode=x.__TargetUnicode))" }],
        ["ShimDataBlock", "x=>x.__DataBlockSize", [
            ["LayerName", 8, "String", {
                "encoding": "utf16",
                "length": "x=>x.__DataBlockSize - 8",
                "max_length": 10000
        ["PropertyStoreDataBlock", "x=>x.__DataBlockSize", [
            ["PropertyStorage", 8, "Array", {
                "count": 1000,
                "type": "PropertyStorage",
                "sentinel": "x=>x.__DataBlockSize = 0"

        ["KnownFolderDataBlock", 0x00000314, [
            ["__KnownFolderId", 8, "GUID"],
            ["__Offset", 24,"uint32"],
            ["KnownFolder", 0, "Value", {
                "value": "x=> get(item=dict(
        ["VistaAndAboveIDListDataBlock", "x=>x.__BlockSize", [
            ["IDList", 8, "ItemIDList"],

        ["PropertyStorage","x=>x.StorageSize", [
            #["Version",4,"String",{ "length":4 }], #Expect 1SPS / 0x53505331
            ["__Format", 8,"GUID"],
            ["Format", 0, "Value",{"value": "x=>x.__Format.Value" }],
            ["PropertyValue", 24, "Array", {
                "type": "PropertyValue",
                "count": 1000,
                "sentinel": "x=>x.__ValueSize = 0"
        ["PropertyValue","x=>x.__ValueSize", [
            ["GuidId",0,"Value",{"value": "x=>x.ParentOf.Format + '/' + str(str=x.__ID)"}],
            ["Description", 0, "Value", {
                "value": "x=> get(item=dict(
                    member=x.ParentOf.Format) || 'Unknown Guid' "
            ["__STORAGE", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "System.ItemFolderNameDisplay": 0x00000002,
                    "ClassId": 0x00000003,
                    "System.ItemTypeText": 0x00000004,
                    "FileIndex": 0x00000008,
                    "USN": 0x00000009,
                    "System.ItemNameDisplay": 0x0000000A,
                    "Path": 0x0000000B,
                    "System.Size": 0x0000000C,
                    "System.FileAttributes": 0x0000000D,
                    "System.DateModified": 0x0000000E,
                    "System.DateCreated": 0x0000000F,
                    "System.DateAccessed": 0x00000010,
                    "AllocSize": 0x00000012,
                    "ShortFilename": 0x00000014,
            ["__SHELL_DETAILS", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "ComputerName": 0x00000005,
                    "ContainedItems": 0x0000001D,
                    "FileCount": 0x0000000C,
                    "FindData": 0x00000000,
                    "IsSendToTarget": 0x00000021,
                    "ItemPathDisplayNarrow": 0x00000008,
                    "ItemSubType": 0x00000025,
                    "ItemType": 0x0000000B,
                    "ParsingName": 0x00000018,
                    "ParsingPath": 0x0000001E,
                    "PerceivedType": 0x00000009,
                    "SFGAOFlags": 0x00000019,
                    "TotalFileSize": 0x0000000E,
                    "DescriptionID": 0x00000002,
                    "NamespaceCLSID": 0x00000006,
            ["__CACHE", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "ThumbnailCacheId": 0x00000064,
                    "VolumeId": 0x00000068,
            ["__SEARCH", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "FolderPath": 0x00000006,
                    "SearchRanking": 0x00000003,
            ["__User", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "SID": 0x00000004,
            ["__Share", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "Share Target Description": 0x00000002,
            ["__Hash", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "WinX Hash": 0x00000002,
            ["__FolderDisplay", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "Item Folder Path Display Narrow": 0x00000064,
            ["__AppUserModel", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "App User Model Relaunch Command": 2,
                    "App User Model Relaunch Icon Resource": 3,
                    "App User Model Relaunch Display Name Resource": 4,
                    "App User Model ID": 5,
                    "App User Model Is DestList Separator": 6,
                    "App User Model Is DestList Link": 7,
                    "App User Model Exclude From Show In New Install": 8,
                    "App User Model Prevent Pinning": 9,
                    "App User Model Best Shortcut": 10,
                    "App User Model Is Dual Mode": 11,
                    "App User Model Start Pin Option": 12,
                    "App User Model Relevance": 13,
                    "App User Model Host Environment": 14,
                    "App User Model Package Install Path": 15,
                    "App User Model Record State": 16,
                    "App User Model Package Family Name": 17,
                    "App User Model Installed By": 18,
                    "App User Model Parent ID": 19,
