
This artifact watches the Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File provider for new file creation events.

We also include the process that created the file, and a process call chain.

NOTE: This artifact uses the process tracker so it works a lot better when the process tracker is enabled.

name: Windows.ETW.FileCreation
description: |
   This artifact watches the Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File provider
   for new file creation events.

   We also include the process that created the file, and a process
   call chain.

   NOTE: This artifact uses the process tracker so it works a lot
   better when the process tracker is enabled.


   - name: FilePathFilter
     type: regex
     default: .
     description: Filter events by filename
   - name: ProcessNameFilter
     type: regex
     default: .
   - name: ProcessExecutableFilter
     type: regex
     default: .

  - precondition:
      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'windows'

    query: |
        LET Y = SELECT *
          FROM watch_etw(
            guid="{EDD08927-9CC4-4E65-B970-C2560FB5C289}", any=4096)
          WHERE EventData.FileName =~ FilePathFilter

        -- Implement a delay to ensure we get the process event stream
        -- from sysmon before we query for it.
        LET X = SELECT timestamp(string=System.TimeStamp) AS Timestamp,
                       EventData.FileName AS FileName,
                       System.ProcessID AS ProcessID,
                       process_tracker_get(id=System.ProcessID).Data AS ProcessInfo
          FROM delay(query=Y, delay=10)

        SELECT Timestamp,
               ProcessInfo.Name AS ProcessName,
               ProcessInfo.Username AS Username,
               ProcessInfo.Exe AS ProcessExecutable,
               ProcessInfo.CreateTime AS ProcessCreation
        FROM X
        WHERE ProcessName =~ ProcessNameFilter
          AND ProcessExecutable =~ ProcessExecutableFilter