
Attackers sometimes enable immutable files in Linux.

This prevents files from being modified. However this is sometimes a strong signal.

This artifact searches the filesystem for such files.

NOTE: We use the ext4 accessor to parse the low level filessystem.

name: Linux.Forensics.ImmutableFiles
description: |
  Attackers sometimes enable immutable files in Linux.

  This prevents files from being modified. However this is sometimes a
  strong signal.

  This artifact searches the filesystem for such files.

  NOTE: We use the ext4 accessor to parse the low level filessystem.

precondition: |
  SELECT * FROM info() where OS = 'linux'

  - name: SearchFilesGlob
    default: /home/*
    description: Use a glob to define the files that will be searched.
  - name: OneFilesystem
    default: N
    type: bool
    description: When set we do not follow a link to go on to a different filesystem.

  - name: DoNotFollowSymlinks
    type: bool
    default: N
    description: If specified we are allowed to follow symlinks while globbing

  - name: ATime
    type: timestamp
  - name: MTime
    type: timestamp
  - name: CTime
    type: timestamp

- query: |
    SELECT OSPath,
           Sys.mft as Inode,
           Mode.String AS Mode, Size,
           Mtime AS MTime,
           Atime AS ATime,
           Ctime AS CTime,
           IsDir, Mode, Data
    FROM glob(globs=SearchFilesGlob,
              accessor="ext4", nosymlink=DoNotFollowSymlinks)
    WHERE Data.Flags =~ "IMMUTABLE"