
Upload all users chrome extension.

We dont bother actually parsing anything here, we just grab all the extension files in user’s home directory.

name: Linux.Applications.Chrome.Extensions.Upload
description: |
  Upload all users chrome extension.

  We dont bother actually parsing anything here, we just grab all the
  extension files in user's home directory.

  - name: extensionGlobs
    default: /.config/google-chrome/*/Extensions/**
  - precondition: |
      SELECT OS From info() where OS = 'linux'
    query: |
        -- For each user on the system, search for extension files
        -- in their home directory and upload them.
        SELECT * from foreach(
             SELECT Uid, User, Homedir from Artifact.Linux.Sys.Users()
             SELECT OSPath, Mtime, Ctime, User, Uid,
                    upload(file=OSPath) as Upload
             FROM glob(globs=extensionGlobs, root=Homedir)