
This client event artifact collects all URLs accessed by the Edge browser.

It is an example of an ETW artifact using the provider

Microsoft-Windows-URLMon {245F975D-909D-49ED-B8F9-9A75691D6B6B}

NOTE: This artifact can generate a lot of data - you probably want to filter the URLs a bit and/or target collection to a narrow label group.

name: Windows.ETW.EdgeURLs
description: |
  This client event artifact collects all URLs accessed by the Edge browser.

  It is an example of an ETW artifact using the provider

  Microsoft-Windows-URLMon                 {245F975D-909D-49ED-B8F9-9A75691D6B6B}

  NOTE: This artifact can generate a lot of data - you probably want
  to filter the URLs a bit and/or target collection to a narrow label


  - name: URLFilter
    default: .
    description: A regex that can be used to filter uninteresting URLs
    type: regex

  - query: |
      LET m <= memoize(key="Pid", period=30, query={
          SELECT Pid, Exe, Username FROM pslist()

      SELECT System.ID AS ID,
             System.TimeStamp AS Timestamp,
             get(item=m, field=System.ProcessID) AS ProcInfo,
             get(member="EventData.URL") AS URL
      FROM watch_etw(
      WHERE ID = 805 AND URL =~ URLFilter