The notebook creates a default Super-Timeline.
Timelines are used to visualize time series data from other collections in the same place. This notebook template creates an initial timeline.
Once this timeline is created, you can add any time series table in other notebooks (e.g. Collection or Hunt notebooks) to this super timeline.
name: Notebooks.Timelines
description: |
The notebook creates a default Super-Timeline.
Timelines are used to visualize time series data from other
collections in the same place. This notebook template creates an
initial timeline.
Once this timeline is created, you can add any time series table in
other notebooks (e.g. Collection or Hunt notebooks) to this super
- name: TimelineName
description: The name of the super timeline to create.
default: Supertimeline
- notebook:
- type: markdown
name: Timeline Description
template: |
# {{ Scope "TimelineName" }}
Add to this timeline any time-series data from any other
1. Click the `Add Timeline` button at the top of any table.
2. Switch to global notebook timelines and select this timeline.
3. Select the timestamp and message columns to add a timeline.
{{ Scope "TimelineName" | Timeline }}
- type: vql
name: Timeline Interactive Cell
template: |
# Timeline Annotations
Refresh this to list all timeline annotations as a table.
FROM timeline(notebook_id=NotebookId,
ORDER BY Timestamp