
This artifact collects profiling information from the running server. This is useful when you notice a high CPU load in the server and want to know why.

The following options are most useful:

  1. Goroutines: This shows the backtraces of all currently running goroutines. It will generally show most of the code working in the current running set of queries.

  2. Heap: This shows all allocations currently in use and where they are allocated from. This is useful if the server is taking too much memory.

  3. Profile: This takes a CPU profile of the running process for the number of seconds specified in the Duration parameter. You can read profiles using:

go tool pprof -callgrind -output=profile.grind profile.bin
kcachegrind profile.grind

NOTE: As of 0.7.0 release, this artifact will also collect goroutines and heap profiles as distinct sources in a more readable way.

name: Server.Monitor.Profile
description: |
  This artifact collects profiling information from the running
  server. This is useful when you notice a high CPU load in the server
  and want to know why.

  The following options are most useful:

  1. Goroutines: This shows the backtraces of all currently running
     goroutines. It will generally show most of the code working in the
     current running set of queries.

  2. Heap: This shows all allocations currently in use and where they
     are allocated from. This is useful if the server is taking too
     much memory.

  3. Profile: This takes a CPU profile of the running process for the
     number of seconds specified in the Duration parameter. You can
     read profiles using:

  go tool pprof -callgrind -output=profile.grind profile.bin
  kcachegrind profile.grind

  NOTE: As of 0.7.0 release, this artifact will also collect
  goroutines and heap profiles as distinct sources in a more readable

type: SERVER

  - name: Allocs
    description: A sampling of all past memory allocations
    type: bool
    default: Y
  - name: Block
    description: Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitives
    type: bool
  - name: Goroutine
    description: Stack traces of all current goroutines
    type: bool
    default: Y
  - name: Heap
    description: A sampling of memory allocations of live objects
    type: bool
  - name: Mutex
    description: Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes
    type: bool
  - name: Profile
    description: CPU profile
    type: bool
  - name: Trace
    description: CPU trace
    type: bool
  - name: Logs
    description: Get logs
    type: bool
  - name: QueryLogs
    description: Get recent queries logs
    type: bool
  - name: Metrics
    description: Get server metrics
    type: bool
  - name: Verbose
    description: Print more detail
    type: bool
  - name: Duration
    description: Duration of sampling for Profile and Trace.
    default: "30"

export: |
    LET CleanUp(Name) = regex_replace(
        replace="", source=Name)

  - query: |
      SELECT Type,
             then=upload(name=Type + ".bin", file=OSPath)) AS File,
             get(member="Line") AS Line
      FROM profile(allocs=Allocs, block=Block, goroutine=Goroutine,
                   heap=Heap, mutex=Mutex, profile=Profile, trace=Trace,
                   logs=Logs, queries=QueryLogs, metrics=Metrics,
                   debug=if(condition=Verbose, then=2, else=1),

  - name: Goroutines
    query: |
      SELECT *, {
         SELECT format(format="%v (%v:%v)",
             args=[CleanUp(Name=Name), basename(path=File), Line])
         FROM CallStack
         WHERE File =~ 'velociraptor|vfilter|go-ntfs'
         LIMIT 10
      } AS CallStack
      FROM profile_goroutines()
      WHERE CallStack

  - name: Memory
    query: |
      SELECT InUseBytes, InUseObjects, {
          SELECT format(format="%v (%v:%v)",
            args=[CleanUp(Name=Name), basename(path=File), Line])
          FROM CallStack
          WHERE File =~ 'velociraptor|vfilter|go-ntfs'
          LIMIT 10
      } AS CallStack
      FROM profile_memory()
      ORDER BY InUseBytes DESC

  - name: Logs
    query: |
      SELECT * FROM profile(logs=TRUE)

  - name: RunningQueries
    query: |
      SELECT Line.Start AS Timestamp, Line.Query AS Query
      FROM profile(queries=TRUE)
      WHERE NOT Line.Duration

  - name: AllQueries
    query: |
      SELECT Line.Start AS Timestamp, int(int = Line.Duration / 1000000) AS DurationSec, Line.Query AS Query
      FROM profile(queries=TRUE)

  - name: Metrics
    query: |
      SELECT AS Name, Line.value as value
      FROM profile(metrics=TRUE)

  - name: InUseBytes
    type: mb