
This artifact maintains a local (client side) database of file hashes. It is then possible to query this database using the Generic.Forensic.LocalHashes.Query artifact.

NOTE: This artifact expects a CSV file with one hash per line. On the command line you can encode carriage return using powershell like this:

.\velociraptor.exe -v artifacts collect Generic.Forensic.LocalHashes.Query --args "Hashes=Hash`ne6c1ce56e6729a0b077c0f2384726b30"

name: Generic.Forensic.LocalHashes.Query
description: |
  This artifact maintains a local (client side) database of file
  hashes. It is then possible to query this database using the
  Generic.Forensic.LocalHashes.Query artifact.

  NOTE: This artifact expects a CSV file with one hash per line. On
  the command line you can encode carriage return using powershell
  like this:

  .\velociraptor.exe -v artifacts collect Generic.Forensic.LocalHashes.Query --args "Hashes=Hash`ne6c1ce56e6729a0b077c0f2384726b30"

  - name: Hashes
    description: The hash to query for.
    type: csv
    default: |

  - name: CommaDelimitedHashes
    description: A set of comma delimited hashes

  - name: HashDb
    description: Name of the local hash database
    default: hashdb.sqlite

  - query: |
      LET hash_db <= SELECT OSPath
      FROM Artifact.Generic.Forensic.LocalHashes.Init(HashDb=HashDb)

      -- Check hashes from the CSV or comma delimited input
      LET hashes = SELECT Hash FROM chain(
        SELECT lowcase(string=strip(string=Hash)) AS Hash
        FROM Hashes
      }, b={
        SELECT * FROM foreach(row=split(string=CommaDelimitedHashes, sep=","),
           SELECT lowcase(string=strip(string=_value)) AS Hash FROM scope()

      SELECT * FROM foreach(row=hashes,
         SELECT path AS Path, md5 AS MD5, size AS Size,
                timestamp(epoch=time) AS Timestamp
         FROM sqlite(file=hash_db[0].OSPath,
                     query="SELECT path, md5, size, timestamp AS time FROM hashes WHERE md5 = ?",