
Monitor for creation of new services.

New services are typically created by installing new software or kernel drivers. Attackers will sometimes install a new service to either insert a malicious kernel driver or as a persistence mechanism.

This event monitor extracts the service creation events from the event log and records them on the server.

name: Windows.Events.ServiceCreation
description: |
  Monitor for creation of new services.

  New services are typically created by installing new software or
  kernel drivers. Attackers will sometimes install a new service to
  either insert a malicious kernel driver or as a persistence

  This event monitor extracts the service creation events from the
  event log and records them on the server.

  - name: systemLogFile
    default: >-

 - precondition:
     SELECT OS from info() where OS = "windows"

   query: |
        SELECT System.TimeCreated.SystemTime as Timestamp,
               System.EventID.Value as EventID,
               EventData.ImagePath as ImagePath,
               EventData.ServiceName as ServiceName,
               EventData.ServiceType as Type,
               System.Security.UserID as UserSID,
               EventData as _EventData,
               System as _System
        FROM watch_evtx(filename=systemLogFile) WHERE EventID = 7045