
Report network connections, and enrich with process information.

name: MacOS.Network.Netstat
description: |
  Report network connections, and enrich with process information.

type: CLIENT

  SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'darwin'

  - name: IPRegex
    description: "regex search over IP address fields."
    default:  "."
    type: regex
  - name: PortRegex
    description: "regex search over port fields."
    default: "."
    type: regex
  - name: ProcessNameRegex
    description: "regex search over source process name"
    default: "."
    type: regex
  - name: UsernameRegex
    description: "regex search over source process user context"
    default: "."
    type: regex
  - name: ConnectionStatusRegex
    description: "regex search over connection status"
    type: regex
  - name: ProcessPathRegex
    description: "regex search over source process path"
    default: "."
    type: regex
  - name: CommandLineRegex
    description: "regex search over source process commandline"
    default: "."
    type: regex
  - name: CallChainRegex
    description: "regex search over the process callchain"
    default: "."
    type: regex
  - name: AlsoCollectFullProcessTree
    type: bool

  - query: |
      SELECT Laddr.IP AS Laddr,
             Laddr.Port AS Lport,
             Raddr.IP AS Raddr,
             Raddr.Port AS Rport,
             Status, TypeString AS Type,
             process_tracker_get(id=Pid).Data AS ProcInfo,
                  sep=" -> ") AS CallChain,
                then=process_tracker_tree(id=Pid)) AS ChildrenTree
      FROM netstat()
      WHERE Status =~ ConnectionStatusRegex
       AND  Raddr =~ IPRegex
       AND  ( Lport =~ PortRegex OR Rport =~ PortRegex )
       AND ProcInfo.Name =~ ProcessNameRegex
       AND ProcInfo.Username =~ UsernameRegex
       AND ProcInfo.Exe =~ ProcessPathRegex
       AND ProcInfo.CommandLine =~ CommandLineRegex
       AND CallChain =~ CallChainRegex

  - name: ChildrenTree
    type: tree