                    "App User Model Activation Context": 20,
                    "App User Model Package Full Name": 21,
                    "App User Model Package Relative Application ID": 22,
                    "App User Model Excluded From Launcher": 23,
                    "App User Model AppCompat ID": 24,
                    "App User Model Run Flags": 25,
                    "App User Model Toast Activator CLSID": 26,
                    "App User Model DestList Provided Title": 27,
                    "App User Model DestList Provided Description": 28,
                    "App User Model DestList Logo Uri": 29,
                    "App User Model DestList Provided Group Name": 30,
            ["__Software", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "Publisher Display Name": 2,
                    "Software Registered Owner": 3,
                    "Software Registered Company": 4,
                    "Software AppId": 5,
                    "Software Support Url": 6,
                    "Software Support Telephone": 7,
                    "Software Help Link": 8,
                    "Software Install Location": 9,
                    "Software Install Source": 10,
                    "Software Date Installed": 11,
                    "Software Support Contact Name": 12,
                    "Software ReadMe Url": 13,
                    "Software Update Info Url": 14,
                    "Software Times Used": 15,
                    "Software Date Last Used": 16,
                    "Software Tasks File Url": 17,
                    "Software Parent Name": 18,
                    "Software Product ID": 19,
                    "Software Comments": 20,
                    "Software Null Preview Total Size": 997,
                    "Software Null Preview Subtitle": 998,
                    "Software Null Preview Title": 999,
            ["__Tile", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "Tile Small Image Location": 0x00000002,
                    "Tile Background Color": 0x00000004,
                    "Tile Foreground Color": 0x00000005,
                    "Tile Display Name": 0x0000000b,
                    "Tile Image Location": 0x0000000c,
                    "Tile Wide 310x150 Logo Path": 0x0000000d,
                    "Tile Unknown Flags": 0x0000000e,
                    "Tile Badge Logo Path": 0x0000000f,
                    "Tile Suite Display Name": 0x00000010,
                    "Tile Suite Sor tName": 0x00000011,
                    "Tile Display Name Language": 0x00000012,
                    "Tile Square 310x310 Logo Path": 0x00000013,
                    "Tile Square 70x70 Logo Path": 0x00000014,
                    "Tile Fence Post": 0x00000015,
                    "Tile Install Progress": 0x00000016,
                    "Tile Encoded Target Path": 0x00000017,
            ["__Document", 4, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "Subject": 3,
                    "Author": 4,
                    "Keywords": 5,
                    "Comment": 6,
                    "Document Template": 7,
                    "Document Last Author": 8,
                    "Document Revision Number": 9,
                    "Document Total Editing Time": 10,
                    "Document Date Printed": 11,
                    "Document Date Created": 12,
                    "Document Date Saved": 13,
                    "Document Page Count": 14,
                    "Document Word Count": 15,
                    "Document Character Count": 16,
                    "Thumbnail": 17,
                    "Application Name": 18,
                    "Document Security": 19,
                    "High Keywords": 24,
                    "Low Keywords": 25,
                    "Medium Keywords": 26,
                    "Thumbnail Stream": 27,
            ["Type", 9, "Enumeration", {
                "type": "uint32",
                "map": {
                    "LPWSTR": 0x0000001F,
                    "FILETIME": 0x00000040,
                    "UI8": 0x00000015,
                    "CLSID": 0x00000048
            ["__LPWSTR",17, "String",{
                "term_hex": "00",
                "length": "x=>x.__Size * 2",
                "encoding": "utf16"
            ["__FILETIME",13, "WinFileTime"],
            ["__UI8",13, "uint64"],
            ["Value", 0, "Value", {
                "value": "x=> get(item=dict(
                                member=x.Type) || 'Unknown: First bytes 0x' + upcase(string=format(format='%08x',args=x.__Size))"
        ["GUID", 16, [
            ["__D1", 0, "uint32"],
            ["__D2", 4, "uint16"],
            ["__D3", 6, "uint16"],
            ["__D4", 8, "String", {"term": "", "length": 2}],
            ["__D5", 10, "String", {"term": "", "length": 6}],
            ["Value", 0, "Value", { "value": "x=>upcase(string=
                        args=[x.__D1, x.__D2, x.__D3, x.__D4, x.__D5]))" }],

