
The Velociraptor offline collector is an automated, preconfigured collection tool. Users can use the collector to automatically collect any artifacts on endpoints that do not have the Velociraptor client (offline endpoints).

The collector creates a ZIP archive with the results of the collection in JSON files (and any uploaded files).

This artifact allows for these offline collections to be imported back into the Velociraptor GUI. The collected data can then treated exactly the same as if it was collected by the regular Velociraptor client (i.e. post processed through the notebook interface), except it was collected via the Sneakernet.

NOTE: This artifact reads the collection ZIP from the server’s filesystem. It is up to you to arrange for the file to be stored on the server (e.g. scp it over).

NOTE: This artifact is still experimental - please provide feedback on our issue board.

name: Server.Utils.ImportCollection
description: |
  The Velociraptor offline collector is an automated, preconfigured
  collection tool. Users can use the collector to automatically
  collect any artifacts on endpoints that do not have the Velociraptor
  client (offline endpoints).

  The collector creates a ZIP archive with the results of the
  collection in JSON files (and any uploaded files).

  This artifact allows for these offline collections to be imported
  back into the Velociraptor GUI. The collected data can then treated
  exactly the same as if it was collected by the regular Velociraptor
  client (i.e. post processed through the notebook interface), except
  it was collected via the Sneakernet.

  NOTE: This artifact reads the collection ZIP from the server's
  filesystem. It is up to you to arrange for the file to be stored on
  the server (e.g. scp it over).

  NOTE: This artifact is still experimental - please provide feedback
  on our issue board.

type: SERVER

  - name: ClientId
    default: auto
    description: |
      The client id to upload this collection into. The
      default is "auto" which will create a new client id.
  - name: Hostname
    description: If creating a new client, this must contain the hostname.
  - name: Path
    description: A path on the server containing the zip file to upload.

  - query: |
      LET result <= SELECT import_collection(
               client_id=ClientId, hostname=Hostname,
               filename=Path) AS Import
      FROM scope()

      SELECT * FROM switch(a={
         SELECT Import.client_id AS ClientId, Import.session_id AS FlowId,
                Import.total_collected_rows AS TotalRows,
                Import.total_uploaded_files AS UploadedFiles,
                Import.total_uploaded_bytes AS UploadedBytes,
                Import.artifacts_with_results AS Artifacts
        FROM result
        WHERE FlowId

        -- Hunt import
      }, b={
         SELECT Import.hunt_id AS HuntId,
                timestamp(epoch=Import.create_time) AS CreateTime,
                Import.stats.total_clients_scheduled AS TotalClients,
                Import.artifacts AS Artifacts,
                Import.creator AS Creator,
                Import AS _Hunt
        FROM result
        WHERE HuntId