
A utility artifact which fetches a binary from a URL and caches it on disk. We verify the hash of the binary on disk and if it does not match we fetch it again from the source URL.

This artifact is designed to be called from other artifacts. The binary path will be emitted in the OSPath column.

As a result of launching an artifact with declared “tools” field, the server will populate the following environment variables.

Tool_HASH - The hash of the binary ToolFILENAME - The filename to store it. Tool_URL - The URL.

name: Generic.Utils.FetchBinary
description: |
   A utility artifact which fetches a binary from a URL and caches it on disk.
   We verify the hash of the binary on disk and if it does not match we fetch it again
   from the source URL.

   This artifact is designed to be called from other artifacts. The
   binary path will be emitted in the OSPath column.

   As a result of launching an artifact with declared "tools"
   field, the server will populate the following environment

   Tool_<ToolName>_HASH     - The hash of the binary
   Tool_<ToolName>_FILENAME - The filename to store it.
   Tool_<ToolName>_URL      - The URL.

  - name: ToolName
    default: Autorun_amd64

  - name: IsExecutable
    type: bool
    default: Y
    description: Set to Y if the file needs to be executable (on windows it will have .exe extension)

  - name: SleepDuration
    default: "20"
    type: int
    description: A time to sleep before fetching the binary.

  - name: ToolInfo
    type: hidden
    description: A dict containing the tool information.

  - name: TemporaryOnly
    type: bool
    description: |
      If true we use a temporary directory to hold the binary and
      remove it afterwards

  - name: Version
    description: The version of the tool to fetch

  - query: |
      -- The following VQL is particularly ancient because it is
      -- running on the client and it needs to be compatibile with
      -- clients at least back to 0.3.9

      LET info_cache <= SELECT * FROM info()
      LET inventory_item = SELECT inventory_get(
         tool=ToolName, version=Version) AS Item FROM scope()

      LET args <= SELECT * FROM switch(
        // Try to get info from the ToolInfo parameter.
        a={SELECT get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_HASH", item=ToolInfo) AS ToolHash,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_FILENAME", item=ToolInfo) AS ToolFilename,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_URL", item=ToolInfo) AS ToolURL,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_PATH", item=ToolInfo) AS ToolPath
           FROM scope()  WHERE ToolFilename},

        // Failing this - get it from the scope()
        b={SELECT get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_HASH", item=scope()) AS ToolHash,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_FILENAME", item=scope()) AS ToolFilename,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_URL", item=scope()) AS ToolURL,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_PATH", item=ToolInfo) AS ToolPath
           FROM scope()  WHERE ToolFilename},

        // Failing this - try to get it from the inventory service directly.
        c={SELECT get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_HASH", item=(inventory_item[0]).Item) AS ToolHash,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_FILENAME", item=(inventory_item[0]).Item) AS ToolFilename,
                  get(field="Tool_" + ToolName + "_URL", item=(inventory_item[0]).Item) AS ToolURL
           FROM scope()  WHERE ToolFilename}

      // Keep the binaries cached in the temp directory. We verify the
      // hashes all the time so this should be safe.
      LET binpath <= SELECT Path FROM switch(

          -- Allow user to specify a temporary directory which
          -- will be cleaned up.
          a={SELECT tempdir(remove_last=TRUE) AS Path
             FROM scope() WHERE TemporaryOnly },

          -- Otherwise use the temp directory (The official MSI
          -- sets this to a known location)
          b={SELECT dirname(path=tempfile()) AS Path
             FROM scope() WHERE Path },

          c={SELECT "/tmp" AS Path FROM info_cache WHERE OS = "linux" }

      // Where we should save the file.
      LET ToolPath <= SELECT path_join(components=[
           (binpath[0]).Path, (args[0]).ToolFilename]) AS Path FROM scope()

      // Support tools locally served from disk
      LET local_file =
          SELECT hash(path=(args[0]).ToolPath) as Hash,
                 (args[0]).ToolFilename AS Name,
                 "Downloaded" AS DownloadStatus,
                 (args[0]).ToolPath AS OSPath
          FROM scope()
          WHERE (args[0]).ToolPath AND
                log(message="File served from " + (args[0]).ToolPath)

      // Download the file from the binary URL and store in the local
      // binary cache.
      LET download = SELECT * FROM if(condition=log(
             message="URL for " + (args[0]).ToolFilename +
                " is at " + (args[0]).ToolURL + " and has hash of " + (args[0]).ToolHash)
             AND binpath AND (args[0]).ToolHash AND (args[0]).ToolURL,
          SELECT hash(path=Content) as Hash,
              (args[0]).ToolFilename AS Name,
              "Downloaded" AS DownloadStatus,
              copy(filename=Content, dest=(ToolPath[0]).Path,
                   permissions=if(condition=IsExecutable, then="x")) AS OSPath
          FROM http_client(url=(args[0]).ToolURL, tempfile_extension=".tmp")
          WHERE log(message=format(format="downloaded hash of %v: %v, expected %v", args=[
                    Content, Hash.SHA256, (args[0]).ToolHash]))
                AND Hash.SHA256 = (args[0]).ToolHash
        }, else={
           SELECT * FROM scope()
           WHERE NOT log(message="No valid setup - is tool " + ToolName +
                        " configured in the server inventory?")

      // Check if the existing file in the binary file cache matches
      // the hash.
      LET existing = SELECT OSPath, hash(path=OSPath) AS Hash, Name,
                    "Cached" AS DownloadStatus
        FROM stat(filename=(ToolPath[0]).Path)
        WHERE log(message=format(format="Local hash of %v: %v, expected %v", args=[
            OSPath, Hash.SHA256, (args[0]).ToolHash]))
        AND Hash.SHA256 = (args[0]).ToolHash

      // Find the required_tool either in the local cache or
      // download it (and put it in the cache for next time). If we
      // have to download the file we sleep for a random time to
      // stagger server bandwidth load.
      SELECT *, OSPath AS FullPath
      FROM switch(
           SELECT rand(range=SleepDuration) AS timeout
           FROM scope()
           WHERE args AND (args[0]).ToolURL AND
              log(message=format(format='Sleeping %v Seconds',
                 args=[timeout])) AND sleep(time=timeout) AND FALSE