This artifact permanently deletes a flow including it’s metadata and uploaded files.
NOTE: This action can not be undone! The collection is deleted permanently. Since this is a sensitive operation, typically only users with the administrator role can run it.
name: Server.Utils.DeleteFlow
description: |
This artifact permanently deletes a flow including it's metadata and
uploaded files.
NOTE: This action can not be undone! The collection is deleted
permanently. Since this is a sensitive operation, typically only
users with the administrator role can run it.
type: SERVER
- name: FlowId
description: The flow ID to delete
- name: ClientId
description: The client id that the collection was done on
- name: ReallyDoIt
description: If you really want to delete the collection, check this.
type: bool
- query: |
SELECT Type, Data.VFSPath AS VFSPath, Error
FROM delete_flow(flow_id=FlowId, client_id=ClientId, really_do_it=ReallyDoIt)