
Velociraptor collects monitoring data from endpoints all the time.

Sometimes this data is no longer needed and we might want to free up disk space.

This artifact searches the monitoring data for each client and optionally removes data older than the specified timestamp.

NOTE This artifact will destroy all data irrevocably. Take care! You should always do a dry run first to see which flows will match before using the ReallyDoIt option.

name: Server.Utils.DeleteMonitoringData
description: |
   Velociraptor collects monitoring data from endpoints all the time.

   Sometimes this data is no longer needed and we might want to free
   up disk space.

   This artifact searches the monitoring data for each client and
   optionally removes data older than the specified timestamp.

   **NOTE** This artifact will destroy all data irrevocably. Take
     care! You should always do a dry run first to see which flows
     will match before using the ReallyDoIt option.

type: SERVER

   - name: DateBefore
     default: 2022-01-01
     type: timestamp
   - name: ArtifactRegex
     type: regex
     default: Generic.Client.Stats
   - name: HostnameRegex
     description: If specified only target these hosts
     type: regex
   - name: ReallyDoIt
     type: bool
     description: Do not actually delete until this is set!

  - query: |
        SELECT * FROM foreach(row={
            SELECT client_id,
                   os_info.hostname AS hostname
            FROM clients()
            WHERE hostname =~ HostnameRegex
            SELECT OSPath,
                OSPath.Dirname.Basename AS ArtifactName, Size,
                 split(string=OSPath.Basename, sep="\\.")[0]) AS Timestamp,
                 if(condition=ReallyDoIt, then=file_store_delete(path=OSPath)) AS ReallyDoIt
            FROM glob(
               globs="/**.json*", accessor="fs",
               root="/clients/"+ client_id + "/monitoring")
            WHERE ArtifactName =~ ArtifactRegex
              AND Timestamp < DateBefore
        }, workers=10)