
This artifact collects process execution logs from the Linux kernel.

This artifact relies on the presence of auditctl usually included in the auditd package. On Ubuntu you can install it using:

apt-get install auditd

name: Linux.Events.ProcessExecutions
description: |
  This artifact collects process execution logs from the Linux kernel.

  This artifact relies on the presence of `auditctl` usually included
  in the auditd package. On Ubuntu you can install it using:

  apt-get install auditd

precondition: SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'linux'



  - name: pathToAuditctl
    default: /sbin/auditctl
    description: We depend on auditctl to install the correct process execution rules.

  - query: |
     // Install the auditd rule if possible.
     LET _ <= SELECT * FROM execve(argv=[pathToAuditctl, "-a",
          "exit,always", "-F", "arch=b64", "-S", "execve", "-k", "procmon"])

     LET exec_log = SELECT timestamp(string=Timestamp) AS Time, Sequence,
           atoi(string=Process.PID) AS Pid,
           atoi(string=Process.PPID) AS Ppid,
           Process.PPID AS PPID,
           atoi(string=Summary.Actor.Primary) AS UserId,
           Process.Title AS CmdLine,
           Process.Exe AS Exe,
           Process.CWD AS CWD
       FROM audit()
       WHERE "procmon" in Tags AND Result = 'success'

     // Cache Uid -> Username mapping.
     LET users <= SELECT User, atoi(string=Uid) AS Uid
       FROM Artifact.Linux.Sys.Users()

     // Enrich the original artifact with more data.
     SELECT Time, Pid, Ppid, UserId,
              { SELECT User from users WHERE Uid = UserId} AS User,
              regex_replace(source=read_file(filename= "/proc/" + PPID + "/cmdline"),
                            replace=" ", re="[\\0]") AS Parent,
              Exe, CWD
       FROM exec_log