
Find and parse ssh authorized keys files.

From man authorized_keys:

AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT: Each line of the file contains one key (empty lines and lines starting with a ‘#’ are ignored as comments). Public keys consist of the following space-separated fields: options, keytype, base64-encoded key, comment. The options field is optional.

name: Linux.Ssh.AuthorizedKeys
description: |
  Find and parse ssh authorized keys files.

  From `man authorized_keys`:

  `AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT`: Each line of the file contains one
  key (empty lines and lines starting with a ‘#’ are ignored as
  comments). Public keys consist of the following space-separated
  fields: options, keytype, base64-encoded key, comment. The options
  field is optional.

  - name: sshKeyFiles
    default: '.ssh/authorized_keys*'
    description: Glob of authorized_keys file relative to a user's home directory.
  - name: keyTypes
    type: regex
    description: A regex to identify supported key types
    default: "sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521|sk-ssh-ed25519|ssh-ed25519|ssh-dss|ssh-rsa"

  - name: AlsoUpload
    type: bool
    description: Also upload the raw files for closer inspection.

  - precondition: |
      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'linux'

    query: |
      -- Find all eligible files.
      LET authorized_keys = SELECT * from foreach(
             SELECT Uid, User, Homedir from Artifact.Linux.Sys.Users()
             SELECT OSPath,
                    if(condition=AlsoUpload, then=upload(file=OSPath)) AS _Upload,
                    Mtime, Ctime, User, Uid
             FROM glob(root=Homedir, globs=sshKeyFiles)
             WHERE log(message="Parsing file %v", args=OSPath, dedup=-1)

      -- Split each line into parts considering possible quoting
      LET Parse(OSPath) =
         -- Pad a bit so index does not wrap.
         SELECT ParseParts(Parts=commandline_split(command=Line, bash_style=TRUE) + ("", "", "", "", "")) AS Parsed
         FROM parse_lines(filename=OSPath)
         WHERE NOT Line =~ "^#" AND Parsed.keytype =~ keyTypes

      -- The option may or may not be there - determine by the key regex
      LET ParseParts(Parts) = if(condition= Parts[0] =~ keyTypes,
        -- No options
        then=dict(options="", keytype=Parts[0], base64key=Parts[1], comment=Parts[2] || ""),

        -- The line has options
                  keytype=Parts[1], base64key=Parts[2], comment=Parts[3] || ""))

      -- Option can have value or just be bare
      LET ParseOptions(Opts) = split(string=Opts, sep_string=",")

      SELECT * FROM foreach(row=authorized_keys,
        SELECT Uid, User, OSPath, _Upload, *
        FROM foreach(column="Parsed", row= Parse(OSPath=OSPath))