
This artifact enables querying for explicit logon events. i.e Event ID 4648: A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.

If logging is enabled, these events are generated on the source machine when an authentication attempt occurs under a different user context. Examples include a user authenticating to another machine using wmic or mapping a drive using different credentials, or using the RunAs option locally.

This artifact by default filters all events with localhost as the server and MACHINE$ as target user. A recommended hunt for lateral movement would be activity to other machines from commonly abused lolbins or explicit logon events from unusual processes.

name: Windows.EventLogs.ExplicitLogon
description: |
    This artifact enables querying for explicit logon events.  i.e Event ID 4648:
    A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.

    If logging is enabled, these events are generated on the source machine when
    an authentication attempt occurs under a different user context. Examples
    include a user authenticating to another machine using wmic or mapping a
    drive using different credentials, or using the RunAs option locally.

    This artifact by default filters all events with localhost as the server and
    MACHINE$ as target user. A recommended hunt for lateral movement would be
    activity to other machines from commonly abused lolbins or explicit logon
    events from unusual processes.

author: Matt Green - @mgreen27

precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

  - name: EvtxGlob
    default: '%SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Security.evtx'
  - name: UsernameRegex
    description: "Target username Regex"
    default: .
    type: regex
  - name: UsernameWhitelist
    description: "Target username witelist Regex"
    default: '\\$$'
    type: regex
  - name: ServerRegex
    description: "Target server regex"
    default: .
    type: regex
  - name: ServerWhitelist
    description: "Target server whitelist regex"
    default: 'localhost'
    type: regex
  - name: ProcessNameRegex
    description: "Target process Regex"
    default: .
  - name: ProcessNameWhitelist
    description: "Target process whitelist Regex"
    type: regex

  - name: VSSAnalysisAge
    type: int
    default: 0
    description: |
      If larger than zero we analyze VSS within this many days
      ago. (e.g 7 will analyze all VSS within the last week).  Note
      that when using VSS analysis we have to use the ntfs accessor
      for everything which will be much slower.

  - name: DateAfter
    type: timestamp
    description: "search for events after this date. YYYY-MM-DDTmm:hh:ssZ"
  - name: DateBefore
    type: timestamp
    description: "search for events before this date. YYYY-MM-DDTmm:hh:ssZ"

  - query: |
      LET VSS_MAX_AGE_DAYS <= VSSAnalysisAge
      LET Accessor = if(condition=VSSAnalysisAge > 0, then="ntfs_vss", else="auto")

      -- firstly set timebounds for performance
      LET DateAfterTime <= if(condition=DateAfter,
        then=timestamp(epoch=DateAfter), else=timestamp(epoch="1600-01-01"))
      LET DateBeforeTime <= if(condition=DateBefore,
        then=timestamp(epoch=DateBefore), else=timestamp(epoch="2200-01-01"))

      -- expand provided glob into a list of paths on the file system (fs)
      LET fspaths = SELECT OSPath
        FROM glob(globs=expand(path=EvtxGlob), accessor=Accessor)

      -- function returning IOC hits
      LET evtxsearch(PathList) = SELECT * FROM foreach(
                    timestamp(epoch=int(int=System.TimeCreated.SystemTime)) AS EventTime,
                    System.Computer as Computer,
                    System.EventID.Value as EventID,
                    System.EventRecordID as EventRecordID,
                    EventData.SubjectUserName as SubjectUserName,
                    EventData.SubjectDomainName as SubjectDomainName,
                    EventData.TargetUserName as TargetUserName,
                    EventData.TargetDomainName as TargetDomainName,
                    EventData.TargetServerName as TargetServerName,
                    EventData.ProcessName as ProcessName,
                FROM parse_evtx(filename=OSPath, accessor=Accessor)
                    EventID = 4648
                    AND EventTime < DateBeforeTime
                    AND EventTime > DateAfterTime
                    AND TargetUserName =~ UsernameRegex
                    AND NOT if(condition=UsernameWhitelist,
                        then= TargetUserName =~ UsernameWhitelist,
                        else= FALSE)
                    AND TargetServerName =~ ServerRegex
                    AND NOT if(condition=ServerWhitelist,
                        then= TargetServerName =~ ServerWhitelist,
                        else= FALSE)
                    AND ProcessName =~ ProcessNameRegex
                    AND NOT if(condition=ProcessNameWhitelist,
                        then= ProcessName =~ ProcessNameWhitelist,
                        else= FALSE)

        SELECT * FROM evtxsearch(PathList=fspaths)
        GROUP BY EventRecordID, Channel