
This artifact adds an exisiting flow to a running hunt.

This helps in the case where the original flow in the hunt timed out. The user then can re-run the hunt manually possibly increasing timeout. Then they can simply click the add flow to hunt button in the UI to add the flow to an existing time.

name: Server.Hunts.AddFlow
description: |
  This artifact adds an exisiting flow to a running hunt.

  This helps in the case where the original flow in the hunt timed
  out. The user then can re-run the hunt manually possibly increasing
  timeout. Then they can simply click the add flow to hunt button in
  the UI to add the flow to an existing time.

type: SERVER

  - name: HuntId
  - name: ClientId
  - name: FlowId

  - query: |
      SELECT * FROM if(condition=HuntId AND ClientId AND FlowId,
         SELECT hunt_add(hunt_id=HuntId,
         FROM scope()
      }, else={
         SELECT * FROM scope() WHERE
         log(message="<red>ERROR</>: You must set HuntId, ClientId and FlowId.") AND FALSE