     LET fixpath(data) = regex_transform(key='x', source=join(sep='\\',array=data),
            map=dict( `My Computer\\\\` = '', `:\\\\\\\\` = ''':\''',`\\\\\\\\\\\\` = '\\'))

     // Pretty format the PropertyStorage
     LET property_store(Parsed) = SELECT * FROM foreach(
         SELECT * FROM foreach(row=_value,
             SELECT GuidId,Description,Type,Value FROM foreach(row=_value)

      LET ShowHeader(Parsed) = dict(
                Headersize = Parsed.HeaderSize,
                LinkClsID = Parsed.LinkClsID,
                LinkFlags = Parsed.LinkFlags,
                FileAttributes = Parsed.FileAttributes,
                FileSize = Parsed.FileSize,
                CreationTime = Parsed.CreationTime,
                AccessTime = Parsed.AccessTime,
                WriteTime = Parsed.WriteTime,
                IconIndex = Parsed.IconIndex,
                ShowCommand = Parsed.ShowCommand,
                HotKey = Parsed.HotKey

      LET ShowLinkTarget(Parsed) = dict(
         LinkTarget= if(
            condition= len(list=fixpath(data=Parsed.LinkTargetIDList.IDList.ShellBag.Description.LongName)) < len(list=fixpath(data=Parsed.LinkTargetIDList.IDList.ShellBag.Description.ShortName)),
        then= fixpath(data=Parsed.LinkTargetIDList.IDList.ShellBag.Description.ShortName),
        else= fixpath(data=Parsed.LinkTargetIDList.IDList.ShellBag.Description.LongName)),
        LinkTargetIDList = Parsed.LinkTargetIDList

      LET ShowExtraData(Parsed) = to_dict(item={
        SELECT BlockClass as _key,
               if(condition= Data.DataValue,
                  then= Data.DataValue, else= Data)  as _value
        FROM foreach(row=Parsed.ExtraData)

  - query: |
     LET hostname <= if(condition=CheckHostnameMismatch,
        then={ SELECT Hostname FROM info()})

     LET targets = SELECT OSPath, Mtime,Atime,Ctime,Btime,Size,
            read_file(filename=OSPath,offset=0,length=2) as _Header
        FROM glob(globs=TargetGlob)
        WHERE NOT IsDir AND _Header =~ '^L\x00$'

     LET lnk_files = SELECT *,
                profile=Profile, struct="ShellLinkHeader")  AS Parsed
        FROM targets

     LET parsed = SELECT
       dict(OSPath=OSPath, Size=Size,
            Mtime=Mtime,Btime=Btime) as SourceFile,
       ShowHeader(Parsed=Parsed) as ShellLinkHeader,
       Parsed.LinkInfo as LinkInfo,
       ShowLinkTarget(Parsed=Parsed) as LinkTarget,
       Parsed.StringData as StringData,
       ShowExtraData(Parsed=Parsed) as ExtraData,
       property_store(data=Parsed) as PropertyStore
     FROM lnk_files

     LET results = SELECT SourceFile,
                             then= ExtraData + dict(PropertyStore=PropertyStore),
                             else= ExtraData ) as ExtraData
     FROM parsed
     WHERE if(condition= IocRegex,
              then= format(format='%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\s%s',
                        ]) =~ IocRegex,
                    else= True)
      AND NOT if(condition= IgnoreRegex,
                 then= format(format='%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\s%s',
                        ]) =~ IgnoreRegex,
                    else= False)

      LET add_suspicious = SELECT *, dict(
                `Large Size` = SourceFile.Size > SusSize,
                `Startup Path` = SourceFile.OSPath =~ '''\\Startup\\''',
                `Environment variable script` = ExtraData.EnvironmentVariable =~ '''\.(bat|cmd|ps1|js|vbs|vbe|py)$''',
                `No Target with environmant variable` = ExtraData.EnvironmentVariable AND StringData.Arguments AND NOT (StringData.TargetPath OR StringData.RelativePath),
                `Suspicious argument size` = len(list=StringData.Arguments) > SusArgSize,
                `Arguments have ticks` = StringData.Arguments=~'''\^''',
                `Arguments have environment variables` = StringData.Arguments=~'''\%|\$env:''',
                `Arguments have rare characters` = StringData.Arguments=~'''\?\!\~\@''',
                `Arguments have leading space` = StringData.Arguments =~ '^ ',
                `Arguments have http strings` = StringData.Arguments =~'''https?://''',
                `Suspicious arguments` = StringData.Arguments =~ SusArgRegex,
                `Suspicious hostname` = ExtraData.TrackerData.MachineID AND SusHostnameRegex AND ExtraData.TrackerData.MachineID=~SusHostnameRegex AND NOT lowcase(string=ExtraData.TrackerData.MachineID)=~lowcase(string=hostname[0].Hostname),
                `Hostname mismatch` = CheckHostnameMismatch AND ExtraData.TrackerData.MachineID AND NOT lowcase(string=ExtraData.TrackerData.MachineID)=~lowcase(string=hostname[0].Hostname)
            ) as Suspicious
        FROM results
        WHERE if(condition=SuspiciousOnly,
            then= join(array=Suspicious) =~ ':true',
            else= True )

      LET upload_results = SELECT *,
            upload(file=SourceFile.OSPath) as UploadedLnk
        FROM add_suspicious

      -- finally return rows and remove suspicious attributes that are not true
      SELECT *,
            to_dict(item={SELECT * FROM items(item=Suspicious) WHERE _value = True}) as Suspicious
        FROM if(condition=UploadLnk,
            then= upload_results,
            else= add_suspicious )

  - name: SourceFile.Mtime
    type: timestamp
  - name: SourceFile.Btime
    type: timestamp
  - name: ShellLinkHeader.CreationTime
    type: timestamp
  - name: ShellLinkHeader.AccessTime
    type: timestamp
  - name: ShellLinkHeader.WriteTime
    type: timestamp