This artifact displays the call chain for every process on the system by traversing the process’s parent ID.
It is useful for establishing where a process came from - for example, if a powershell process is spawned from Winword (event via a number of intemediary processes) it could mean word was compromised.
This artifact uses the process tracker which was introduced in release 0.6.5. (Import an older version of this artifact using the Server.Import.PreviousReleases if your client is older than this).
A more accurate call chain will be available when the Windows.Events.TrackProcesses artifact is collected (required Sysmon) or Windows.Events.TrackProcessesBasic (does not require Sysmon)
Minimum Version: 0.6.6
name: Generic.System.Pstree
description: |
This artifact displays the call chain for every process on the
system by traversing the process's parent ID.
It is useful for establishing where a process came from - for
example, if a powershell process is spawned from Winword (event via
a number of intemediary processes) it could mean word was
This artifact uses the process tracker which was introduced in
release 0.6.5. (Import an older version of this artifact using the
Server.Import.PreviousReleases if your client is older than this).
A more accurate call chain will be available when the
Windows.Events.TrackProcesses artifact is collected (required
Sysmon) or Windows.Events.TrackProcessesBasic (does not require
Minimum Version: 0.6.6
- name: CommandlineRegex
default: .
type: regex
- name: PidFilter
description: Filter pids by this regex
default: .
type: regex
- name: CallChainFilter
default: .
type: regex
- name: CallChainSep
default: " -> "
- name: IncludePstree
type: bool
- query: |
SELECT Pid, Ppid, Name, Username, Exe, CommandLine, StartTime, EndTime,
join(array=process_tracker_callchain(id=Pid).Data.Name, sep=CallChainSep) AS CallChain,
if(condition=IncludePstree, then=process_tracker_tree(id=Pid)) AS PSTree
FROM process_tracker_pslist()
WHERE CommandLine =~ CommandlineRegex
AND CallChain =~ CallChainFilter
AND Pid =~ PidFilter
- name: PSTree
type: tree